Elf Skill Master

Chapter 109 The Strength of the Heavenly King

Chapter 109 The Strength of the Heavenly King

"So, does Destiny Island really exist?" Genji sat on the deck with a golden knife, twirling his gray beard with one hand, and whispered to himself.

"It really exists? Has Uncle Genji heard of Destiny Island before?" Chiba was startled, it seems that Destiny Island has been in a semi-closed state, and he is not the first person to enter.

But Genji shook his head and said: "It's a long-standing sea legend, and I've only heard of it a little." After a pause, Uncle Genji put his eyes on Chiba, and continued, "But I underestimated you. In a year, your progress is not small."

"Hehehe, it's necessary, after all, I'm not a pure newcomer." Chiba scratched her head and said with a little satisfaction.

"Hahaha, I'm so immodest! It's alright, I know you're fine and I won't stay any longer, there are still tasks to do!" Genji stood up, his mighty and tall body made Qing Tian feel like the sun's rays were nothing more than that .

"Uncle Genji!" Chiba followed closely and shouted suddenly.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

"Let's fight, let me see how big the gap between me and the Heavenly King is!" Saying that, Chiba took out a poke ball, raised it to the Heavenly King Genji, and declared war!

"Hahahaha, let me see the bond between you and your friends!" Genji laughed, as if he was happy for Chiba's bravery and vigor.

"Come out, desert dragonfly! Go straight to the bear, and you too!" Qianye excitedly threw the poke ball, and then called on the straight bear, ready for a doubles battle!

"Interesting, the Tanabata blue bird and the storm salamander are ready to fight!" Genji also did not procrastinate, his steady hands had caught two poke balls at some point, and threw them out!
"Qing!" "Doss!"

With a clear sound and a steady sound, the white and blue Tanabata blue bird is elegant and luxurious, and the red and blue salamander is mighty and domineering, with one firm and one soft, all of a sudden the desert dragonfly and the straight bear felt tremendous pressure!
King class!
Heavenly King Grade Tanabata Blue Bird!Heavenly King Level Storm Salamander!Genji didn't let Chiba down because of his youth. On the contrary, seeing Chiba's progress so fast, Genji wanted him to stop and slow down.In his opinion, too fast progress is not necessarily a good thing sometimes!

On the other side, Qianye looked at the majestic Tanabata blue bird and storm salamander in the sky, and felt a thump in his heart, he couldn't win...

"Ma Gu!" Suddenly, as if sensing Qianye's mood, Zhi Chongxiong suddenly shouted at the two heavenly king-level dragon elves, and Zhi Chong Xiong declared war as Qianye's initial elf!

"Lai!" The desert dragonfly was also eager to try, even though it knew that the opponent was much stronger than it, so what?Only fight!

"Haha, go straight to the bear, desert dragonfly, let's have a good time!" Qianye clenched his fists tightly, and he became more energetic after not sleeping all night!
"Come on!" Qing Tian cheered up in a low voice, and then silently retreated to the side, so as not to affect the battle between the two!

"Go straight to the bear, desert dragonfly! A flash of light!" Chiba waved his big hand and attacked first!

"Avoid!" Heavenly King Genji remained calm, and even gave an order to avoid, but it was like a stroke of magic. The Tanabata blue bird did not move, and just leaned away lightly with the breeze brought by the desert dragonfly.The storm salamander dashed forward, and the straight bear brushed his tail and rushed past.

"Frozen light, dragon's breath!" Qianye's order sounded, the desert dragonfly reacted quickly, turned its head, and the orange-red dragon's breath hit the storm salamander at an extremely fast speed, while the straight bear rushed towards Qixi Blue Bird, the freezing light has been condensed, launch!
"Good cooperation! Tanabata blue bird, cotton defense! Violent salamander, dragon's claw!" Genji remained calm, and even had time to praise Chiba.

"Blue~" The Tanabata blue bird's eyes didn't change. With a wave of its wings, the cotton on it instantly swelled up, and the figure of the Tanabata blue bird was completely covered!The freezing light struck, only freezing a little bit of cotton, but it didn't do anything.

