Chapter 130
"Fangyuan Alliance Caiyou Conference, the third round of the preliminary round, a doubles match, when both Pokmon on one side lose their fighting ability, the match ends, and the winner can enter the Caiyou Conference final tournament! The game begins!" The referee said loudly, As the flag was waved down, the two sides immediately threw the poke ball.

"Go, Kuailong, Longlongyan!"

"Desert dragonfly, giant marsh monster! Ready to fight!"

Chiba's slightly calm eyes flashed a little fiery, quasi-god, born with a halo, and has a fatal attraction to the trainer at any time.

Seeing the cheers wave after wave in the audience, Chiba grinned, as if she was a dragon and her opponent was the prince that everyone was looking at, but the dragon was about to show its power!
"Quick Dragon, Dragon Claw, Rumbling Rock, Rock Explosion!"

"Desert Dragonfly, Dragon God Swoop, Giant Swamp Monster, Climb Waterfall!"

The opponent is carrying a mountaineering bag and looks like a traveler, but his words reveal full self-confidence, after all, he is always a trainer of quasi-spirited and fast dragons!

"Ray!" The desert dragonfly's red compound eyes also shone with a strong fighting spirit, and then it swooped down wrapped in dark blue dragon energy all over its body!

"Kai!" Kuailong stared at the desert dragonfly with his clear and round eyes. It is also a dragon and can feel the strength of its opponent, especially the strong dragon breath on its body, which is even stronger than it.

Thoughts flashed by, Kuailong's thick and short claws stretched flat, bright green dragon-attribute energy extended from the sharp claws, and with a light wave of its small wings, it swooped down at a speed not weaker than that of a desert dragonfly!

"Boom!" The two sides met at a place that was about to approach the grassland, and the dragon's claws swooped down on the dragon god!The powerful attack detonated instantly, creating a large mushroom cloud.


Kuailong's voice came out, and then he withdrew from the smoke first, his hands trembling slightly, and he failed in the start!

On the other side of the battlefield, relying on the control of the water flow, the giant marsh monster quickly approached while avoiding the rock explosion of Rumbling Rock, while accumulating the power to climb the waterfall!
"Ga~la!" The giant swamp monster opened up its momentum, and the waterfall climbing technique hit Longlongyan's body fiercely, directly knocking the 300-kilogram Longlongyan into the air, causing a cloud of smoke and dust after it fell.


As the smoke dissipated, Long Longyan's eyes drew circles, and he was killed by the four times restrained Waterfall Climbing Technique in one blow!

"Wow!" Applause erupted from the auditorium. Unexpectedly, the first round of the battle between the two sides was so fierce, and the one who fell into a disadvantage turned out to be the side with the quasi-spiritual fast dragon!
"Chiba's opponent should be a trainer who specializes in a Pokémon. The gap between Kuailong and Longlongyan is too big!" Baishi shook his head and said indifferently.

"This person's previous two doubles matches were all performed by Kuailong alone," Xiao Gang said in agreement with the same vision.

"Hey, Brother Qianye, what are you planning to do!" Suddenly, Xiao Sheng stood up in surprise, completely unable to understand Qianye's next command.

On the battlefield, the giant marsh monster silently retreated to the corner of the field, quietly watching the two dragons confronting each other in the sky, without any intention of intervening!

"Are you using Kuailong as a stepping stone? Chiba, you're crazy again." On the other side, Tetsuya, who had successfully passed the preliminary round, was also watching the battle from the audience, and he saw Chiba's goal at a glance.

"Damn it, Kuailong, freezing light!" The uncle on the opposite side obviously didn't expect that he would lose a lot at the beginning of the game, and what made him even more angry was that Qianye actually wanted to have a one-on-one, did you really think that the quasi-spirit was talking about it? !
"Desert dragonfly, shoot flames!"

The show must be a show. It is undeniable that this is a bit exaggerated, but the desert dragonfly is not an ordinary desert dragonfly. From the moment it obtained the ancient inheritance, its talent has long been not weaker than the quasi-god, even stronger!
The fire defeated the ice, the freezing light didn't have the slightest effect, it couldn't even slow it down, and the jet of flames hit Kuailong like a bamboo!

"Quick dragon, dodge!"

The other party uses the god level, dodge!Seeing this, Chiba grinned.

"Desert dragonfly, lightning flashes!"


The desert dragonfly screamed excitedly, then its body glowed white, and it rushed towards Kuailong quickly.At the same time, the wings and tail glowed with silver-gray metallic light, steel wings, and iron tail!

"Bang! Bang!"

"Kai..." Kuailong received three consecutive attacks, but only saw a white light flash in front of him.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two more attacks, Kuailong flapped his wings, trying to escape from where he was, trying to avoid such an attack with no trace, but...

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Three times in a row, Kuailong whimpered, and the last attack wounded its wings.

"I can't fly anymore!"

Kuailong panicked, and tried to wave his small wings, but a strong tearing sensation came, making it unable to wave any more.

In the eyes of the audience, they saw a huge silver-white light revolving rapidly around Kuailong, and hitting Kuailong from time to time, it was mysterious, gorgeous, and deadly!


Relying on the arrogance and strong physical fitness of the Dragon Clan, Kuailong stabilized his body at the last moment, with both feet on the ground, and did not embarrass again.

"Kailong, are you okay!" The uncle was full of worry, especially when he saw the obvious scar on the right wing of Kuailong, and his heart ached.

"Kai!" Kuailong stared at the desert dragonfly floating up and down in the sky with his big clear eyes. It still couldn't understand the strange attack of the desert dragonfly.

On the eve of the competition, the desert dragonfly finally mastered the first set of tactics that belonged entirely to him through special training at the Meteor Falls.
Let the flash of lightning become an instinct like flying, and attack the opponent under the speed increase of the flash of lightning!

Steel Wing and Iron Tail are the two most tacitly coordinated skills in the flash of lightning. The floating characteristics greatly enhance the mobility of the desert dragonfly, which is also the core of this set of tactics!

"I won, there is no suspense in winning!" Zhe Ye sighed slightly, and he had already begun to think about how he should deal with the desert dragonfly in Chiba.

Seeming to have figured something out, Zhe also let go of his clenched fists, but his eyes were fixed on the scene without blinking!

"Kuailong, don't give up, hold your body, prepare for Frozen Fist!"

Kuailong, who has lost the ability to fly, has almost no chance of a comeback, and the quadruple restraint of Frozen Fist is the only possibility, but the premise is that it can hit!

"Desert Dragonfly, Dragon Wave!"


The dark blue dragon-type energy bullet flew out, and the spiral ripples were far less easy to catch than it seemed.

"Quick Dragon, detonate with [-] volts!"

"Rush over, Dragon's Claw!"

A beam of [-] volts was released through the two tentacles of the fast dragon, directly detonating the wave of the flying dragon, but the electrical skill desert dragonfly was not in vain at all. After breaking through [-] volts, the desert dragonfly stretched out its front paws, dark green The dragon's claw hit Kuailong fiercely!
"Haha, Kuailong, Frozen Fist!"

Kuailong does have a set. When using [-] volts, the Frozen Fist didn't dissipate. On the contrary, because of the continuous accumulation of time, the power increased a lot!
At this moment, Qianye had no time to remind him, but he just frowned, the desert dragonfly would not let him down!


The sound of two collisions sounded, and the battle situation changed! be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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