Chapter 148


After a while, Qianye's eyes were suddenly clear. Everything just now was just a unilateral account of Lightning Bird. If he said that he didn't bring personal emotions, Lightning Bird himself might not believe it.

What Lightning Bird said may indeed be true, but at least the Elven Alliance will not be so unscrupulous on the bright side. Chiba believes that there are still a large number of ambitious, upright and kind people in the alliance.

Found that Chiba's state has changed, but Lightning Bird doesn't seem to care, and continues to slowly tell about everything in the past. Chiba can only listen silently, but a line of defense has been added in his heart, so don't trust it!

"The problem is that a large number of wild Pokémon flood into a completely strange place at the same time, territorial struggles and racial frictions continue to occur, and the frequent battles that follow will destroy the equipment of the power plant if you are not careful. Overhaul, but after a long time they found that these problems are difficult to solve by manual repairs, so they approached the patriarch of the Lightning Bird clan!"

Hearing this, Qianye has roughly guessed why the Lightning Bird settled here. Not surprisingly, the high-level leaders of the Elf Alliance and the Lightning Birds have reached some agreement, so the Lightning Bird in front of him should be specially assigned to guard the new Viola. !

"Then, I was sent by the patriarch to guard here to reduce the infighting among the elves, and the new purple violets gradually stabilized." Speaking of which, the lightning bird seemed to be very satisfied with everything he had done, but after a while, his face was full again. He looked at Chiba angrily.

"You think this is over?"


"Since then, a large number of human trainers have come to New Corydalis every year to find electric-type Pokémon that suit their wishes. New Purple Corydalus has thus become an artificial breeding ground for you humans!"

Chiba stared at the Lightning Bird and didn't speak. Although his Electric Dragon was tamed from the new Viola, judging from his experience when he first came here, most of the Pokmon in the New Violet actually lived well, not at all. Lightning Bird said so seriously.

"Hey!" "Didn't you ask me to help you rescue the electric dragon? I can help you now, and even give it more benefits!"

"What about the price?"

"This can't be said to be a price, but his own opportunity. I can not only make it easy to recover, but even let it be." Lightning Bird said this, suddenly paused, his eyes were hot, and he said slowly.

"The king of the new Viola!"


Chiba was stunned, the attitude of this Lightning Bird was completely unpredictable, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to Qianye and others just now, but now he wants to make Dianlong the king of the new Viola!
It's the same sentence, don't be credulous, seeing the excited look of Lightning Bird, Chiba felt that there must be something he didn't know about it.

"Why, do you still need to think about it?"

The Lightning Bird was very dissatisfied with Chiba's hesitation, and made a sharp chirping sound, but at the same time, Tiaotiaozhu put a space barrier in front of Chiba to block the influence of the sound waves.

"I'm thinking, if Dianlong becomes the king of the new purple violet, does it mean that it can only be like you now, guarding the new purple violet here!"

"Zero!" "How could I be here forever!"

The gust of wind roared again, and this time Chiba could even feel the strands of electric arcs in the wind, which would hit him if he was not careful, it was numb!
"Hey~" "I won't be here forever, because my successor has already appeared, isn't it?"

The Lightning Bird regained its calm again, but a materialized electric current suddenly shot out from under Qianye's feet, grabbing towards the elf ball in Qianye's hand!


At the critical moment, Zhi Chongxiong quickly activated, directly breaking up the current, and Chiba immediately shrunk the poke ball in his hand after reacting.

"Don't hesitate, your electric dragon is about to break through, but under your influence, it comprehended a trace of the power of thunder and taboo at an inappropriate time, but how can it be easily mastered by an electric dragon that has not been recognized by the gods and beasts?"

Lightning Bird didn't care about his failure to snatch it just now, and continued, "There are also many electric-type Pokémon as powerful as the electric dragon in the new purple violet. spirits in compensation."

"Then why don't you just go to them?"

Qianye frowned, tightly guarding the electric dragon's elf ball, with a look of guard on his face, he could see that it was almost impossible to obtain the power of thunder and taboo from the lightning bird, and now the important thing was how to get out.

"They? No matter how talented they are, they are nothing more than ordinary Pokémon. How can a mythical beast easily transfer power to ordinary elves, but your electric dragon is different. Its trainer is a human who has obtained forbidden power. I can naturally give it the power of taboo."

Qianye looked at the Lightning Bird who was talking in front of him, and suddenly felt admiration for its shamelessness. From the words just now, the Lightning Bird belittled human beings all the time, but now how could it be possible for the Lightning Dragon to get the good thing of falling in the sky because of himself? .

Moreover, isn't the so-called successor the loss of freedom?What's the point of being powerful if the price of being powerful is losing your freedom?
"Sorry, my electric dragon prefers to live freely, and it is not interested in the new king of purple violets"

"What did you say!"

A terrifying power suddenly pressed towards Qianye, Qianye could even feel the slightest tingling pain on the skin, even the coercion carried the characteristic of electric current, the ability of the lightning bird, so terrifying!



At the same time, Zhi Chong Xiong, Desert Dragonfly and Hopping Pig unleashed their aura at the same time, joining forces to resist the Lightning Bird!
Two quasi-kings, one half-step quasi-king!In terms of momentum alone, Chiba's side is not weak at all.

"Human, as I said, let your electric dragon be my successor, and I can even help you choose an electric elf with better talent from the new Viola!"

"There should be a rule among you beasts, you must not pass on the power of taboo to wild Pokémon without authorization, so you will keep staring at my electric dragon and not let go!"

"So what, your electric dragon can gain stronger power, and I can also be freed from here, and we will all suffer!"

"It's not a disadvantage, then have you ever thought that Dianlong will lose freedom like you in the future!"

"It's just an electric dragon, it's an honor to let it guard the new purple violet instead of me!"

"Have you finally spoken your mind? This is the real purpose of you guiding us to you, but I don't agree!"

Following this fierce debate, the aura of both sides rose rapidly, and the dark green taboo power on Qianye's body also slowly emerged and surrounded him.

The battle is imminent! be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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