Elf Skill Master

Chapter 133 The Battle of the Giant Swamp Monster

Chapter 133 The Battle of the Giant Swamp Monster

Many viewers couldn't understand why Qianye chose to let Dianlong abstain. Obviously Dianlong has accumulated enough advantages, and even [-]v[-] is not a problem.

But Chiba didn't think so much at the time. Dianlong's character was one of the reasons for his choice, but more, it was Chiba's relief from the league competition and his confidence in his own strength.

Prior to this, Chiba carefully observed the strength of the players in this year's league competition, but there were not many that he could take seriously.

Tetsuya is already considered the strongest existence among them. Asahara's super power is very difficult to deal with, but it is also easy to be targeted, especially in 6v6 all-hands battles, single-attribute-specialized trainers are easily restrained.

As for Xiaozhi, he was able to play on par with Tetsuya. It can be said that he is a very strong competitive player, but he reflected from the side that this league competition is not considered strong. Pick up.

So Chiba, who already has four quasi-king Pokmon, is a little confused. Sometimes things that are at your fingertips can't show its wholeness.

Chiba, worry about gains and losses!

But at the critical moment, Zhi Chongxiong's clumsy movements made Chiba's impetuous heart gradually calm down. The league competition is just a relatively important node in the journey of life, and no matter whether he wins or loses, it can't represent or decide anything.

So far, Qianye has become more free and easy than before, coupled with his confidence in his own strength, so the decision not to let Dianlong suffer more damage naturally appeared in Qianye's mind.

"Abomon, leave the next battle to your partners, come out, Iron Ninja!" Archer softly comforted Aboguai's Poké Ball, and then released the next Pokémon.

"The giant marsh monster, I leave it to you!"

"Iron masked ninja, move at high speed!"

"Giant marsh monster, see through it!"


The iron ninja looks like a flying cicada, its high-frequency vibrating insect wings show its impressive speed, and under the high-speed movement boost, people can only see a black shadow constantly flashing in the field.


The giant swamp monster lowered its body, a pair of pale yellow eyes glowed red, and a pair of red eyes suddenly appeared behind the iron ninja at a godly looking down angle, and no matter how fast the iron ninja was, he couldn't get rid of it!
"Giant marsh monster, Frozen Fist!"

"Okay, Iron Ninja, protect!"


The giant swamp monster waved its fist wrapped in ice energy, and slammed at the iron-masked ninja. Under the effect of seeing through, it seemed that the iron-masked ninja had voluntarily bumped into it, and it was impossible to escape!

However, Chuang Shi Shen is fair. Iron ninja's defense and physical strength are terrible, but it can easily learn protection, high-speed movement, shadow clone and other changing skills.

The green protective film completely received the giant marsh monster's Frozen Fist without any fluctuations, and the abnormality of the protection skills was undoubtedly displayed!
"Left Freezing Fist!"

"Iron ninja, shadow clone!"

The two sides launched commands almost at the same time, and the speed of the giant marsh monster was lost to the talented iron ninja after all. Dozens of iron ninjas filled the audience in an instant, and the proficiency of the shadow clone was not low!

"In that case, marsh monster, hail!"

"Iron-faced ninja, slash continuously!"

Continuous slash, use sharp claws to cut opponents, hit consecutively, double the power!This is a weak start, but it can kill gods in the later stage!
At this time, the Giant Swamp Monster looked up to the sky and called out something. Soon, hailstorms came, and the speed of the Iron Ninja dropped significantly, and with the howling of the hail, the shadow clones of the Iron Ninja disappeared without a trace!
"Crack! Kick!"

Two consecutive slashes, one for 40 and one for 80, the giant marsh monster suffered a lot of damage in an instant!And the power will reach 160 next time!



The overwhelming blizzard hit the Iron Ninja, but the claws covered with powerful insect energy could not reach the body of the giant marsh monster. It seemed to feel the unyieldingness of the Iron Ninja, and the blizzard increased a level violently, The Iron Ninja was sent flying!

Looking at the iron-masked ninja lying on the ground with his eyes circled, Archer pursed his lips, unwillingly took the iron-masked ninja back, and he was about to win!

But if Qianye knew what he was thinking, he would definitely say, naive!How terrifying is the combo skill? As a skill teacher, how could he not know.

The third consecutive slash was impossible!

"Mengge Naia, please!"

After a long time, Archer released the third Pokémon, a green scarecrow that looks bad, Mengge Naia with grass and evil attributes!

The Swamp Monster's ice-type skills are terribly strong. Archer shouldn't have chosen Mengge Naia, but embarrassingly, the Giant Swamp Monster is only restrained by the grass type, and only Mengge Naia in his hand can use grass-type skills.

"Mengge Naia, the needle leaf hidden weapon (spike arm)!"

"Giant marsh monster, Frozen Fist!"

"Dream Song!"

Mengge Naia let out a cool cry, and then rushed towards the giant swamp monster suddenly, and the spikes on both arms stretched rapidly, aiming at the giant swamp monster with a burst of jabs!

The giant marsh monster was also not to be outdone, his hands were frozen with fists, and he blocked Mengge Naia's needle leaf hidden weapon time and time again!

"Mengge Naia, energy ball!"

"Giant marsh monster, freezing light!"

The green energy ball and the ice-blue freezing light collided once again, detonating one after another and turning into blue-green powder, flying brightly with the wind, not to mention pretty good!

"Go on, Hammer!"

"Mengge Naia, get out of the way!"

Continuously tough, the strengths of the two sides were clearly distinguished. The giant marsh monster used the arm hammer without stopping, while Mengge Naia's reaction was obviously a beat slower.

Don't forget, there are still hailstones floating in the sky at this time, not only continuously inflicting a lot of damage on Mengge Naia, but more importantly, the slowing effect!


With just a one-second delay, the giant swamp monster quickly seized its strength, and the arm hammer made a perfect hit, directly smashing Mengge Naia into the ground!

Although the arm hammer is a big move of the fighting system, it has to be said that the strong arms of the giant marsh monster are really suitable for using such powerful arms to attack!
"Mengge Naia lost the ability to fight, and the giant marsh monster won. Since the trainer Archer has lost three Pokmon, there is a 10-minute intermission!"

"Thank you, Mengge Naia!" Archer slowly took Mengge Naia back to the poke ball, and walked to the rest area in a daze. Chiba's strength made him feel a little discouraged.

But he couldn't allow him to think too much, 10 minutes passed in a flash, and when he returned to the playing field again, there was a voice in his heart.

If you can't win, just admit defeat!
Just like that, when Chiba had already released Hopping Pig to play, Archer stood still in place, his eyes were dazed, and he was extremely empty!
"No! Hopping Pig!"


...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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