Elf Skill Master

Chapter 118 Enter

Chapter 118 Enter
"Are you ready?" Chiba tightened her backpack and said seriously.



The two Pokmon also looked serious and nodded seriously, ready to fight at any time.

"Straight into the bear, surf!"

"Ancient ~" The waves rose out of thin air, dragging the Zhichuang bear with unclear weight, while Qianye half-lyed on the Zhichong bear, and then entered the waterfall with the power of surfing.

To the naked eye, Chiba seemed to bump into a smooth rock abruptly after passing through a waterfall, but after a burst of space ripples, one person and two pets disappeared immediately.

If there is any similarity between the three mysterious spaces, I am afraid that they are all filled with the attribute energy of the owner of the space.

Qianye took out a square scarf from his backpack to cover his mouth and nose, and it's not his fault for being hypocritical, it's because the place is full of sand and dust.

Small sandstorms are blowing in the enclosed space all the time, and you can taste the smell of sand and stones when you take a breath. The environment is really bad enough.

"Porphyrin~" Tiaotiaozhu's small eyeballs rolled around, as if thinking of something, and then waved his little hand, a purple towel suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then he imitated Chiba and tied it on his face .

When Chiba saw it, he couldn't laugh or cry. This square scarf was obviously a piece of Chiba's backpack, and his mind was used in this place, and his little brain was flexible enough.

"You're terrible!" Qianye rubbed Tiaozhu's little head, and then asked Zhi Chongxiong to use the wave of water to isolate the dust in the air. The water molecules condense, and the adsorption effect is also good, and it does not hinder Zhi Chong Xiong The thinking detective.

In the later stage, Chiba can feel the advantages brought by his rich skills and knowledge. Once various inspirations are caught in his mind, he can use these accumulated efforts to make them possible.

Zhi Chongxiong's control of skills is also deeply influenced by Chiba. As far as the water molecule condensation is concerned, this is just the starting move of the water wave, but it can be maintained for a long time for other purposes, which is not just a brain Hole can do it.

"Be careful, the sense of smell, vision, and hearing in this place are all severely restricted." Chiba whispered softly, and at the same time stepped forward, straight to the bear and followed closely, and Hopping Pig used superpowers to detect the surroundings.

The dust roared, silent but manic, there was no other sound other than that.One person and two pets walked for a long time, but no Pokémon was found.

It's strange to say that in the mysterious space of the cave, there are a large number of ice-type Pokémon, while the Valley of Steel only has a few Pokémon that occasionally break in, such as the giant gold monster.

And here, Chiba and the others, who had been walking for almost an hour, saw nothing but sand and dust!No, the power of the sandstorm has increased slightly!

"Ancient!" Zhi Chong Xiongfu lowered his body, the intensification of the sandstorm made it more difficult to detect the surrounding environment, his nose was so dry that he couldn't help but want to sneeze!
"Be patient for a while, let's speed up and walk in the direction where the sandstorm is stronger!" Seeing this, Qianye no longer hesitated. According to past experience, the place with the strongest rock-type energy must be different.

"Porphyrin" Tiaotiaozhu waved his little hand, and the silk scarf around Xiong's neck was pulled directly, and then put on again under the precise control of Tiaotiaozhu, but the mouth and nose were tightly covered. covered up.

"That's it, jumping pigs can do it in this kind of place." Chiba stopped Zhi Chongxiong who was trying to break free from the towel, and said with a smile.

"Porphyrin!" Hopping Pig patted his chest, as if handing it over to me.

"Magu~" Zhi Chongxiong nodded, no longer rejecting Tiao Tiaozhu's kindness, as for the fight for favor, the two of them are not so hypocritical, maybe Tiao Tiaozhu is more intimate with Zhi Chong Xiong than Chiba .

puff!For some reason, Qianye vaguely felt that if her knee was poked, she could shoot an arrow!
After walking for more than half an hour, Tiaotiaozhu once again used his keen superpower perception to point Chiba to another slightly lower hole. Without hesitation, facing the more intense sandstorm, Chiba strode in!

"Hey, the sandstorm is gone!" Stepping into the entrance of the cave, Chiba was surprised to find that the crazy sandstorm outside did not leak into the cave at all.

And before he had time to observe the cave, two familiar and unfamiliar voices directly gave Chiba a layer of goosebumps!


"Miss Lips, Snow Demon Girl!" Qianye's heart suddenly mentioned, Zhi Chongxiong had already tacitly blocked Qianye's front, and Tiao Tiao Zhu was also ready to attack at any time.

Qianye silently took out a poke ball and held it in his hand, and then slowly settled down to observe the current situation. Indistinctly, Qianye saw a figure behind Sister Michun and the others.

"Step, step, step..." Even though he was close to the entrance of the cave, and the wind and sand were howling outside, the sound of the footsteps of the figure seemed to hit Qianye's heart, and with the heartbeat, it became more and more violent!

"It's him!" When the figure stepped out of the darkness and slowly came behind the Snow Demon Girl, Qianye's pupils shrank violently, and he saw the person coming clearly.

"Is there a guest?" A clear and calm voice came, holding an object in his hand and throwing it to the ground, as if he was not surprised by Qianye's arrival.

"Hard rock!" Without any answer, Chiba just stared at an iron-gray stone in the man's hand, a complete stone!

"Sure enough, you are a naughty kid. According to your seniority, you should call me uncle, right?" A soft laugh sounded, but Qianye's heart sank again.

"Zhengying!" seemed to reveal doubts, but it was a 100% affirmative sentence.

Yes, the mysterious man in front of him is Zhengying, the son of Grandpa Zhengqi who disappeared many years ago!
"I told you to call me uncle, children should be polite." Zhengying's tone seemed to be full of helplessness, but there was a hint of indisputability in it.

Silence, Qianye's mood is a little confused now, it's not surprising that the other party knows her identity, but what does this act of seeking relatives mean?
Are you optimistic about me and want to take it back for your own use?Or simply seeing the younger generation and wanting to have fun?Or, his own strength is too weak to attract attention at all!

"Forget it, forget it, I know you must have a lot of doubts, but I don't need to explain these to you, you will gradually know in the future." Shaking his head, Zhengying still looked enigmatic, and then took the Snow Demon Girl He and sister Michun slowly approached the entrance of the cave.

"By the way, let's treat this as a gift, after all..." Zhengying seemed to have thought of something, and threw the hard rock directly to Qianye, and then fell silent after speaking halfway.

Chiba hurriedly took over the hard rock thrown over, raised her head again, and saw Zhengying releasing a very rare quasi-violent salamander!
Above the king level!
"Goodbye, Little Chiba, next time we meet, maybe you should pretend you don't know me!" After finishing speaking, Zhengying took Sister Milip and Snow Demon Girl on a newt, flew out of the cave, and left!

After a while, Chiba suddenly reacted!
"Damn!" Chiba complained wildly with a hard rock, who taught you this style of pretending to be forced and leaving?
The point is, I was overwhelmed by your bastard spirit, and I still have a lot of questions. Hey, half of what you say, I don’t care who is used to you if you bury your bad habits!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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