Elf Skill Master

Chapter 128 Long time no see

Chapter 128 Long time no see
After the group arrived in Caiyou City, they couldn't help but let out a heavy breath, feeling really down-to-earth.

"Well, we're going to the Spirit Center first." Hearing that Xiao Zhi and the others wanted to eat the legendary ramen, the three of Chiba agreed tacitly and decided to part ways.

"That's it, let's go find you after eating the ramen." Xiao Zhi said with a face full of disappointment, but then he regained his energy, still optimistic.

"Hehe, okay." Qianye smiled dryly, suddenly feeling that the protagonist is really not so easy to be.

"That's it, see you later." Xiaozhi waved his hand, and then was forced to pull Xiaoyao away impatiently.

"Brother Qianye, goodbye!" While pulling Xiaozhi, Xiaoyao said with a smile, revealing his foodie nature.

Everyone said goodbye one after another and looked for their own goals. The three of them naturally went to the elf center. As a contestant this time, Qianye had certain benefits, allowing the elf alliance to provide accommodation for the three of them.

As for why not go to a more comfortable hotel, sneak into the village, don't shoot guns, and eat chicken in a low-key way is the best policy.


Suddenly, there was a scream, which instantly attracted the attention of most people in the elf center.Qianye's whole body trembled, who called him so loudly, it was agreed to be low-key!

Qianye turned his head to look, and a strange yet familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Long time no see, Archer!"

Qianye couldn't help but think of the scene when the two first met. Under the stimulation of continuous electricity, the Abor snake evolved into a berserk Abor monster!
"I knew you would definitely come to the Caiyou Conference! This time we must have a good fight!" Archer said passionately, his eyes burning.

"Don't cry when you lose!" Chiba didn't expect to meet his opponent so soon. At first, he only met Archer's unevolved Abo Snake, but he didn't know how strong he was.

"Each each other!"

Archer was fighting fiercely, but after saying a few words, he said goodbye, as if to go to training.

With the appearance of Archer, Chiba felt the coming of the league competition belatedly, and her originally calm mood became a little warm-blooded.

After receiving the key to the room from Miss Joy, Chiba and his party prepared to go back and take a good rest.

"Ding dong!"

The automatic glass door of the elf center opened slowly, revealing another familiar yet unfamiliar person.

"Asahara!" Qianye said in a deep voice, frowning slightly.

"Hopping pig!" Asahara, who was dressed as a shrine maiden, had a cold face, as if she was not close to strangers, but when she saw the jumping pig above Chiba's head, her eyes were bright and generous, and her desire and greed were undisguised.

"Huh!" Qianye snorted coldly, unexpectedly, Asahara would come back to participate in the league competition, and as usual, his brain was sick, and then his body could not help releasing some forbidden power.

"Huh?" The expression on Asahara's face suddenly became vivid, and he looked at Qianye with a little surprise. As a not weak superpower, Asahara's mental perception was extremely strong, and he immediately felt the strange changes in Qianye's body.

Seeing Asahara stunned, Chiba felt a bit of complacency in her heart. Asahara's high-ranking attitude has not changed, and the expression of surprise must be rare in her expression management system.

Unfortunately, handsome for only three seconds.

"Heh" Asahara smiled strangely, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, as if he saw some delicious food, this behavior made Chiba suddenly get goosebumps, and he couldn't be provoked.

Arriving at the dormitory area, after the three of them put their backpacks away, Chiba also went to the training ground to do the final training, sharpen his guns before the battle, it's not easy to be unhappy, and recently, the strength of the wind speed dog has been improving rapidly.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, learn to avoid attacks with the least amount of strength!"

On the training ground, Dianlong was like a conductor, manipulating [-] volts to beat the wind speed dog in a tricky manner.

The wind speed dog can't attack, but can only avoid it by predicting, and the sound of "crackling" from time to time in the field proves that the wind speed dog is not easy to hide.

"Wow!" Wind Speed ​​Dog gave Chiba a vicious look. Ever since it was subdued, it has been tortured by Chiba's strange training methods. Although it can clearly feel that its strength is improving, it is very unhappy!
"Okay, okay, I'll let you play right away. Thinking about how awesome I am, I must be super handsome!" Qianye said seriously.

"Aww!" Wind Speed ​​Dog blinked its big bright eyes, and suddenly felt that it could continue for a while.

"It's so cute and silly!" Chiba snickered.

"What a strong wind speed dog!"

Caught off guard by a compliment, the wind speed dog moved its ears and dodged more aggressively. Sure enough, I am mighty and domineering!
"Eh? Tetsuya, so it's you, long time no see, meow" Qianye turned her head and found that she was an acquaintance again.

"Meow~" Although Meow in boots should not be approached by strangers, she still remembered that Chiba gave it a lot of delicious food, so she responded with a face, but it was only a cry.

And Qianye suddenly discovered that Miaomiao had actually been promoted to be the quasi-king!how is this possible?When I first met Tetsuya, Miaomiao's talent was only a lot stronger than ordinary Miaomiao at most, but it was not up to the monster-level talent of Hopping Pig at all!

"Haha, I just heard someone say that there is a powerful trainer in the training ground. I was curious and came to see it. I didn't expect it to be you!" Zheye was naturally very happy to meet Chiba. After all, when the two traveled together, they were still very happy.

"Strong is not considered strong, but it is more than enough to deal with you." When old friends meet each other, it is natural to lose first before talking.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I haven't seen you in three days. I'm good at kung fu. Be careful to be killed by my meow." Zhe also patted Qianye's shoulder heavily, and laughed triumphantly.

"Heh, let's see you in the final!" Qianye said confidently, she is not afraid of the next two quasi-kings!

"Brother Chiba, Tetsuya, so you two know each other!" After chatting for a long time, Xiao Zhi who was ignored at the side finally broke in.

"I used to travel together!" Chiba smiled and nodded.

"You guys know each other too, and I want to introduce you to each other," Tetsuya said with a smile.

Seeing that the two were eager to talk, Chiba thought for a while and simply took Feng Speed ​​Dog and Dian Long back. Although the training of Wind Speed ​​Dog is very important, there is no rush at this time.

Moreover, there are more and more people in the training ground. After just training for a while, Zhe also heard the rumors about the wind speed dog and came to visit. This place is obviously not suitable for training.

Let's go back to the Elf Center together, have a meal, and chat with each other to see if we can hear any useful information.

Then, a fat man named Masamune also joined the team because of Xiaozhi's relationship. Chiba remembered that this should be Xiaozhi's strong enemy in the Fangyuan area, and an important role in the original book.

Those who don't know each other have appeared on the stage one after another, Qianye is suddenly looking forward to this competition, and the next step is the preliminaries of the alliance conference
...to be continued...

 Mang Yue is working hard to conceive the next plot. There are too many battles and everyone will get bored, but there is not enough excitement without battles. I will try to balance it!

  In addition, thank you for your daily recommendation tickets, and thank you book friends I am a little blue dragon, Pika Pikachu, wffz, Yu Qiu, Shushan X Lida for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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