Elf Skill Master

Chapter 134 Asahara Interference

Chapter 134 Asahara Interference
When Chiba found out that something was wrong, Hopping Pig, who was extremely sensitive to superpowers, also felt that there was something wrong with Archer, and it was artificial!


Judging from Tiaotiaozhu's perception, Archer seems to be controlled by superpowers. Tiaotiaozhu knows that Archer in front of him is Chiba's opponent, but he is also a partner he met during the trip.

"Hopping pig, wait!"


Just when Tiao Tiao Zhu was about to use super powers to counter the controller, Chiba hurriedly stopped it with telekinesis.Leaping Pig looked back suspiciously, with a puzzled look on his face.

"This is a league competition, and Pokémon are not allowed to attack the trainer." Chiba looked a little dignified, telepathically speaking to Tiaozhuo.

"I know you want to help Archer, but as long as you make a move, the misunderstanding will not be cleared up. We don't know whether the people behind it have stayed behind..."


Tiaotiaozhu was stunned, and then showed a rare trace of anger!
"jumping pig"


"Listen to me, you pretend nothing happened now, and then, look around for Pokémon using super powers...or people!"

"Porf~" Tiaotiaozhu tilted his head, pretending to look suspiciously at Chiba, then at Archer, then at the referee, with an innocent look on his face
Tsk tsk tsk, this acting!

"Archer, what's wrong with you?"

Qianye also pretended to be very puzzled, frowning, as if I didn't know anything.

Don't talk about jumping pigs, this girl is also a good showman!
"Trainer Archer, please release your Pokémon, otherwise it will be regarded as a waiver!" Seeing this, the referee also announced loudly.


Suddenly, there was a scream from the audience, which instantly attracted the attention of the people around, and Qianye also turned to look, with a strange light in his eyes.


Chiba really frowned this time, staring at Asahara who was holding his head and looking pale.

In order to catch the black hand as soon as possible, Chiba directly used the power of taboo and luck, so Tiaotiaozhu found a direction at random, released the power detection, and directly caught Asahara!

Suddenly, Asahara suddenly raised his head, gave Chiba a vicious look, then turned around and left, but his figure was staggering.

Qianye was annoyed in his heart, he found that he and Asahara seemed to be born enemies, and they had formed a lot of hatred for no reason from the first day they knew each other.

And just now, if I hadn't thought a little more and prevented Tiaotiaozhu from making a direct move, I might have been tricked by her.

But what Qianye couldn't bear was that she dragged the innocent Archer in. You must know that this is a league competition, and for many people, this is a dream!

"Unforgivable!" Chiba whispered, apparently Asahara's actions had touched her bottom line.

"Come out, Great Wang Yan!"

Suddenly, Archer's voice came, calling back Chiba's thoughts of running away. At this time, Archer's eyes were full of fighting spirit, completely different from the state just now!
Asahara's hypnotism is very powerful, and he must have used it many times, Chiba thought maliciously.

"The game continues!" The referee saw that Archer suddenly changed his mental state. Although he was also full of doubts, he still dutifully announced the game.

"Da Wang Yan, there is a flash of lightning!"


As the fastest domestic bird, the popularity of King Yan is not low. Although most King Yan can't meet the standard of riding, its high combat power and easy-to-obtain advantages still attract a large number of people. trainer.


Without Chiba's order at all, Tiaotiaozhu directly moved in an instant, and flashed behind Da Wangyan!

"Supernatural power!"

"Great Wang Yan, Yan Hui!"

A purple-red light beam hit King Yan suddenly, but Archer's order came immediately, King Yan didn't hesitate, the swallow turned on, and disappeared in place in an instant, not only dodging the supernatural power, but also circled behind Tiaotiaozhu.

Hunter and prey, instantly switch!

"Jumping pig, cheat space! Teleportation"


Tiaotiaozhu raised his right hand, and a cube cover instantly covered the entire playing field, and the next moment Wang Yan seemed to be entangled by something, and his speed dropped a lot in an instant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tiaotiaozhu calmly used teleportation to avoid Yan Fan!
"Great Wang Yan, don't give up, do it again, Yan Hui!"

Seeing that Archer still let Dawang Yan use Yan Fan, Chiba could see that he didn't know the special function of deceiving Kong!

"Spiritual strength!"

"Porphyrin!" Jumping Pig's eyes suddenly turned blue, and a strong mental thought was able to return faster than Yan, and it directly hit Wang Yan who was caught off guard!
"Da Wangyan has lost her ability to fight, please train the Pokémon with me!"

"Wow, Brother Chiba's Hopping Pig is so powerful, I thought it was always used to show off its cuteness!" Xiaoyao said with a look of surprise, his stupid look made his younger brother Xiaosheng want to stay away from her a few steps .

"This jumping pig, the super power is too perverted!" Zhe Ye was suddenly speechless, and he took down the not weak Wang Yan with one move, and his attack power was undeniably strong!

"Damn! Go, Gyarados!"

With only the last two Pokémon left, Archer became visibly anxious, but when he thought of the next two Pokmon, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. They are the real aces!


As soon as the Gyarados came out, it raised its head to the sky and let out a roar, showing its domineering aura without a doubt!

"Peak of the Elite"

Qianye raised his eyebrows, this tyrannosaurus is very powerful, and its aura is aggressive, and it looks like this, the chance of breaking through to the quasi-king is not small!

"Gyarados, crush it!"

"Jumping pig, teleportation, mental force!"


The Gyarados roared loudly, the fangs on its mouth were filled with energy of evil attribute, it opened its mouth wide and bit the jumping pig fiercely!

A layer of skin bumps appeared on Tiaotiaozhu's body in an instant. It is really that this big mouth matches the huge body of the Gyarados, and it rushes down with its body. The deterrent effect is too great!
However, as soon as the jumping pig closed his small eyes, he moved instantly!It flashed to the back of the Gyarados' head, mentally thinking, attack!

"Gyarados, Water Tail!"

"Leaping pig, retreat!"

At this time, the Gyarados showed an agility that didn't match its huge body at all. It didn't even turn its head back, but its tail wrapped in powerful water energy suddenly lashed towards Hopping Pig!

Hopping Pig hurriedly dispelled his mental obsession, and used teleportation again, avoiding the end of the water!

"It's deceiving the space!" Suddenly, Qianye saw a little space fluctuation that appeared inadvertently in the sky, and secretly said "Oops, I didn't expect that I helped the slow Gyarados!"
Obviously, just now Asahara's interference prevented Chiba from fully concentrating on the game, and forgot about the room for deceiving her orders!
"Gyarados, do it again, crush it!"

"Leaping pig, protect!"

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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