The storm salamander is different. Faced with the extremely fast dragon's breath trick, it doesn't even dodge, but it cleverly uses its carapace abdomen to take the damage of the dragon's breath, and rushes towards the desert dragonfly at an unabated speed. The dragon's claws activate !
The bright red eyes of the desert dragonfly watched the dragon claw getting closer and closer, somehow it felt like it was completely locked in!
Can't escape!
"Desert dragonfly steel wing defense! Go straight to the bear, super fast! Attack the storm salamander!"

"Lai!" The desert dragonfly regained consciousness in an instant, and subconsciously blocked its wings in front of it, steel wings!

"Boom!" The dragon's claws docked with the steel wings, as if a hammer had hit the bell, and the oscillating ripples were even visible to the naked eye!

But for a moment, the desert dragonfly was smashed and flew upside down, and finally hit the deck again, rolled around several times in embarrassment, and then remained motionless.

"Storm Salamander, Steel Wing, Tanabata Blue Bird, Dragon's Wave!" Genji's voice did not show any fluctuations, but the Storm Salamander had already moved, the blood-red wings were slightly deflected, and the metallic luster had just covered it, and the straight bear had already impacted come.

"Crack!" In the next scene, Qianye's eyes widened in disbelief, the steel wing that was offset by a certain angle abruptly changed the direction of the attack when he rushed straight to the bear, and the violent salamander seemed to just flap its wings a little bit, and went straight to the bear He was sent flying out!
At the same time, the wave of the dragon strikes strongly, and the target is officially on the track that the bear is about to arrive!
"Shadow Substitute!" Qianye yelled hastily.

"Ancient!" The limbs of the Zhichuangxiong rubbed violently on the deck to stop it. Just now, the storm salamander used the steel wings to block the speed of the Zhichuangxiong, and at the same time helped it speed up, directly Let Straight Bear get a little out of control!

"Storm salamander water cannon! Tanabata blue bird dragon's breath!" Genji didn't let Zhi Chong bear take a breath at all, and the attack struck again. The extremely powerful water cannon and the turquoise dragon breath of Tanabata blue bird struck at the same time, even in the air Blended together, the blue-green water dragon's breath!
"A flash of lightning! Avoid!" Qianye clenched her right fist tightly, sweating slightly on her forehead, but she still continued to order firmly, because she didn't give up when she went straight to the bear!

"Ma Gu!" Zhi Chong Xiong Tian's blue eyes were indescribably determined, and his body was flashing with white light. With his strong physical fitness and flexibility, he was struggling to deal with the attacks of the storm salamander and the Qixi blue bird!

"Very good, but it's over, Storm Salamander, Tanabata Blue Bird, Dragon's Claw!"

"Ultimate impact! The target is the Tanabata blue bird!" Qianye said in a deep voice, with a determined attitude as if trying to kill one, but her eyes flickered non-stop, secretly instructing!

"Magu!" The same is true for Zhi Chongxiong, with a yellow-purple energy shield covering his whole body, rushing towards the Tanabata Blue Bird without hesitation, resolute and vicious!

"Blue!" The eyes of Qixi Blue Bird finally fluctuated, seeing the power of the ultimate impact, even as a king-level elf, he had to deal with it carefully!But it must be true!
The dragon's claws were swung out brazenly, but the soft and white cotton wings were showing strength at this moment!
"It's now!"

"Ancient!" Facing the oncoming dragon's claw, the straight bear maintained the ultimate impact and suddenly turned around. The dragon's claw hit the straight bear's side, and it actually used the power transmitted by the dragon's claw , Accelerate towards the storm salamander!

"Doss!" Surprise flashed in the eyes of the storm salamander, but the dragon's claw still hit it, but the force subconsciously increased a lot!

"Boom!" The violent collision of energy directly produced an explosion, a cloud of black mist erupted in the air, and then a brown-white figure emitting black smoke slowly fell to the ground.

"Straight into the bear!"

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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