Elf Skill Master

Chapter 123 The Misty Forest

Chapter 123 The Misty Forest
It is not difficult to see that the True Meteor Waterfall in front of you is definitely a sacred place for Pokémon, and it is also an excellent training place for Chiba.

Moreover, being able to accommodate so many high-level Pokémon at the same time, Meteor Falls must have an unknown secret.Coupled with the existence of mysterious space, Meteor Falls is unique!

"It's a pity." Qianye sighed slightly, because there are still two weeks before the gorgeous large-scale celebration will begin, and now there is no extra time to explore the True Meteor Waterfall.

After that, under the astonished eyes of the overlord Iron Claw Lobster, Qianye turned around and left the Meteor Falls with Straight Bear and Hopping Pig.

According to the plan, Chiba's experience this time has ended perfectly, but when he discovered the real Meteor Falls, he knew that in the near future, he would come again with the strongest team!
The sudden appearance of the baby dragon is an important reason for Chiba's return. Quasi-gods say a lot less, but they are definitely not too many. No trainer can resist the temptation of quasi-gods.

Walking out of the front of the Meteor Waterfall, Qianye returned to the camp without delay, while Baishi and Qingtian had already packed their luggage, and they could set off when he came back.

"Have you gained anything?" Perhaps because he was about to enter the city, Shiraishi resumed his aristocratic attitude and asked elegantly and indifferently.

"There is a large lake at the top of the waterfall, and there are also many waterfalls on the back, and the level and density of Pokémon are not low."

Qianye didn't answer directly, not because he was worried that Baishi would go back to snatch the baby dragon, but because he knew clearly that with their current strength, it was not enough!

"Then let's come again after the conference is over." Baishi said very naturally without any doubts.

"Well, we must come again!" Chiba nodded and said solemnly.

Qingtian glanced at Qianye suspiciously, not understanding the meaning contained in his tone, but didn't say much, and followed the two on the journey.

In order to ensure that they can reach Kaina City before the start of the grand celebration, the Chiba group decided to go through the Kalu Tunnel to arrive at Luyin Town, then take the train to Zijin City, and then ride a bicycle to Kaina City through the bicycle lane.

After the itinerary was planned, Chiba and the others walked straight eastward, but as if to prove that it took forever, they walked into a forest full of white mist just after they left Meteor Falls.

"So something will happen when you encounter white mist, right?" Qianye complained slightly in her heart.

"Come closer, everyone, don't get lost." Baishi also frowned and observed the surrounding situation.
"Yeah!" Lu Chi Qingtian was very self-aware at the moment, hugging Bobbi and squeezed between the two of them abruptly, the figure of the two of them in Yu Guangzhong gave her a great sense of security.

"Jumping pig, go straight to the bear and be careful!" Chiba reminded.



Straight to the bear's nose and shaking, the scent detection is used continuously.Hopping Pig's eyes were blue, and the invisible super power spread outward.

"Elegant cat, you too!"

"Meow~" Elegant Cat rubbed against Shiraishi's trouser legs, wary of its surroundings.

"Qilinqi, you come out too...Huh?"

Knowing that Bokby is not strong enough, Qingtian is preparing to release the most powerful Qilinqi to prevent emergencies, but a strange thing happens!
"The elf ball can't be opened!" Qingtian continued to try in a panic, but the elf ball still couldn't be opened.

"Mine too!" Shiraishi took out the gem starfish's elf ball and pressed the button on it, but there was no response from the elf ball.

"Things are getting serious, let's back off!"

Chiba pressed the desert dragonfly's elf ball, but it also couldn't open, so she left this weird foggy forest immediately!

The two of them had no objection. The strongest elf couldn't be released at present, and it was difficult to deal with the possible crisis only by relying on the Pokmon around them.

"Shiraishi, as far as you know, is there anything that can affect the use of the Poké Ball?" Chiba asked aloud on the way to retreat.

"No, Poké Balls are self-contained systems, and the energy they need can be supplied by absorbing a small amount of biological energy. Poké Balls that have not been used for a long time may fail, but Poké Balls that are often used are hard to damage." Shiraishi shook his head and said.

"Okay, we can only leave as soon as possible." Qianye sighed, and the sense of urgency in his heart strengthened a bit.


Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly passed through the branches, and the sound of leaves rubbing attracted the attention of the three of them instantly!

"Hopping Pig!"


The super power exploded, and the black shadow was instantly fixed by the jumping pig, and the real body was revealed, a jagged red belt.

"Change the Hidden Dragon!" Qingtian quickly recognized the immobilized Pokémon, and as expected, the frantically struggling Changing Hidden Dragon quickly lost its ability to be invisible.

Before Qianye ordered Tiaozhuo to go forward and inquire about the news of the misty forest with the "natives", countless black figures suddenly appeared around the three of them, and quickly shuttled back and forth between the branches.

"Are they all Hidden Dragons?" Qing Tian hugged Polkpi tightly in his arms, regretting that he didn't release other Pokémon earlier, even if Ibrahimovic was slightly stronger than Pokémon.

"Poke~" The big-hearted Pokby didn't feel any danger at all, and was sleeping soundly.

The next moment, a black shadow attacked the crowd again, and Xiong took the lead, hitting the black shadow with a hundred thousand volts!


There was a scream, and the black shadow was directly stunned and fell to the ground, revealing his body shape, a proboscis of average strength.

But then, the fall of the long nose leaf seemed to trigger some mechanism, and countless black shadows rushed over, attacking the three of them with various tricks.

"Jumping pig, mental power! Go straight to the bear, shadow substitute, attack mode!" Chiba quickly ordered, these two skills are most suitable for beating.

Tiaotiaozhu swung his two short hands violently, centering on the three of them, his thought power spread outward in a circle to stop their attack.

The wild Pokémon who had been exposed to superpowers froze in action. They went straight to the bear and the jumping pig cooperated tacitly, and one by one shadow doubles flew out of the original body, and rushed to the shadows one by one!

In an instant, all kinds of skills were flying all over the sky. If Tiaotiaozhu hadn't been distracted to protect the three of them, it would be difficult not to be accidentally injured!
"Elegant Cat, [-] volts!" Shiraishi ordered Elegant Cat to step forward for reinforcements. Fortunately, the wild Pokémon that raided were of average strength, and Elegant Cat barely resisted part of the attack.

"This won't work!" Through the mist, Qianye vaguely saw a large number of Pokémon rushing towards them, and immediately knew that if they resisted like this, they would be overwhelmed by the group attack sooner or later.

However, the wild Pokémon in the misty forest seem to be endless, and there is no chance to find a breakthrough just by going straight to the bear, Hopping Pig and Elegant Cat!

Suddenly, a spurt of flames full of scorching breath violently tore open a hole in the siege!

Then a mighty Pokémon full of flames ran into the gap!

"Wind speed dog!"

Chiba was overjoyed, the scorching breath and extraordinary body made him immediately recognize that the Pokémon in front of him was the Quasi-Uranus Wind Speed ​​Dog who had met once on Yantu Mountain!

...to be continued...

 Thanks to book friends Pika Pikachu, Jin Xi He Xi., Pokemon fans and Xian Wang who died of overwork for the reward of 100 book coins! !
  Thank you for all your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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