Elf Skill Master

Chapter 110 Orange Forest

Chapter 110 Orange Forest
Chiba didn't care about other things, and rushed forward to catch Zhi Chongxiong, but the Tanabata blue bird in the dense fog flew out, caught Zhichong bear with soft cotton, and slowly lowered it to the ground.

"Thank you!" Qianye thanked with difficulty, and then began to check Zhi Chongxiong's injuries.

"呲~呲~" Chiba sprayed the healing medicine evenly on Zhi Chongxiong's injured area, and Zhi Chong Xiong woke up after a while, opened his hazy eyes and saw the worried Chiba.

"Magu~" Zhi Chongxiong rubbed against Chiba slowly, indicating that it was okay, and then looked at the violent salamander that fell to the ground, not reconciled!

"Ray~" The desert dragonfly flew over slowly. The storm salamander had a strong control over its own abilities. The power of the dragon's claw was just enough to knock the desert dragonfly out of combat ability, but did not cause any unnecessary damage.

"It's okay, there is a gap and we will try our best to surpass it!" Chiba stepped on her feet and hugged the desert dragonfly's head, rubbing it gently to cheer it up.

"Lai~" Feeling Chiba's tenderness with nostalgia, the desert dragonfly straightened up and told Chiba with actions that it wanted to become stronger now!

"Porphyrin!" The jumping pig on the side also waved to signal that it would also become stronger.The shock brought to them by the storm salamander was too great, and the combat power of the peak king level was too terrifying. Qianye's two strongest partners failed after a few rounds.

"Xiaoye, it's not far away." Genji, the king of heaven, came over, followed by the violent salamander and the Tanabata blue bird. They had already put away their aura at this time, which was completely different from the fighting state just now. They were restrained and calm, without showing their sharpness at all Feel.

Qianye took a deep breath, as if swearing and cheering, and said loudly: "It's far away, but it won't take long, I will win!"

"I'm waiting!" Genji seemed to be in a good mood, he even put aside the task, and began to guide Chiba on the battle just now.

"Xiaoye, you have to remember that strength is the most respected, tactics are supplemented, and skills are the flower!"

"Strength is the most important..." Qianye repeated silently, and compared Zhi Chongxiong's and the others' abilities one by one, his eyes turned from confusion to clarity, and then became brighter and brighter.

Recalling the battle just now, the storm salamander broke through the dragon's breath without fancy, and the dragon's claws shook the desert dragonfly, directly clearing it, showing the strength of the king to the fullest.

However, the cotton defense of the Tanabata Blue Bird directly makes people feel helpless. In terms of the amount of cotton, Dianlong's cotton production ability far exceeds that of the Tanabata Blue Bird, but its corresponding defense ability is far inferior!
"There is a problem with Tanabata Blue Bird's cotton defense!" Chiba suddenly said, and his eyes turned directly to Tanabata Blue Bird behind Genji, carefully exploring something.

"Good observation skills, Tanabata Blue Bird will show you your skills!" Genji folded his arms and ordered.

"Green!" The Tanabata blue bird slightly left the ground, and then a huge ball of cotton suddenly erupted from its body, wrapping its body tightly.

Regardless of other things, Qianye stepped forward and observed carefully.

"There are lines, the cotton is woven!" The surprise in Chiba's eyes could not be suppressed, but before it was over, the Tanabata blue bird suddenly rose, and the huge cotton it carried did not affect its actions at all!
"Dianlong!" Qianye directly released the Dianlong who had the same unique skill. He can learn a lot!

"Dianlong, have you seen it? The cotton defense can still be used in this way." Qianye pointed to the Tanabata blue bird that had landed again, and motioned for it to observe carefully.





Soon the two Pokémon communicated, and the electric dragon also displayed its own special skills, switching between cotton spores and cotton defense.

"It's a very good idea, but there are many problems..." Genji saw the shortcomings of Dianlong viciously, and then told Chiba and Dianlong in detail that it was easy for them to see the problem with the eyes of a heavenly king.

"...So, by changing the density and weaving method of cotton, the skill of cotton defense can be played out directly." Qianye sighed slightly, inspiration kept emerging in his head, and he wished to start special training with Dianlong immediately.

"Mealy Maaly~"

Next to the Tanabata blue bird, Dianlong seriously accepted the teachings of his seniors, and nodded slightly from time to time, showing approval.

At this time, Chiba also had a feeling for "skills are flowers". In the battle just now, the desert dragonfly and the storm salamander used steel wings respectively, but they produced completely different results.

Not only strength, but even skills were crushed by the violent salamander. As for tactics, perhaps Genji didn't need to deploy tactics at all when dealing with Chiba!
But don't forget, Genji is known as the strongest heavenly king in the Fangyuan area, and this kind of crushing seems to be understandable, after all, there are strong and weak heavenly kings, and Genji is the strongest group.

After teaching Chiba, it seems that Genji's mission can't be delayed any longer. After a hasty farewell, Chiba and Qingtian set foot on the ferry again.

At this moment, the people on the ferry could no longer remain silent. Many people even had bright eyes, wanting to strike up a conversation. Could it be so easy to know the trainer of the Heavenly King?

"Go back!" The moment Qianye stepped on the deck, he relaxed, and suddenly felt extremely tired. He didn't sleep all night, plus the intense battle and the long teaching time, now he just wants to sleep well.

"Yeah." The same was true for Sunny Day, who yawned while hugging Bokby, ignored the fiery eyes of the crowd around him, and went straight back to his cabin.

As dusk approached, Qianye was finally awakened by Zhi Chongxiong, and heard the announcement of the ferry that Chenghua City had arrived.

However, the two of Chiba did not choose to enter Chenghua City. After all, they had already obtained the balance badge, and there was no need to go through Chenghua City to go to Kanaz City.

After a good night's rest at the Elf Center in the port, Qianye and Qingtian went directly into the Orange Blossom Forest, and they could reach Kanaz City through here.

The Orange Blossom Forest is not considered dense, but it is interspersed with small rivers and patches of bushes. The complex and intertwined ecological environment makes it easier to raise all kinds of Pokémon.


In the sky, from time to time, fly over the most common flying Pokémon in the Fangyuan area, the Proud Yan. The evolved King Yan has excellent speed.

At the same time, traveling and flying Pokémon are essential, so many trainers don't mind leaving a slot for Dawang Yan.

"The desert dragonfly is more handsome." Qianye swept across the small figure in the sky, secretly proud.

"Elegant cat, one hundred thousand volts!"

Suddenly, a flash of lightning directly hit Ao Gu Yan in the sky, Ao Gu Yan couldn't dodge, and a hundred thousand volts hit!
"Si~" Although Aoguyan is well-known in mainland China for her strength, she still can only slowly fall to the ground after receiving a fatal attack.But before it touched the ground, an elf ball flew out and hit Ao Gu Yan, who had lost the ability to fight.

At the same time, a young man in a suit and vest stepped out of the bush, and beside him was the elegant cat who had always been graceful and luxurious.

I saw him elegantly performing a noble etiquette to Qianye and Qingtian, and then continued.

"Under Shiraishi, please give me more advice!"


...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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