Elf Skill Master

Chapter 169 their own way

Chapter 169 their own way
In Suijing City, Jinping’s house, a group of cowardly Bobos were startled by howling laughter. At this time, Grandpa Jinbei, who kept saying that he didn’t care, was leading the left leader and the right house to watch Chiba’s serious advertisement live streaming.

"See, my grandson must have made up his mind, he wants to inherit my family business, hahaha..." Jinbe said excitedly, grabbing an old man with a white beard beside him.

"Hey, hey, I get it, let go, I'm going deaf!"

"You don't understand! Then who, did you see that I..."

"I know, I know!" Seeing Jinbei's big fan-like hand grabbing over, the other old man stepped back quickly, looking at Jinbei in horror.

"Obviously when Xiao Yezi won the championship, you just said something so ordinary, it's too exaggerated now!"

Caiyou City, Fairy Center, Qianye, Qingtian, Xiaozhi and the others met. After eating, the group found a secluded corner and sat down.

When the time for parting came, everyone was a little silent. Even though Chiba had won the championship, the emotion of parting still lingered in everyone's hearts at this time.

"Let me tell you first, I'm going back to Zijin City tonight, and maybe I won't travel again in the future." Zhe Ye spoke first, but what he said surprised everyone.

"Brother Tetsuya, you..."

"I am going to inherit my father's career. This is what I agreed with my father before. After participating in this conference, if I don't win the championship, I will go back!"

"What did you say!" Qianye stood up suddenly, seeing Tetsuya too surprised to speak.

"Qianye, it's not your fault. You didn't know about it from the beginning to the end. Even if you knew, are you still going to release the water?" Zhe Ye smiled in relief, but anyone with a discerning eye could see the loneliness in his eyes.

"How could..." But Qianye was still muttering to himself, because in the original book, Zhe is also the champion of this Caiyou Conference!
Could it be because of his relationship that he completely changed Tetsuya's future life?Chiba couldn't accept it for a while.

"Let's not talk about this, what about you, is Xiaozhi going back to Kanto?" Zhe also knew that his decision was unacceptable, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Me, Mr. Yashida has been inviting me to challenge the Battle Frontier Area before, so I decided that my goal in the future is to dominate the Battle Frontier Area!" Saying this, Xiao Zhi clenched his fists and said with great fighting spirit.

"There is also a grand contest in the Kanto area. I want to see what Xiaozhi's hometown looks like." Xiaoyao said with a look of fantasy, obviously looking forward to the next trip.

"So, we can travel together again?" Xiaozhi obviously understood, and said excitedly.

"Xiaozhi, you are really hopeless!" Xiaoyao hit Xiaozhi on the head with a big fist, Xiaosheng and Xiaogang took a step away tacitly, shaking their heads in sync.

"I... I want to go home first, I want to ask my parents for permission, follow the advice given to me by Brother Chiba, and travel alone!" Xiaoguang interrupted silently, a little shy, but firm in his tone Determination.

"Have you figured out where to go?" Chiba asked with concern, seeing such a change in the cowardly and shy Xiaoguang, she was very pleased.

"Not ready yet……"

"Then why don't you come to our Kanto region, we can travel together then!" Sure enough, Xiaozhi invited him very familiarly, completely forgetting what Xiaoguang just said about traveling alone.

"Ah I……"

"Let Xiaoguang decide for himself, there is no rush for some things, after all, parents' consent is still needed." Chiba made a rescue, as expected, it still needs experience, Xiaoguang.


"What about you?" Qianye paused, turned her head to Qingtian and Baishi, and asked with some embarrassment. After all, she had already decided to return to Shuijing City, so naturally she couldn't travel with them.

"You can just send me to Grandma Roland. I have already agreed with grandma that I will study there for a while." Qing Tian said with a smile, without embarrassing Chiba at all.

"After I have observed all the way, I found that skill learning machines are not very popular in Fangyuan area. Many people only know your skill instructors, so I have decided to open up the Fangyuan market! I will be very busy next, and I have no time to talk about it. you"

Baishi said gracefully and didn't want to be beaten, Qianye, who was used to it, naturally didn't care too much, but Xiaozhi frowned and looked at Baishi, obviously for such an arrogant person, usually the protagonist would slap him in the face.

Everyone knows Chiba's plan, which is to return to Shuijing City to tinker with his skill teaching hall.Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help thinking of what Qianye said in his acceptance speech.

You are still awesome!
The next day, when Chiba went to the headquarters of the Spirit Alliance to bid farewell to Uncle Genji, she found that there was only sunny waiting for her in the Spirit Center, and her luggage was packed.

"Did Genji Heavenly King say something?"

"Hehe, you just scolded me and told me to go back where I came from."

"Puff, you asked for it yourself, you actually advertised openly in your award acceptance speech, and you only advertised." Every time Qingtian thinks of the scene of Qianye's second year in middle school, he can't help but laugh out loud.

"Ahem, they're all gone, let's go too." Chiba awkwardly bypassed this topic, and walked quickly towards the outside of the Elf Center.

"Oh, okay." Qingtian followed with a smile, in fact, she would rather travel with two people in such a relaxed way.

"Used to fly?"

"Nonsense, of course you use flying, otherwise can you still open your skill teaching hall when you go back to it?" Qingtian said bluntly, and then released the tropical dragon that hadn't been played for a long time.

"Desert dragonfly, please!"


"Tropical dragon, I'm counting on you too." Sunny Tian took the tropical dragon, patted its long neck, and said softly.


Immediately, two green figures soared into the sky, arousing the envy of the people on the ground. There are not many flying Pokémon that can be ridden, and they are often a symbol of strength!
In this way, the two flew all the way and stopped all the way, without the sense of urgency of needing to rescue the electric dragon like before, Chiba and the two slowed down a lot, flew all the way, and the scenery that caught the eye was quite special.

Five days later, Qianye and Qingtian arrived in Violet City by riding a desert dragonfly and a tropical dragon respectively, and they were within sight of Grandma Roland's residence.

At this time, Qianye really wanted to rush there immediately, and wanted to see how Ju Caoye was doing, after all, it was the first Pokémon hatched from her hands.

However, seeing that Sunny Tian was carefully choosing some necessities and some exquisite gifts for Grandma Roland and Grandpa Zhengqi, he could only hold back his temper and make suggestions, after all, this was also a business.

I am ashamed to say that I went so many times and entrusted the chrysanthemum leaf to Grandma Roland, but I didn't even think of buying a gift before coming to the door. It was simply too careless.

...to be continued...

 Next is a brand new journey, I will try my best to write more exciting plots, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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