Elf Skill Master

Chapter 120 Ultimate Superpower

Chapter 120 Ultimate Superpower

Strictly speaking, Hopping Pig's superpowers can no longer be divided by the ordinary levels of elves.

Because until now, Tiaotiaozhu's physical fitness has still not broken through to the quasi-king, but in terms of superpowers, it has surpassed the level of the quasi-king.

It can be said that Leaping Pig is seriously biased!
It's not that Chiba didn't try to change this state, but he soon discovered that Tiaotiaozhu's physical fitness was actually limited by the racial value of his talent.

You must know that apart from super powers, it cannot evolve, and its talents in other aspects are similar to that of Little Lada. At most, it can barely reach the elite level by relying on Chiba's unscrupulous nutrition and supplements.

In the future, unless there is any big opportunity, it will be really difficult to improve. Chiba and Tiaotiaozhu had a very in-depth conversation some time ago, and they came up with its future development path.

Extreme superpowers!
This is a bit similar to Absolu's absolute attack, but the jumping pig only specializes in superpowers, and even uses superpowers to replace everything that can be replaced.

Attack, defense, dodge, anticipation, etc., are realized through superpowers and various magical tricks. From this moment on, the development of skills by Jumping Pig may be the most important in the team.

This may be a very novel and bold attempt for Tiao Tiao Zhu, and it is also the best growth direction that Chiba and it can think of at present.

Moreover, for Chiba, this is not a challenge, you know, his profession is a skill teacher!

If you can only teach Pokmon how to release skills superficially, then when the skill teaching machine appears, their status will no longer be guaranteed.

Who can guarantee that the Shiraishi family will not create a skill teaching machine without side effects in the future?
If you change, you will succeed, if you don't change, you will die!

So when the problem of Tiaotiaozhu could not be ignored, Chiba suddenly wanted to experiment, just relying on the proficiency of skills and in-depth development, how far could Tiaotiaozhu go!
These thoughts flashed in Qianye's mind. Looking at the defeated Moonstone, Qianye had no desire to subdue it. After leaving two orange fruits, Qianye continued to climb.

Behind, Yueshi ate two orange fruits, and looked at Qianye with hot eyes, which showed that he never turned his head, and his eyes gradually dimmed. Most Pokmon are not against becoming stronger.

"Luna~" Yueshi regained his strength, floated up unsteadily, looked at Qianye's back with some reluctance, and then left the place, after all, his fate had not yet come.

At this time, Qianye had absolutely no idea that Yueshi behind had the urge to follow him. If he knew, he would definitely say, stay!
Because strictly speaking, no Pokmon has chosen to actively follow because of Chiba's own charm.

As for the talented guys in the current team, it seems that they are all old and new and then join the team on their own initiative. It doesn't seem to be that important to who the trainer is.

Have to say, this is really a sad fact!

"Woo~" "Woo~" "Woo~"

Suddenly, three long and leisurely howling wolves came from the front, which immediately made Chiba and the others vigilant. As they walked forward, three sturdy gray-black wolves stopped in front of Qianye as if lying on the ground. .

Big wolfhound!
Obviously, the three big wolfhounds in front of them should have lived in Meteor Falls for a long time, and they cooperated tacitly with the small team of big wolfhounds.

Chiba pondered for a while, and patted Tiaozhu on the top of his head. Chiba decided to hand over this battle to Tiaozhu!

Tiaotiaozhu nodded resolutely, then instantly moved in front of the big wolf dog and the others, waved his small hand fiercely, calling for a fight!

Seeing the little boy suddenly appearing in front of him, the big wolfhound on the left suddenly showed a very humane look of contempt, which can be said to be quite contemptuous of the jumping pig.

Under normal circumstances, not to mention the jumping pig, even if it encounters its evolved pupu pig, the big wolf dog is not afraid of fighting alone!

Not to mention that what you see now is only jumping pigs, and they are still wolf-type Pokémon famous for their tacit cooperation.

"Porphyrin!" "Let's start fighting, I can't wait to deal with them!"

The telepathy suddenly penetrated into Qianye's mind, he smiled slightly, and directly ordered, "The Miracle Eye!"

Miracle Eye, a superpower skill, can hit superpower skills that have no effect on evil attributes, and it is normal damage!This skill is also a basic guarantee for Tiaotiaozhu to be able to take the road of extreme superpowers.

After all, it is very troublesome for evil Pokémon to be immune to superpowers.

"Porphyrin!" A rainbow-colored light shot out from the eyes of the jumping pig quickly, and the three big wolfhounds were already irradiated before they could react.

"Woohoo!" After the big wolfhounds panicked for a while, they realized that they hadn't suffered any harm. Just as they were about to continue mocking, Chiba's order had already been sent out again!
"Spiritual strength!"


The blue light representing superpowers enveloped the body of the jumping pig, and then an invisible but deadly attack hit the big wolf dog in the middle!
Under the effect of the Miracle Eye, the superpower is still effective against the evil wolfhound, so it is no surprise that the big wolfhound was directly blown away, and it was knocked out of combat ability with just one move!

"Wow!" Seeing his companion being knocked away, the big wolf dogs on both sides quickly realized that the "weak" Pokémon in front of them was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

With a roar, the two big wolfhounds attacked Leaping Pig at the same time!The big wolfhound on the left jumped up suddenly, with canine teeth protruding from its big mouth, wrapped in dark black energy, crushed with skills!
The big wolf dog on the right leaned down and quickly walked around the Tiaozhuo. During the running process, its claws were also wrapped in dark black energy, and its eyes were fixed on Tiaotiaozhu's every move, ready to attack at any time.

With such a preparation posture, Chiba immediately recognized that this was the starting move of a skill surprise attack!
Assault, evil attribute skills, attack before the opponent, but the opponent's move is not an attack move, it will fail!The essence of this trick is that the moment the opponent releases the attack skill, launch an attack, and make the opponent unavoidable by blocking the position!

As long as Tiaotiaozhu chooses to attack, the big wolf dog next to him will definitely rush to attack immediately.Moreover, the wide open mouth of the big wolfhound directly in front is very intimidating, and it is easy for people to focus on it and ignore the companion who is about to attack.

When the partner was knocked down, the other two big wolfhounds made the most perfect counterattack in an instant. Chiba felt that this was the correct opening posture of the Pokémon in Meteor Falls.

The way they started out made him think only of huskies.


The order sounded, and when it comes to evasion, Hopping Pig is born with an advantage, teleportation does not need to be developed, as long as it is proficient enough, it is already a magic skill of evasion!

"Woo!" After failing to crush, the big wolfhound used its tail to stop its forward body, while the other big wolfhound that failed to attack immediately lowered its head and raised its nose, smell detection!
"Woohoo!" The communication between the two big wolfhounds was extremely short, but the accuracy of the information was extremely high. The big wolfhound that stopped and slid turned its head and started to bite the air somewhere behind again!

As soon as Tiao Tiao Zhu appeared, a big black mouth was directly pressed against his face, and his whole body was completely chilled in an instant!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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