Elf Skill Master

Chapter 147 New Viola

Chapter 147 New Viola


A sharp but majestic voice came from above, and the lightning bird suddenly spread its wings. The width of more than six meters made Chiba and the others looking up feel like they were blocking the sky.

Then, the lightning bird vigorously waved its wings, the whole body soared into the air, and then circled down. Different from the flexibility and elegance of the desert dragonfly, the lightning bird flew vigorously, and every time it flapped its wings, it could reflect its strong physical quality .

A gust of strong wind blew by, and the Lightning Bird came to Qianye and the others in the blink of an eye. The speed was equally astonishing. Chiba lowered his head reflexively, and only the Lightning Bird's chest came into view.


Lightning Bird seemed not satisfied with Qianye's rudeness, and let out another sharp cry, getting closer, the sound directly pierced Qianye's eardrums, and his brain twitched intermittently.


The desert dragonfly hurriedly took Chiba back, while Zhi Chongxiong quickly came to Qianye, watching the Lightning Bird vigilantly, Hopping Pig's eyes were blue, and an invisible space stood in front of Chiba, avoiding it. Blocked most of the sonic attacks!
Immediately, all the Pokémon were ready to fight, but the Lightning Bird retracted its wings leisurely, as if it had just cleared its throat.

The scene fell silent for a while, unexpectedly, at the very beginning, the Lightning Bird directly gave them a blow, and at this time, there was a need for others, so Qianye could only bear his displeasure.He frowned and looked at Lightning Bird.

"Mythical Beast Lightning Bird, hello!"

"Zhiji!" "Human, have you ever come here for something? You know, according to the regulations of your elf alliance, ordinary people are not allowed to come to our territory."

Seemingly satisfied with his attitude of bearing silently, the singing of the lightning bird also dropped to the range that Chiba could barely bear.At this time, Jumping Pig also took the initiative to translate the meaning of Lightning Bird through telepathy.

Yes, as a divine beast with a race, the lightning bird, which can really be called a divine beast, is now resident in the Orange Islands. The others are only descendants of divine beasts with a part of the power of divine beasts, which are stronger than most ordinary Pokmon.

And they don't know telepathy. At this time, the role of Hopping Pig is great, and they have to rely on it for communication and so on.

"My electric dragon fell into a deep sleep due to some complicated reasons. After the guidance of Celebi, I came here to ask for help"

Qianye said in a deep voice, and at the same time took out the elf ball of the electric dragon, the taboo power on it was almost exhausted, obviously the lightning bird could not be found, and the situation of the electric dragon could not last long.


However, the Lightning Bird suddenly flapped its wings, and a powerful storm directly blew Chiba and the desert dragonfly away. No one thought that the Lightning Bird would suddenly go berserk, and could only stabilize itself in a hurry.

After Chiba and the others landed on the ground in embarrassment, the Lightning Bird didn't make another move, but just looked at Chiba and the others coldly.

"Don't mention other beasts in front of me, if you ask me for help, you must listen to me!"

Chiba finally understood what happened just now when Hopping Pig's telepathy came, and she smiled wryly. The Lightning Bird in front of her was really mad at the slightest disagreement. I wanted to mention Celebi so that it could look like a divine beast. In order to save face, he helped Dianlong, but accidentally touched the opponent's bad head.

"I'm sorry, Lightning Bird, I don't mean to offend, I just want to ask for your help." Although Qianye was a little annoyed by Lightning Bird's behavior, Dianlong always comes first. I don't mind flying twice.

"Zhixi~" "I can help you with the Dianlong matter, but the premise is that you agree to my conditions!"

"Um, what are the conditions?"

"Hey..." Hearing Qianye's question, Lightning Bird didn't answer directly, but told a story instead.

"Do you know the origin of the island of Corydalis chinensis? Forget it, you definitely don't know."

Chiba was stunned, "...?"

"Twenty years ago, New Corydalis was just an ordinary forest island, without even an official name, but at that time, an underground organization called Blue Sky Team set up its own headquarters here."

"Of course, after a series of battles between your Elf Alliance and the Blue Sky Team, you wiped them out here, but their base was almost completely preserved."

Having said that, Lightning Bird suddenly looked at Chiba with a sarcasm, the disdain and contempt in his eyes were undisguised.

"Then, the Alliance of Elves took over here without hesitation, intercepted all available resources, and left. There used to be a large number of Pokémon living on the island, but they were almost extinct by then!"

Qianye was silent. When these things happened, he hadn't come to this world yet, so he didn't know anything about them.But in the past, winners and losers can get the corresponding spoils of war. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, and Qianye is not qualified to make judgments.

Seeing Qianye's silence, Lightning Bird's eyes flashed with admiration. To be able to acquire such great strength at such an age, at least the mentality is very good.

"However, the matter is not over yet. Although the Elf Alliance has intercepted all available resources, there are many large machinery and equipment left here, which are difficult to move. They feel that it is a waste, so they transform this place into a power station."

"Then, the Alliance of Elves captured a large number of electric-type Pokémon and placed them on this island. Taking advantage of the dependence of electric-type Pokmon on the power plant, let them take the initiative to maintain everything here and form a symbiosis!"

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in Lightning Bird's eyes. As a bad-tempered divine beast, Chiba would not be surprised if he fanned the wind again at this time.

"The electric king of your alliance naturally named this place, New Corydalis, and designated it as a human territory."

With the narration of Lightning Bird, Chiba seems to have seen the turmoil on this island 20 years ago. The originally harmonious and peaceful homeland has become a venue for human struggle, and the flames of war and gunpowder smoke fill the island.

After that, the Alliance of Elves "made the best use of everything" and included the so-called "waste island" in the scope of human beings, and then forcibly used the abilities of Pokémon to create electricity to supply themselves.

No wonder that in New Violet, almost [-]% of the Pokémon are electric-type, and the rest are some Pokémon with relatively tenacious vitality such as small fist stones and melting beasts.

In addition, in the past 20 years of the Fangyuan Alliance, there has only been one heavenly king known for his electricity system, and that is the current owner of the Zijin City Gymnasium, Tie Xuan!
Thinking back to the white-bearded grandfather who laughed anytime and anywhere and loved the Electric Pokmon so much, Chiba couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Is it young and frivolous?Or hide it deliberately?

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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