Elf Skill Master

Chapter 165: The chess difference is one move

Chapter 165 One move away from chess

"Desert dragonfly, prepare to fight!"

"Lizard King, I leave it to you!"

In the second half, Chiba and Zhe also sent out new Pokmon at the same time, the quasi-king-level desert dragonfly and... the quasi-king lizard king!
Qianye's pupils shrank. It was obvious that the Lizard King was only at the peak of the elite before. Although there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time, but at such a critical time, you worked so hard. Does your family know!

"Lizard King, move at high speed!"

"Desert dragonfly, lightning flashes!"

At the beginning of the battle, both sides used speed skills at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the two Pokémon had disappeared in place, and the two figures quickly changed positions in the field. While increasing their speed, they were alert to the opponent's sneak attack.

Chiba rolled her eyes and found that it was difficult for her to keep up with the speed of the desert dragonfly, and the same was true for Tetsuya. The two looked at each other, knowing that the role of the trainer might be invisible in this battle.

From the very beginning of this battle, the tone was set, a battle of speed!

"Desert Dragonfly, Yanhui, Steel Wing, Dragon Claw!"

"Lizard King, Leaf Blade, Assassin's Vulnerability, Dragon Claw!"

Chiba took the lead in issuing three commands in a row, intending to let the desert dragonfly switch its use according to the situation.

Zhe didn't hesitate at all, and followed closely. It was also an order for the three skills, and his confidence in the Lizard King was also not small!
Next, the two green figures quickly approached, confronted, and retreated in the battle field, then confronted again, and then quickly retreated. For a while, no one could do anything to anyone!


In the red compound eyes of the desert dragonfly, Lizard King's actions were completely captured, but the capture did not mean that he could find a weakness and fight against it.

In particular, Lizard King's speed is all-round fast, and his moves, dodges, shifts, and bursts are not weak. On the other hand, the desert dragonfly's speed is slightly insufficient.

However, its unique compound eyes can allow the desert dragonfly to better observe the opponent's actions, coupled with the unique strong physical fitness of the dragon, so the desert dragonfly is also worthwhile.

As a trainer, Chiba can't remind the desert dragonfly how to make moves every moment, but this does not prevent him from controlling the overall situation.

"Desert dragonfly, give up the steel wings, and swallow the dragon claws!"


After hearing this, the desert dragonfly nodded slightly, and the steel-type energy on the wings quietly dissipated, replaced by flying-type energy, Yan Hui!
Suddenly, the speed of the desert dragonfly increased dramatically. As a steel-type skill, the steel wing will invisibly increase the weight of the desert dragonfly when it is used.

The desert dragonfly was the first to cause the Lizard King a lot of damage!

"Desert dragonfly, get close and spray flames!"


Excitement flashed in the desert dragonfly's eyes. After fighting for so long, let's solve it in one go this time!
"Lizard King, see through!"


The lizard king got up quickly, his eyes flashed green, and the movement of the desert dragonfly was instantly magnified and slowed down in his eyes, revealing his true colors!
When the jet of flame hit, the Lizard King tilted his head slightly to avoid it perfectly, and then his well-developed hind legs slammed hard. With the cover of the jet of flame, the leaf blade skill instantly made several cuts on the desert dragonfly!


The leaf blade is extremely cutting, and while the damage is not low, it is accompanied by severe pain!

"Lizard King, Dragon Claw!"

"Hmph, next, bug bites!"


The desert dragonfly stretched its wings fully, stabilized its body, then caught the dragon's claw at the right time, and then bit the lizard king's neck!

The energy of the insect system eroded the Lizard King's body in an instant, and the neck was an extremely fragile place. The power of the insect bite was not high, but just one hit, the Lizard King was severely injured!
"Lizard King, reckless!"

"Desert dragonfly, let go! Rewind!"

Chiba was startled, and quickly ordered that the reckless skill can make the opponent's physical strength equal to his own. Seeing that the Lizard King was severely injured, Chiba naturally ordered to retreat!


However, when the desert dragonfly flapped its wings violently and wanted to retreat, the lizard king grabbed the desert dragonfly with his backhand, and then his whole body glowed with a strange red light, and slammed into the desert dragonfly fiercely!
When the reckless hit hit, the desert dragonfly lost a lot of physical strength in an instant. After a game, both sides suffered!

"Let's do the final duel, Chiba!"

"As you wish! Desert dragonfly, meteor swarm!"

"Lizard King, Flying Leaf Storm!"



The huge meteor meteorite and the violent flying leaf storm collided fiercely, and the whole field was instantly shattered, both of them were hit by the opponent's skills one after another, and fell down in the battle field.

"Lizard King, Desert Dragonfly, Twin..."


Halfway through the referee's announcement, the desert dragonfly moved suddenly, then activated its floating characteristic, and slowly stood up in embarrassment, but there were countless small wounds on its wings on the back.

At the critical moment, the desert dragonfly used its wings to protect its vitals, and then relied on the strong physical fitness of the dragon elves to survive!
"The Lizard King loses his ability to fight, and the Desert Dragonfly wins. Please replace the Pokémon!"

"Thank you, Lizard King!" Zhe also took the Lizard King back with complicated emotions, but unexpectedly, in the end, he missed a move.

"Meow meow~"

Miaomiao on the side couldn't stand it any longer, until now, his side hadn't won a game, it wished that he could play now and fight hard!
"Miao Miao, it's not you yet, wait a little longer!" Zhe Ye lightly held down Miao Miao's top hat, and comforted him softly.

Afterwards, he took out the golden monster's elf ball, and threw it firmly into the field in front of him.

"Mega monster, please!"

"Then let it have a game with an old friend!" Chiba took back the desert dragonfly that was no longer able to fight, and then sent out the next Pokémon without hesitation.




Neither the Metagross nor Absolu immediately launched a war. Instead, they looked at each other silently, as if they were recalling the time when they learned from each other and grew up together.

"Absolu, sword dance!"

"Mega monster, move at high speed!"

Also chose the boosting skills, Absolu remained the same, absolutely attacking, while the golden monster made up for its weakness in speed.

"Say hello, Whirlwind Knife!"

"So are we, Comet Fist!"

The huge whirlwind knife once again slammed at the Metagro with an indomitable momentum, and the Metagro also showed no sign of weakness, with raging flames of war burning in its rational eyes!

The meteor-shooting fist slammed into the center of the Cyclone Knife, a burst of ripples spread from the center of the confrontation, stirring up scattered smoke and dust, and then the Cyclone Knife shattered, and the giant gold monster also retreated a few steps .

The first round was evenly matched.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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