Elf Skill Master

Chapter 166 Old Rival

Chapter 166 Old Rival

"Absolu, sneak attack!"

"Golden Monster, Comet Fist!"

Following the command, the Metagross and Absol collided again, sharp blades against iron fists, sparks sparked at the contact.

"Shadow Claw!"

"Chop tiles!"

The secret attack and Comet Fist were still confronting each other, but Absolu's powerful right claw had already been raised, and the Shadow Claw launched a fierce attack on the Metastas, but on the other side, the left claw of the Metastas also wrapped With strong fighting energy, he waved his hand to block the Shadow Claw!

"Iron tail!"


Endlessly, Absolu's tail lit up with a silver-white light, centering on the forelegs, his body twisted, and the iron tail hit the giant metal monster fiercely!
Three skills released!

The Metagros was repelled, and Absolu's attack was extremely strong. Even though he was immune to steel-type skills, the Metastas still suffered a lot of damage.

In terms of attack power alone, Absol is even better!
"Megan monster, Iron Wall!"

"Absolu, sneak attack!"


The four steel arms of the giant metal monster were firmly stuck in the soil, and the whole body flashed with silver light. The defense was greatly improved in an instant, and the advantage of Absolu's sword dance was directly eliminated.

But the price is that the sneak attack hits the weak point of the giant metal monster fiercely. The strong luck feature and the ability of the sneak attack skill is easy to hit the vital point. This blow, the output explodes!


The golden monster was sent flying again, this time the damage was far more than that of Iron Tail, and the golden monster couldn't get up for a while!


"this is not you!"

Tetsuya clenched his hands, unwillingly looked at the golden monster struggling to stand up, and Absol who temporarily stopped attacking.

"That's right, it's not me. How can I, Tetsuya, fight like this! Metagross, I'm sorry!" Tetsuya muttered to himself, and then his eyes became sharp again!
Tetsuya why?Because, I really want to win!
He wanted the Metagross to get buffs in all aspects and maintain a good state, so that after defeating Absolu, he could retain some of his physical strength to fight against Chiba's remaining Pokémon.

It's a pity that just because of this kind of thinking, he looked forward and backward, and became restrained in commanding the giant gold monster, and was even caught by Absol alone.

"Mega monster, cheer up, Bullet Punch!"

"Absol, raid!"

It's the first attack versus the first attack again. Chiba has already mastered the method of cracking the first attack skill.

"Beta!" The golden monster is extremely intelligent, with countless data flickering in its eyes. Originally, it only used the bullet punch with its right hand, but at the moment when Absolu's surprise attack was launched, the left hand also began to charge the bullet punch!

As soon as the surprise attack came, the golden monster's right hand bullet punch suddenly returned to defense, blocking Absolu's surprise attack at the very moment, and then, the left hand bullet fist was launched!


Absol was repelled, and it was not easy for Iron Fist to catch it, even though it was a bullet punch with low attack power.

"Predict future!"

"The giant gold monster, bullet fist!"

While retreating, Absolu communicated a mysterious energy to the sky, predicting the future and launching it!And the Bullet Punch also struck extremely quickly!

"Resist, an eye for an eye!"

Attack with an eye for an eye, if you attack after the opponent, the power will be doubled!

The crescent blade on the side of Absolu's head was surrounded by a dark light, and at the same time it seemed to have absorbed some energy from the bullet punch, it was black and shiny, and it was horribly cold!

Tit for tooth would do a lot of damage to the Metagross, but relying on the super strong physique of the steel system and the deep physical strength of the quasi-god, the Metastas survived.

On the other side, Absolu had already started panting heavily, his defense power was not high, and his physical strength was also not as good as that of the Metagross. It was also difficult for him to fight for a long time at this time.



Absolu didn't look back, and Qianye just called it by name, but both sides understood each other's meaning.

Absol began to run slowly, lowering his body, and then the yellow-purple spiral energy cover gradually covered Absol's body, the ultimate impact!
"Megan monster, arm hammer!"


The way the giant metal monster uses the arm hammer is completely different. The four steel arms are all covered with orange fighting energy that restrains Absolu, and then centered on the body, it spins crazily!

Arm hammer is often used by large Pokémon as a fighting ult, but at the same time it also has certain defects, that is, it reduces the speed of Pokémon.

With its fine control of the body, the giant metal monster perfectly solves the defect of the arm hammer through high-speed rotation!

Rotary Arm Hammer VS Super Impact!

The invisible ripples centered on the collision point of the two sides again, spreading outward instantly, and the gravel and smoke were instantly pushed out of the field. The strong wind directly blew the clothes of Chiba and Tetsuya, and their hair fluttered. He stared at the changes in the field, not daring to relax in the slightest!

Suddenly, an extremely strong energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sky, and it hit the confronting giant metal monster fiercely, causing an explosion indirectly!

With a bang, the two figures were blasted out at the same time, and fell to the ground in embarrassment. When the smoke dissipated, the giant golden monster lay motionless on the ground, while Absol stood staggeringly on the spot, only keeping Awakening of consciousness.

"The giant gold monster loses its ability to fight, please replace the Pokémon!"

"Thank you, Metagross, well done!"

"Come back, Absol, and leave the rest to the straight bear."

Chiba took back Absolu's Poké Ball, and the details of the battle just now flashed in his mind.

The ultimate impact is generally a big trick, with super destructive power to decide the battle situation.

Arm hammer, a fighting-type ultimate move, is very effective against normal-type and evil-type Pokmon.

Absolu, the evil-type attack-type Pokémon, the weak point is the fighting-type, the insect-type, and the undiscovered fairy-type.

Metagross, steel-type and super-power Pokémon, resistant to normal-type skills.

Therefore, in the final battle, Chiba's side was actually at a disadvantage, the arm hammer restrained Absol, and the ultimate impact used by Absol was resisted by the giant gold monster.

With one increase and one decrease, the advantage of Absolu's powerful attack power disappeared, and the damage offset each other, and it was even inferior to the initial attack power of the giant metal monster.

In addition, the confrontation between the arm hammer and the super impact is also suppressed, and the fighting system restrains the general system.

And when the two sides are at a stalemate, predicting the future becomes the last straw that breaks the other side!
Absol was lucky, and Tetsuya's final performance seemed ordinary and simple, just like the final duel of ordinary elves, but he seized the opportunity everywhere!
However, this last battle must be my victory!Qianye said firmly in her heart, and Zhi Chongxiong watched the scene for so long, so she naturally knew that it was her turn to play, so she stepped forward consciously.

On the other side, Miaomiao also couldn't wait to jump into the battlefield, waiting for the start of the game.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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