Elf Skill Master

Chapter 119 Dreams Still Have

Chapter 119 Dreams Still Have

After hesitating for a while, Qianye still restrained the urge to catch up, whether or not he could catch up is another matter, even if he did catch up, why would he ask?
Where have you been for so many years?Why didn't you report to Grandpa Zhengqi and the others?What kind of secrets are hidden in the mysterious space?
Give me a break!

Qianye knew very clearly that he was not qualified to ask about all of this, especially since he had once fought against the Snow Demon Girl and Sister Mi Lip.

"Is it a thousand-year-old hard rock?" Qianye rubbed the light hard rock in his hand. Under such circumstances, Zhengying had no reason to just send an ordinary rock.


Going further inside, there is a solitary groove on a pure white stone platform. Qianye compared the hard stone with it a little, and it matches perfectly.


"what happened?"

Walking along the sound of the bear, a huge depression came into view on the wall of the cave. It was broken like a spider's web, showing that there was a violent impact here!

"Is it left from the battle?" Qianye kept guessing in her heart, could it be that Zhengying had already fought Reggie Locke before this?


On the other side, Leaping Pig also discovered that there were some orange rock fragments on the ground it pointed to.

"This color belongs to Reggie Rock, right? Ordinary rocks rarely have such a color." Chiba picked up a relatively large piece of gravel, held it between two fingers and observed it carefully.

There is a thin layer of black ash on the surface of the gravel, which should be formed by high-temperature carbonization of the rock. It is very likely that an explosion occurred, but it is not known whether it was caused by skill confrontation or thermal weapons.

"It should be the fragments that fell from Reggie Locke, but it can beat the rock beast with outstanding defense like this, let's hang it!"

more importantly!What about Reggie Locke?
After wrapping the orange gravel in a square scarf and putting it in a backpack, Qianye continued to investigate with the two of them, but unfortunately, nothing valuable was found.

Going back the same way, when Chiba walked out of the mysterious space and returned to the camp, three hours had passed.

"Are you back? It's a bit late today." Qingtian and Shiraishi were busy with dinner at the campsite.

As early as a week ago, Chiba chose to explore Meteor Falls alone on the grounds of assault training, so the two of them didn't know about the mysterious space.

"Meet a few Longlongyan who are more cooperative and tacit, and it was delayed for a while."

Looking at the sun that was about to set, Chiba pretended to speak plainly, and also shook the dust off her body, causing the two of them to avoid it for a while.

"They just used the sandstorm skill, don't blame me lol"

"Then you should wash it up before you come back!" Qing Tian said angrily with a spatula in one hand and thrusting his hips.


Chiba quickly ran to the creek next to him to wash and scrub, but he also successfully exposed the stubble.The less people know about the mysterious space, the better. It’s nothing if it’s just a mythical beast, but it involves the mysterious Zhengying.

Humans tend to be more dangerous than Pokémon.

"Hey..." Qianye angrily increased the intensity of washing, and the nearby creek was disturbed in a short while. He didn't like the feeling of powerlessness when facing Zhengying.

"Come and eat!"

"Oh, come right away." Flicking the drops of water, Chiba tried hard to let go of the troubles in her heart and calm down her emotions.

"By the way, I saw the figure of the Blood Wing Wyvern this afternoon." During the meal, Baishi said suddenly, a little excited.

Chiba stopped eating and raised her head with a look of surprise.

"where is it?"

"I saw a burst of blue light, and it flashed past, but what does this mean, Meteor Falls really has a storm salamander!" Baishi said excitedly.

"Okay..." Qianye was speechless, but the figure Shiraishi saw should be Zhengying. As for whether there was a violent salamander, Qianye decided to give up telling him the truth after seeing Shiraishi's excited look.

The next day, Qianye got up early for morning training, but saw that Shiraishi also got up early, and even started training with his three Pokmon.

"What are you planning to do?" Qianye was puzzled, Baishi used the vacation as an excuse to not get up early a long time ago, why did he change his temper today?
"Hey, I'm going to find the partner of my dreams!" Baishi said with longing.

"Uh, storm salamander?"

"Yes! Fangyuan Quasi-Ghost Salamander! Of course, I won't mind if I meet a baby dragon, a crustacean."

"Okay, come on!" Qianye patted Shiraishi's shoulder heavily without dissuading him.

Young people, they still have dreams, what if a blind cat meets a dead mouse?

After breakfast, Chiba continued to drill into the depths of Meteor Falls to practice, while Shiraishi went to find his storm salamander in a direction that had never been explored before.

Sunny still stays in the camp to take care of the Pokmon as usual, and takes out the computer from time to time to type. Chiba once took a look at it. Various data analysis, dynamic trend charts, etc., are obviously doing what most people do. Unintelligible scientific research.

Hurry up, it's still suitable for me to fight monsters and upgrade, Chiba is defeated, and suddenly feels that the recent frequent battles are not so irritating.

After entering the Meteor Falls, Qianye still unconsciously came to the entrance of the mysterious space, but obviously nothing changed overnight, so he could only let it go as an obsession.

Looking at the towering waterfall, Chiba cheered secretly. After a period of exploration, the highest waterfall is not far away. Although the higher the place does not mean the more powerful the Pokémon, the average level will indeed be much higher.

Going up the waterfall, Chiba took Hopping Pig and Zhi Chong Bear to explore all the way. Wild Pokémon had a strong sense of territory, so most of them would take the initiative to attack Chiba and their intrusions.

"Luna!" Suddenly, a light blue beam shot out from behind a rock, hitting Chiba and the others!It's the freezing light!


Zhi Chongxiong immediately jumped in front of Chiba to take precautions, and the super power of Hopping Pig had been activated, and the freezing light suddenly stopped in the air, and then was shot back intact.

"What Pokmon is this time?"

This kind of thing has happened countless times recently, so there is no need to command at all. Tiaotiaozhu and Zhichongxiong have already responded quickly and cooperated seamlessly.

As for Qianye, she is also fearless, the elf ball in her hand is ready to be thrown at any time, and her eyes are already fixed on the back of the rock!


The real body appeared, and a crescent-shaped Pokémon floated out, with blood-red eyes full of provocation.

"Moonstone? Leaping Pig, I leave it to you! Mentally read it!"

After seeing it coming, Qianye was slightly pleasantly surprised and quickly calmed down. If it was the beginning of the trip, Qianye would definitely work hard to subdue Yueshi.

But now, Moonstone is just a very rare Pokémon to him.


Tiaotiaozhu's eyes glowed with blue light, and with a strong mind, he hit Moonstone directly.

Perhaps because of his confidence in his own strength, Yueshi's blood-red eyes also glowed with blue light, and his spirit was strong!

"Porphyrin?" Leaping Pig tilted his head, with an innocent face, and did not respond to the mental obsession that was about to collide with each other.




Chiba pursed her lips and felt a little complacent. There was no violent collision with the skill confrontation, but Tiao Tiao Zhu's mental strength broke through the opponent's skills without any stagnation, and then hit.

Nothing fancy!

After this period of special training, Leaping Pig's superpower finally made a breakthrough again, and his restraint against similar Pokémon was greatly increased.

No, it should be said to be suppression!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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