Elf Skill Master

Chapter 122 True Meteor Waterfall

Chapter 122 True Meteor Waterfall
"Hey sip!"

Surrounded by his companions, the Overlord Iron Claw Lobster quickly came to Qianye. Looking at the nearly three-meter-high Iron Claw Lobster in front of him, Chiba realized the horror of the Overlord template!
Ordinary iron-clawed lobsters are usually about one meter high, but this overlord iron-clawed lobster has reached a strange three-meter height. Looking straight ahead, Chiba can only see two big iron claws shaking.

Most Pokémon cannot be measured by size, especially for Pokmon of the super power or ghost type, a smaller body size is more conducive to activities.

But large-sized Pokémon have inherent advantages, stronger deterrence, stronger physical strength, and better physical fitness.This is an advantage that many small Pokmon can hardly catch up with even after hard training.

Zhi Chong Xiong is an obvious example. Compared with the same kind, its physical strength and physical fitness are undoubtedly much better.

But Zhi Chong Xiong still belongs to normal growth anyway. What did such a big iron-clawed lobster eat to grow up?Qianye secretly betrayed her.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The overlord Iron Claw Lobster waved its huge iron claw, and the strong wind blowing up and down blows Qianye's face. At one time, he thought that the Iron Claw Lobster was going to swing this terrifying thing on his face.

"Porphyrin~" "The big lobster asks you, what are we doing here?" The telepathy came, and the jumping pig routinely gave the iron claw lobster a very stupid and cute name.

"Ahem, I'm a Pokémon trainer. I came to Meteor Falls just to fight powerful Pokémon, accumulate combat experience, and improve my strength!" Chiba knew that the iron claw lobster could understand, so he released the declaration proudly.

"Hey Xia? Hey Xia Xia Xia..." Hearing Chiba's announcement, the Overlord Iron Claw Lobster laughed mercilessly, even lying on the ground laughing, and then saw a large red carapace constantly shaking , it looks... Hey, a little disgusting.

"..." Qianye was speechless, and she didn't feel angry at all. After all, what was in front of her was just an overlord iron-clawed lobster. The difference between the two sides was not only in strength.

"Hey sip!"

For a long time, seeing the one person and six pets on the opposite side did not respond, the iron claw lobster could only stop laughing in embarrassment, and barely returned to normal state, the feeling of overlord became clear and strong again!
"Hey, hey, hey~" The iron-clawed lobster waved its huge iron claws, and then all the companions around it moved to make way for the Overlord and Chiba to pass by.

Qianye looked at the terrifying formation, and there was nothing to be afraid of. He only left the straight bear and the jumping pig, and took the other Pokémon back to the poke ball, and followed the pace of the overlord Iron Claw Lobster.

"This is!"

Bypassing the lake, Qianye turned to the other side of the mountain. He thought he had seen the whole Meteor Waterfall, but he couldn't help covering his mouth and exclaiming when he saw the situation at the bottom of the mountain on the other side.

At this time, Chiba is at the highest point of the Meteor Waterfall. On the other side, there are also many large and small waterfalls at different heights when viewed from the top.

Strangely, when these waterfalls are flowing, they will produce meteor-like light, which looks very gorgeous.

It is completely different from the Meteor Waterfall when we came here. It lacks a trace of majestic momentum, but it is more beautiful and mysterious.

It is not even the same. Although they belong to the same mountain, the two sides of the mountain are completely different. They are simply two places.

Moreover, the number and level of elves here have suddenly increased by more than one level.Long-necked dragon, cunning tengu, king swallow, big steel snake...

Pokmon that have reached the final evolution are leisurely and contented in their respective territories, or playing with other companions, and there are also many Pokmon that are fighting.

Rice Spoon Snake and Devourer!
Not far away, two Pokémon with pure poisonous attributes were fighting with all their strength. The surrounding vegetation was withered, and there were bursts of stench, which was obviously the result of being highly poisoned.

Both sides had a lot of wounds on their bodies, and their toxins were different, so their injuries were getting worse, but they still kept fighting.

What's more, both the rice spoon snake and the devouring beast are at the elite level!

Averting his eyes from them, Chiba observed the nearby Pokémon, and soon there was an uproar in his heart. Every not far away, there was an elite-level Pokémon!

And in the cracks of these elite Pokmon, there are some growth-stage Pokmon that live in groups, and they are not weak at first glance.

"how can that be!"

In the wild, it is even more difficult to meet an elite Pokmon, but here elite Pokmon can be seen everywhere.

Farther away, Chiba vaguely saw some huge holes, and almost no other Pokémon survived around the holes.

At this time, a Diya sea lion slowly crawled out of a huge hole beside the waterfall, jumped into the pool under the waterfall, and swam leisurely, while the few water-type Pokémon in the pool quickly left .

The quasi-king emperor tooth sea lion!
Qianye's heart sank suddenly, and his eyes swept across the huge holes. Could it be that the Pokmon of the quasi-king level lived in them?
That's too scary!Meteor Falls is not far from Kanaz City. Isn't the Alliance not prepared for such a powerful force?
When Chiba was in a state of confusion, a small light blue Pokémon suddenly appeared in the largest hole visible to the naked eye in Chiba.

At this time, it was carefully observing its surroundings, and then turned its head to look into the cave, trying to come out lightly.It looks like a child who wants to sneak out to play, thieves.

baby dragon!
Chiba covered her mouth, for fear that if she made a sound, it would attract the attention of the Pokémon under the mountain.At this time, he just covered his voice with the huge sound of falling water from the waterfall.

However, before Chiba could take a closer look at the baby dragon, a quasi-god larva, a long blue tail suddenly protruded from the hole, wrapped around the baby dragon, and pulled it directly into the hole.

"That's... the storm salamander, right?" Chiba murmured uncertainly to herself, it was hard to believe that there really was a dragon-type quasi-god in Meteor Falls, and it looked like there was more than one!
"Hey~" At some point, the Overlord Iron Claw Lobster had already lowered his body, and his two fist-sized eyes were mockingly looking at Qianye, as if expressing his disdain for Qianye.

Qianye directly ignored its taunt, and asked instead, "Where is this place?"

"Hey!" The iron claw lobster waved its claws excitedly, a burst of pride and pride emerged from its body.

"Porphyrin!" Hopping Pig's telepathy came into his heart, causing Chiba to have a reverie.

"Is it really Meteor Waterfall?"

...to be continued...

 Thank you book friend monkey?Aberdeen's 100 starting point reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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