Elf Skill Master

Chapter 107 Harvest!

Chapter 107 Harvest!

"Hey! What kind of eyes do you have!" Qianye looked at the sunny day whose eyes became more and more weird, and had no choice but to interrupt her, the ghost knew what was in her mind.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, you continue" Qingtian covered her mouth, coughed twice to hide her embarrassment, and then replied solemnly.

"The power of the taboo, the so-called taboo is the beast, and the power of the taboo is the power of the beast." After a pause, Qianye continued: "And I can also actively or passively continue to obtain the power of the beast, maybe it is a skill, maybe it is a skill. A special ability, it may also be an attribute increase, etc."

Sunny's eyes rolled around, obviously thinking of many, many possibilities, and couldn't help but become more and more surprised, this ability is simply a foul!

"Hey! That's right, it's exaggerated and powerful!" Chiba said excitedly.

"Hurry up, hurry up, let me see your forbidden power!" Qing Tian was also very interested!

"Uh, I've already used it, but as I said before, I don't know when it will be effective." Speaking of this, Qianye looked around, scratched her head awkwardly after noticing any abnormalities.

"It went back again, so what kind of ability did you use!" Qingtian became impatient, and the flames gradually rose.

"I got half of the power of fate from Pokkisi, that is, the power of luck. I can actively apply the power of luck to make the target luckier. Well, it's not permanent," Chiba said honestly.

"Lucky?" Qing Tian pursed her lips, thinking that the two of them had been talking for so long just now, but nothing happened. She nodded in agreement and said, "It seems to be useless."

"If this power of luck is unreliable, I'm not worried." Qianye said with a confident smile and grinned.

"Because as long as it is the power of a divine beast, I can obtain it!" Qianye said without waiting for Qing Tian to ask.

"In other words, you can get it multiple times?"

"Yes!" Chiba nodded, but recalled the information about other taboo powers.

The power of taboo can only be obtained through the active gift of the beast and the passive acceptance of Qianye.And Pokkisi has a part of the power of the beast, which can only be regarded as half of the power of destiny.

And the power he can give Qianye is this half of the power of fate, and it is the most basic power of luck.As Qianye's understanding of power deepens, his ability will naturally increase gradually. Now he can only choose one target, and add the power of luck to him in a rude and unrestrained manner.

So the first target is naturally himself, Qianye unceremoniously poured luck into himself.In a place invisible to the naked eye, streaks of invisible green energy covered Chiba's body and were slowly absorbed by him.

If in the future, Chiba can get the approval of other beasts, or a deal similar to that with Pokkisi, he can get new taboo power again!

As for these relatively important information, Qianye didn't tell Qing Tian, ​​it's not that he doesn't trust him, but he just thinks it's unnecessary. Anyway, no one can give him any effective help in obtaining special abilities.

Moreover, divine beasts are not seen everywhere, and whether they can be encountered is a problem. Qianye still doesn't know how to obtain the next taboo power.

Another thing is about the other half of the power of destiny. If there is no accident, this half of the power should be on the leader of the flower rock monster, the flower rock monster at the level of a king!
Although it is natural to think of this half of the power, it is extremely difficult to obtain, and Qianye has no clue about it.

"Forget it, let's familiarize ourselves with and upgrade this half of the power first, the power of luck always feels that it has great potential for development!" Qianye secretly thought.

It was late at night, but the two of Chiba had to cheer up and head back. Although the dense fog still hadn't cleared, there was a Pokkigu who took the initiative to help Chiba and the others lead the way. The two guessed that it should be Pokkisi the meaning of.

Without further ado, the two followed closely. Although Chiba and the others were able to return to their destination using Zhi Chongxiong's keen sense of smell and identification of the concentration of water molecules in the air, it was naturally much more efficient and faster with the natives leading them. .

"Poke Poke!" Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from behind, and the two tensed up immediately when they heard this, and turned around to be vigilant about their surroundings.

