Elf Skill Master

Chapter 170 The So-called Tsundere

Chapter 170 The So-called Tsundere

In the elf breeding house in Zijin City, Jucaoye was concentrating on waving four flexible vine whips to help a wounded Thunder Beast bandage its wound.

After some neat operations, Thunder Beast nodded gratefully to Jucaoye, and then slowly ran back to its own territory in the backyard.

Seeing that the other party was fine, Ju Caoye took small steps to a small hill in the backyard and looked into the distance.



When Ju Caoye heard the familiar voice, she turned her head and saw Grandma Roland, accompanied by Happy Egg, slowly walking towards it. Ju Caoye immediately bounced to Grandma Roland's feet, letting her Hold yourself up.

"Thinking about your trainer again?"


Ju Caoye turned her head and arrogantly denied it.

"It seems that he will come back to pick you up in two days!"

"Chico Chico?"

Ju Caoye immediately turned her head and looked at Grandma Roland with bright eyes, as if asking, "Is it true?"

"If you don't believe me, look there!" Grandma Roland said with a smile on her face, pointing to two black spots the size of pebbles in the sky.

"Chico Chico!"

Ju Caoye jumped down happily, and when she was about to run to meet her trainer, she suddenly thought of something, made a small face, turned around and ran to Happy Egg, obviously angry.

"Haha, you should be angry and let him coax you well"

"Chico Chico"

Ju Caoye nodded in agreement, then suddenly realized something, and began to shake her head frantically again, waiting for Grandma Roland with a flushed face, teasing me again!

"Hahaha, why do you think you are so painful!" Grandma Roland bent down again and picked up the puffy chrysanthemum leaf, gently stroking the emerald green leaves on top of its head.

"Chico~" Jucaoye comfortably enjoyed Grandma Roland's touch, and at the same time involuntarily glanced at the sky, where there really were two black spots that were rapidly enlarging.

"Okay, okay, I know you can't wait, let's go down quickly"


This time Ju Caoye nodded briskly, not a little bit of coyness before, obviously she really thought about it.


"I don't know if Chrysanthemum Leaf is doing well." Seeing that the Elf Nurturing House was approaching, Chiba still said worriedly.

"The chrysanthemum leaf is taken care of by Grandma Roland. Life must be very nourishing. Don't worry about it." Qingtian looked at Qianye dumbfounded. Grandma Roland is a well-known nurturing master of Fangyuan. Ye can't handle it?
Qianye shook his head. He would never doubt Grandma Roland's expertise in nurturing elves. He was only a little worried that Jucaoye would become a stranger to him after not coming to pick it up for so long.


The desert dragonfly uttered a soft cry, which attracted the attention of the two of them. When they turned their heads and looked at the door of the breeding house, Grandma Roland was waiting for them with a happy face and a chrysanthemum leaf.

"Desert dragonfly!" Chiba patted the desert dragonfly's neck lightly. The desert dragonfly understood instantly. It swooped down and stopped suddenly, and landed firmly in front of Grandma Roland.

"Grandma Roland!"

"Hey! Let me take a good look at my grandson, he is getting more and more handsome!" Grandma Roland stepped forward quickly, took Qianye's hand, and praised her in a burst of hype.

"Ahem. Where's Grandpa Zhengqi?" Chiba changed the subject awkwardly, but her eyes turned to Ju Caoye, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Your grandpa went to the market, he knew you were coming, so he went out early"

"Huh? Well, grandma Roland, I'll talk to Ju Caoye first?" Chiba didn't care about other things, seeing Ju Caoye glared at him angrily, then turned and ran away, it was obviously miraculous.

"Go, go, I'll let Happy Egg call you when dinner is ready"

"Well, I'll go first, Grandma Roland. Ju Caoye, wait for me..." While talking, Chiba had already opened her legs and chased in the direction where Ju Caoye ran away.

"Grandma Roland, this is what Chiba bought for you, and this is mine." Sunny Tian said with a smile while holding a bag in each hand.

"Hey, don't think I don't know, it must be you who gave him an idea. Will he think of buying us something?" Grandma Roland exposed Chiba's background without hesitation, and then went to the house with the sunny day walk.

On the other side, when Chiba came to a meadow with Zhi Chong Xiong and Hopping Pig, Ju Caoye was sitting on a stone with his back facing them, and the big leaves on his head were flapping one by one.

"Chrysanthemum leaves?"

Qianye called out softly, and saw the big leaf on the top of Jucaoye's head suddenly stopped, and then continued to wave aimlessly, but the frequency increased a lot, and the little joy in her heart was instantly revealed.

"Ju Cao Ye, turn around, I have something for you," Qian Ye said persuasively.

"Chico?" Ju Caoye shook her big leaf again, completely revealing the little excitement in her heart, but she endured it, and Ju Caoye shook her head, still ignoring Chiba.

"Jiang Jiang! Wow, so beautiful!" Qianye pretended to say loudly, "Don't you think Tiao Tiao Zhu?"

"Porphyrin~" Tiaotiaozhu looked helpless, but still nodded his head pretending to cooperate.

"Chrysanthemum leaf? Do you really want it? This is a gift I have chosen for a long time. If you don't want it, then I can only..."

"Chico! Chico Chico!"

Ju Caoye suddenly turned her head, tearing her mouth tearfully, as if you were bullying me.

"Okay, okay, don't tease you, look, this is a gift from me." Seeing this, Chiba quickly surrendered, and quickly handed the gift to Jucaoye, for fear that it would lose its temper and cry out .


Jucaoye focused on the gift in Qianye's hand, it was an emerald green seed, from which Jucaoye could feel the vitality, even a little closer would give her a sense of refreshment.

"Miracle Seed, a gift for you, do you like it?"

"Chico~" Jucaoye stretched out a vine whip, and brought the miracle seed to her body very skillfully, observing carefully with a curious look on her face.

"Chico!" Ju Caoye tilted her head and thought for a while, then quickly went to hide the miracle seed on her body, and then looked like I reluctantly accepted the apology.

"Okay, okay, it's time for us to go back, Grandma Roland should talk about us." Seeing that Jucaoye finally lost her temper, Chiba quickly picked it up and walked to the breeding room.

"Chico~" The long-lost familiar and warm smell, Jucaoye lay in Chiba's arms, feeling very at ease.

Back at the nurturing house, Grandpa Zhengqi has also returned, and together with Sunny, he is helping Grandma Roland prepare today's lunch.

When Chiba came back, he followed suit to help. During this period, Ju Caoye was sticking to his side, passing bowls and chopsticks from time to time, helping to carry a plate and so on, very skillful and steady.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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