Elf Skill Master

Chapter 129 Preliminaries

Chapter 129 Preliminaries
"Pikachu, use Thunder!"


A strong lightning flashed from the battle field, Shawaran on the opposite side could no longer resist, his eyes circled.

"Shawarang lost his ability to fight, and Pikachu won, so the winner is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

"Yeah, we won!" Xiaozhi rushed into the arena, caught Pikachu, and threw it happily.


"By the way, Brother Chiba's preliminaries are about to start, let's go and see!"

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded cutely, and then obediently lay on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

When Xiaozhi and his party came to the preliminaries in Chiba, the battle had just begun.

"Zhi Chongxiong, I'll leave the first battle to you!" Qianye's eyes were full of flames, and the meaningful first battle would naturally involve Zhi Chongxiong!


Steady and straight, Xiong jumped into the battle field, and at the same time, the opponent also released his partner, Abby Lang (Kaiquan Lang)!

"Come on, the opponent is Abilang from the fighting department, and brother Chiba is at a disadvantage!" Xiaozhi said worriedly, the normal department is only restrained by the fighting department, but he met him in the first match.

"Abby Lang, good opponent!" Qianye raised his eyebrows, admiring his own luck. At this time, he didn't use the power of taboo, there was no need for it.

"Battle begins!"

"Abby Lang, Sonic Fist!" The opponent was a man in a combat uniform, and he was not at all complacent even in the face of superior attributes.

Sure enough, the trainers who can obtain eight badges are not fools, Qianye secretly thought, but he didn't speak slowly, and said quickly, "Extremely fast!"



Both sides use fast attack at the same time, but whether it is their own speed or the preemptive effect of their skills, the straight bear is slightly better!

Zhi Chongxiong dodged the sonic punch at an extremely fast speed, and then slammed into Abiron's soft abdomen!
But as a Pokémon of the fighting type, Abilang's willpower is very good, enduring the severe pain, and before the trainer has time to order, he can judge and change moves by himself.

Split tiles!

"The wave of water!"


A blue water polo condensed from Zhi Chongxiong's mouth, and then exploded violently. Abiron's fist hit the splash directly, and Zhi Chong Xiong retreated directly by virtue of the waves!

"Abby Lang, Lightning Fist!"

Water can conduct electricity, and the opponent's response is very good. At this time, Zhi Chongxiong still has a lot of water stains on his body.

"Ultimate Impact!"

Chiba has sharp eyes, full of fighting spirit, if the strength is enough, tactics and skills do not exist!

A trace of madness suddenly appeared in Zhi Chongxiong's steady posture, the lavender spiral energy cover covered his body, and then rushed towards Abi Lang with great momentum!

Break through the water waves, break through the current, and finally attack Abi Lang like a broken bamboo!

Abby Lang, who was beaten into the air, slammed into the wall outside the court unabated. The powerful force directly caused Abby Lang to sink into the wall. The smoke dissipated, and Abby Lang slowly slid down from the groove.

There was no sound in the auditorium, they were all overwhelmed by the fierce momentum of the straight bear, and then burst into strong cheers. Although there were not many people watching the preliminaries, the momentum was not small at all.

"Brother Qianye, yes, it's amazing!" Xiao Sheng didn't even know that his glasses were crooked, he stared blankly, retracted his momentum, and stabbed straight at the bear as usual, he couldn't believe it!

"It's also Qianye's fault. Zhi Chongxiong often can't find opponents because of his strength, so it's quite difficult to fight to the fullest, but isn't he suffocated?"

Qing Tian had an expression I knew, but Xiao Gang, who was calm and wise, obviously noticed the flickering light in Qing Tian's eyes, and was obviously taken aback.

"Thank you, go straight to the bear." Qianye said with a wry smile, it would be a bit heavy to blame without it, because Qianye could see that it still held back at the last moment.

As for how strong Zhi Chongxiong is, Chiba knows best, the meaning of this battle is not winning or losing, it is the first battle!
Although Qianye has never stated his position, he has a small wish. He hopes that there will be Zhi Chongxiong in every memorable moment of his life.

Winner and loser, after politely shaking hands with his opponent, Chiba stepped off the battlefield to welcome the congratulations from his companions.

"Brother Qianye, I really hope to have a battle with you right now!" Xiaozhi said excitedly.

"Me too!" Masamune refused to budge. Although their bodies were different, their personalities were exactly the same.

"No matter who you meet Big Brother Qianye will lose!" Xiao Sheng has completely become Qianye's diehard fan at this time, so he is quite disdainful of Xiaozhi's words.

"Tch, my Pikachu is very powerful!" Xiaozhi retorted loudly.

"My iron dumbbells are even better!"

"No, obviously my Pikachu is stronger!"


Seeing the two people suddenly crooked, the others couldn't laugh or cry, they stole the show!
"Ahem, let's go and see Tetsuya's preliminaries," Chiba suggested.

"Tetsuya's game is over. Miaomiao played against the cat boss. Miaomiao didn't hold back, and defeated the cat boss with three blows, five times and two divisions." Baishi said, obviously feeling a little incredible about Miaomiao's strength.

"Standing from behind, this meow is not easy!"

Chiba shook her head in admiration. Miaomiao was once defeated by the cat boss in the battle for the leader, and even left permanent sequelae on her body, but she stood up with her own efforts, and even broke through to the quasi-king level!
If Jumping Pig is a monster-level talent, then Miaomiao has monster-level willpower and determination to become stronger.

At the end of the first preliminaries, the conference will select 256 trainers to participate in the preliminary rounds. There will be three doubles duels in the preliminary rounds, and 32 trainers will be selected to enter the final tournament. , willpower, intelligence and even luck are all indispensable!

In the first doubles match, Chiba released the Giant Swamp Monster and the Wind Speed ​​Dog as partners. The combination of water and fire appeared abrupt and harmonious.The intense white mist formed by the collision of water and fire directly made the opponent lose the ability to predict.

And the radar fins of the giant swamp monster and the scent detection of the wind speed dog are far more useful than eyes, so the first battle ended without any suspense.

In the second doubles match, Chiba chose the combination of Electric Dragon and Huayan Monster, one for long-distance attack and one for sneak attack. Both Pokmon are good at controlling the field, so even if the two Pokmon on the opposite side lose the battle ability, and did not release an effective skill.

At this point, Chiba became famous, and the number of people who supported him skyrocketed.On the contrary, Qianye didn't feel anything, after all, she didn't want to be a star, so she still went her own way.

At this time, he was on a video call with Grandpa Jinbei at the Spirit Center.

"It's just a league competition, I don't want to watch the small fights among the children," Grandpa Jinpei said indifferently.

"Uh, okay." Qianye felt a little lost in her heart, but quickly adjusted.

Most of the contestants in the alliance competition are indeed young trainers. This is also the normal development of the elf world. In recent years, the development of trainers has become more and more prosperous, so it is inevitable that the competition will look younger.

After hanging up the phone, Chiba turned around and went back to the training ground behind the dormitory, making adjustments before the battle, because the opponent for the next match had already been determined.

A trainer with a fast dragon!

...to be continued...

 If you watch the anime carefully, there is indeed a trainer with a fast dragon in the plot of the Caiyou Conference!
  In addition, thank you book friend Yu Qiu for your reward, and thank you for your recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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