"Ji Gu!" Pok Kigu, who was leading the way, rushed over suddenly, and after a while, this Pok Kigu flew back with a Pokbie on its back.

"Ji-gu-ji-gu" Pokkigu gestured helplessly at Sunny, and then stuffed Pokby into her arms.

"Hey!" Sunny Sky exclaimed, what is this for?There is a faint guess in my heart.

"Pokpok!" Pokby plunged into Qingtian's arms with a happy and lovely face, rubbing and rubbing.

"Want to walk with me?" Qingtian Fulin said sincerely.

"Pok Pok!" Pokbi rubbed more happily, waving his two short hands happily.

"Does your patriarch have any objections?" Chiba shouted in her heart, why wasn't I the one chosen by Pokby, I was the one who blessed the power of luck!On the surface, he asked Pokkigu seriously.

"Ji-gu-ji-gu~" Pokkigu nodded and shook his head, Chiba saw that it didn't show obvious rejection, there was no need to translate at all, and it was fine to take Pokby away on a sunny day.

"Yeah! Torkby, please take care of me in the future!" Qing Tian happily hugged Torkby and spun around, obviously extremely excited.

"Let's go, let's go, the boat is about to sail." Qianye was very depressed at the side, but then thought that he had already obtained half of the power of luck, so he couldn't be too greedy, so he felt relieved.

With Pokkigu leading the way, the speed of the two became much faster, and the sunny day, which was still a little tired, was full of energy in an instant, because she said
"Pokby makes me feel happy, so I'm not tired!" Sunny held him in his arms, triumphantly.

"Oh, then go!" Qianye didn't answer, this person is too embarrassing now!Isn't it just a tortoiseshell, how hard it is to raise it!

The white mist became thicker and thicker, and the two gradually heard the sound of the waves, and the trees and vegetation began to decrease. Finally, when the two stepped on the soft sand, Chiba was surprised to find that with the beach as the dividing line, there was no white mist at all. No extensions!

There is no white mist outside the beach towards the sea. Under the bright moonlight, the ferry is faintly visible in the distance from the beach, but inside the beach, the white mist is as thick as ever!

Qianye has already guessed at this time that this thick fog may have been created by Pokkisi, and the ultimate goal is to find a trainer with sufficient strength to help it bring back the child of misfortune!
So in this case, this Pokkisi is far more terrifying than it looks!It is not easy for a Pokémon that is not a divine beast to master the power of a divine beast, even with inheritance and external power!

"You're not vigilant enough, you still underestimate the other party"

Without much thought, the two bid farewell to Pokkigu who led the way, and walked along the edge of the beach to the ferry. Along the way, people kept coming out of the dense fog, most of them a little bit embarrassed. When they saw Pokkigu in Qingtian's hand , The envious and jealous eyes did not hide at all.

Qianye didn't want to talk nonsense with them, and directly released the desert dragonfly. Although they are both quasi-kings, if they go straight to the bear and don't show off their momentum, they can be said to be cute pets.

The desert dragonfly of the dragon type is different, handsome and mighty, it is not easy to mess with at first glance, and this place is not close to the ferry, so the dirty guys put away their malice and retreated a certain distance to show friendship.

The evil of human nature often appears when an individual is alone. When facing a group, people will unconsciously present the good side. Chiba knows everything, and there is no fluctuation in his heart.

Boarding the ship and entering the cabin, the sight behind them was all cut off. The two couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. It felt very uncomfortable to be under the spotlight, especially because most of these eyes had malicious intentions!

Qingtian took out a luxury ball, and lightly touched it on the forehead of Bobbi, a red light flashed, until this moment, Bobbi was officially accepted, Qingtian hugged the quiet luxury ball, smiling like a retarded.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Suddenly, a purple mist emerged from Chiba's shadow, Chiba was startled and then overjoyed!
"Flower Rock Monster!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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