Elf Skill Master

Chapter 108 Genji

Chapter 108 Genji
"Jie Jie Jie~" The Huayan monster slowly emerged from Qianye's shadow eeriely, he was not frightened, but more surprised.

"Are you going to travel with me?" Chiba said with anticipation in her eyes.

"Jie..." Huayan Monster suddenly hesitated for a while, then nodded slowly.

"Great, then please give me more advice in the future!" While speaking, Chiba took out a brand new elf ball and placed it in front of the Huayan monster.

The Huayan monster looked at Qianye again. In fact, it only wanted to follow Qianye to see the outside world at first, and never thought that it would be subdued by Qianye, but when he saw those expectant eyes, he didn't know How to soften the heart and agree.

"Boom, Boom, Boom! Boom!" The elf ball stopped shaking, Huayan Monster was obediently received into the elf ball, Qianye picked it up, and waved it like a sunny day showing off.

"Childish" Qing Tian calmly hugged Bo Kebi and commented, then turned and walked away, not giving Chiba a chance to show off his might.

"...You're ruthless, come out, Huayan Monster" Qianye pointed angrily at the figure that Qingtian left, but found that this seemed a bit naive, and then put down her hand with a natural expression, and put Huayan who had just been subdued The monster was released.

"Jie Jie?" Huayan Monster just came out, his eyes blurred, and he looked very comfortable, and then suddenly found that the surrounding environment had changed, and looked around in a daze.

"Jie Jie!" The Huayan monster suddenly caught a glimpse of the elf ball in Qianye's hand, then touched it without hesitation, turning into a red light and entering the elf ball.

"Eh..." Chiba, who was thinking of cultivating more feelings, stopped suddenly, and raised the Huayan monster's elf ball in a daze.

"It's just an ordinary elf ball..." Qianye murmured to herself, and then seemed to suddenly think of something. "By the way! Do you like a small and dark environment?" Chiba asked in surprise
The poke ball shook slightly a few times, agreeing.Chiba's eyes were a little weird, but he remembered that the Huayan monster seemed to be composed of a keystone and the purple mist floating out. The environment of the poke ball might make it feel more secure.

And Pokémon are all kinds of strange things. Some elves don't like small and dark environments, while others just enjoy it. Don't many cat Pokémon also like to drill small cardboard boxes?
Qianye understood this, and Shi Shiran buckled the poke ball to the last vacant seat of the battle belt, which meant that Qianye's team was full again!
The original elf with all-round skills goes straight to the bear, the desert dragonfly with the potential of a quasi-god, the giant marsh monster of Fangyuan Yusanjia, the jumping pig with abnormal superpower talent, the elegant and deadly beautiful electric dragon, and this kind and lucky one who can Temporarily increase the strength of Huayan Monster!
In addition to Absolu who practiced hard at home and the chrysanthemum leaves practiced by Grandma Roland, Chiba has already had eight partners since traveling so far!

After obtaining the last Gym Badge, Chiba will participate in this Fangyuan Alliance Caiyou Conference, and its goal is to be the champion.

"Woo!" Suddenly, the ferry started suddenly, causing Chiba, who had been in a state of fantasy, to almost fall down.

"Are you leaving?" Chiba returned to her senses, looked at the slowly moving scenery outside the window, and whispered to herself.

Chiba looked out of the window and looked at the gradually shrinking Destiny Island. He couldn't help thinking in his heart. The experience of Destiny Island seemed to be tailor-made for him. There were a lot of trainers on the ferry this time, but as far as he is currently Judging from the observation situation, Qianye found that he and Qingtian had quasi-king-level partners.

Moreover, so many people went in, but Chiba didn't see a single passenger during the entire operation!But when he walked out of the forest, all the people followed him!
"Perhaps, we will do it again in the future!" Qianye secretly made up his mind, the world of elves is far more complicated than it looks, even with the combat power of a quasi-king, Qianye found that he still didn't have enough strength to investigate all this.

Moreover, Qianye is also very interested in the other half of the power of destiny, maybe there will be some way to obtain this power in the future.

Chiba and Qingtian walked to the deck, admiring the rare beauty.On the sea level, dawn suddenly appeared, and the fiery red sun slowly rose. Taking the first ray of morning light, the ferry slowly moved towards the port of Chenghua City, and a small black spot gradually appeared in front of the ferry.

"There's a ship!" A passenger nearby suddenly shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

The two ships approached slowly, and Qianye and the others slowly saw the appearance of the coming ship, a large sailing ship!
"It seems...where have you seen it?" Chiba muttered to himself, suddenly, he saw an old man wearing a cape and showing eight-pack abs standing on the bow of the boat!
"Uncle Genji!" Chiba waved excitedly, regardless of whether the other party could see it or not.

Genji, the peak combat power in the Fangyuan area, is known as the strongest four heavenly kings, good at elves and dragons!Ace Elf, Storm Salamander (Blood Wing Wyvern)!

And Chiba was able to know him, naturally because of his grandfather Jinbe. As one of the few large seaport cities in the Yoshien area, Suijing City is naturally a place frequented by the captain of the king of heaven.

Grandpa Jinbe and Genji belong to the same era of powerhouses. Strictly speaking, Grandpa Jinbe is even older than Genji Tenwang.So when we met for the first time, after Chiba subconsciously called Uncle Sheng Yuanzhi, Genji, who consciously took advantage of his grandfather, can be said to have loved Chiba very much since then.

Chiba had no choice but to call him Uncle Genji from then on. Grandpa Jinbe was so angry that he almost went on a hunger strike to protest. He was taken advantage of, and it was his grandson who sold him. It was hard to tell.

Although Genji is a majestic king, he has no airs in front of Chiba, a very kind elder, this is Chiba's impression of him all the time.

The sailboat approached quickly, and when it got close to the ferry, Genji jumped onto the ferry, and then strode towards Chiba without paying any attention to the eyes of the people around him.

"Xiaoye! As long as it's okay, as long as it's okay!" Genji was a little excited and incoherent, patted Chiba's shoulder heavily, and said seriously: "In the future, you must protect yourself and don't make us worry."

"Ah? What's the matter?" Chiba was stunned, did something serious happen?
"Your ferry didn't arrive at Chenghua City on time last night, and it disappeared from the satellite. The alliance immediately sent people to investigate, but they didn't find anything! Where did you go last night?" Genji asked in a deep voice .

"We..." Chiba suddenly didn't know how to describe it, he looked at the passengers who were beginning to gather around him, and motioned to Genji.

"Let's go, this is not a place to talk." Tianwang Yuanji acted vigorously, grabbed Chiba and wanted to slip back to his boat.

"Hey, Genji-san, I still have a partner!"

"Let's go together." Genji didn't see anyone else, Chiba could only call Sunny, and the two followed Genji to board the sailboat.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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