Elf Skill Master

Chapter 171 Evolving For You

Chapter 171 Evolving For You
"You are very capable, Jucaoye, awesome!"

"Chico Chico!" Ju Caoye had such a proud expression on her face, she was extremely proud.

"Okay, okay, let's serve dinner!" Following Grandma Roland's order, the four of them started to move their chopsticks together, Zhi Chongxiong and the others each got a hearty lunch.

During the meal, the four of them inevitably talked about Chiba's performance in the league competition. When it comes to the league competition, it is natural not to forget Chiba's "winning speech".

"Your grandfather Jinbe must be very happy. I heard that he has called you in the past two days to inform everyone that you are going to inherit his mantle."

Grandpa Zhengqi said with a smile on his face, and couldn't help but make old Qianye blush, Grandpa, can we keep a low profile?You're putting so much pressure on me with such a big fanfare.

In fact, Chiba really guessed right, Jinbei just wanted to finalize this matter immediately and 100%, now everyone around knows that you are going to inherit my mantle, let's see how you hide.

"Have you really thought about it? Inherit everything from your grandfather and become a real skill teacher" Roland said slightly serious at this time.

Obviously, if Qianye really thinks about her future path, she will definitely not stop it, and is even willing to provide all possible help, but she is afraid that Qianye is still young now, and she will regret it in retrospect.

"Think about it, in fact, I never objected to inheriting the mantle of grandpa." Chiba also put down her chopsticks and said solemnly.

"Then you still insisted on going on a trip back then. You must know that your grandfather used to ask us old guys to persuade you because of this matter." Grandpa Zhengqi was puzzled. Are young people nowadays so good at playing?

"The league competition is just one of my obsessions all the time, and I never feel that there is any conflict between the skill teacher and the trainer. Isn't grandpa also very good?" Chiba thought of Grandpa Jinbe's old partners, That's not good.

"It's not a reason. Your grandpa doesn't think so." Grandma Roland shook her head. She knew what her old friend Jinbe thought. The skill teacher is the main job, and it also improves the fighting ability of Pokémon.

Chiba, on the other hand, starts with a skill teacher, takes the path of skill proficiency and development, and gradually makes her Pokémon stronger, with the ultimate goal of becoming a powerful trainer.From a fundamental point of view, the two have differences.

"I know what grandpa means, but times are changing. If skill teachers still just teach some simple and basic skills in their own way, they will be eliminated sooner or later!"

What Qianye said was so decisive that the three people present couldn't help being stunned, but Grandpa Zhengqi quickly reacted, patted Qianye on the shoulder, and didn't speak, but Qianye could feel that it contained a lot of encouragement and encouragement. support.

"This era belongs to you young people after all. Sunshine also told me about her plan to popularize hereditary skills. The two of you have the same ideas." Grandma Roland said with a smile.

"Huh?" Chiba turned her head and looked at Qing Tian.

Qing Tian, ​​who hadn't spoken the whole time, turned and walked to the living room, and handed a document to Chiba from her backpack.

"A research application for the practicality of elf genetic skills?" Qianye read the title above, looking up as a query.

"I have already passed the alliance application. Next, I will choose a relatively famous elf research institute, where I will first cultivate a batch of Pokmon with special genetic skills. Then I will distribute them to the alliance for registration through a series of methods such as gifts and rewards. Trainers, and then conduct follow-up investigations on these Pokémon to compare the impact of genetic skills."

After Qingtian finished speaking calmly, Chiba was a little surprised. He thought that advertising when he delivered his acceptance speech was already a very eye-catching move.

Unexpectedly, Sunny Tian, ​​who was the same age as him, would quietly enter the field of elf research.No wonder I kept typing on the keyboard when I was traveling, so I was waiting here!
A 15-year-old researcher, don't be too powerful, and judging by Qingtian's words, this is obviously a big project. If she is in charge, maybe in a year or two, the genetic skills will start to become famous!

"Tsk tsk tsk, when I was racking my brains to expand the influence of the skill teacher, but you sneaked into the village with a cannon on your back!"

"The paths you two are taking seem to be completely different, but in fact, you both need to use trainers as the carrier, and through them to carry forward the skill teaching and skill inheritance"

When Grandpa Zhengqi said this, both of them realized something in an instant, and the one sentence that pointed to the core made them have many thoughts in an instant!

"Perhaps, we can try to cooperate and let the trainers we have selected cooperate with each other and share resources!" Chiba looked at the sunny sky and said impatiently.

"I am very happy, but it will be a long time later. Our goal now is to set up our respective performances first, otherwise everything will be empty talk." There are also ideas.

But that's right, like what Qing Tian said, both of them are in their infancy at the moment, and it's already good to be able to seek more blessings and develop steadily. As for the cooperation, let's talk about it after both parties have a certain influence.

Just like that, the four chatted while eating. It was almost time for dinner. Under the urging of Happy Egg, all the people hurriedly cleaned up and prepared... to make dinner!

The saying that an old family is like a treasure is indeed true. After an afternoon of chatting, Chiba benefited a lot. The layout of her future plans and actions became more and more clear, and she wished to go back immediately and start to make arrangements.

After dinner, under the threat of Happiness Egg's angry face, everyone could only end the conversation early and lie down to rest, but Chiba was afraid of forgetting important information, so she stayed up all night to write down everything that could be written down in the notebook first, Prepare to go back and summarize and sort out a complete plan.

The next day, under the reluctant eyes of the two old people, Chiba took Chrysanthemum leaves to say a final farewell.


Chrysanthemum leaves aggrieved and ran to Grandma Roland's feet, very sad why the two people who treat her best can't always be by her side at the same time.

"Okay, chrysanthemum leaf has grown up in our family, it's time to become a real medical elf and help your trainer"

Grandma Roland squatted down, stroked the big leaves of the chrysanthemum leaves, and encouraged her softly.

"Chico!" Ju Caoye called out resolutely, and then her body suddenly lit up with dazzling white light!
"This is...evolution!"

The white light flickered, and after a while, when everyone focused their eyes on Ju Caoye again, they found that it had changed greatly.

"Bay leaf, congratulations on the evolution!"


...to be continued...

 This chapter can be regarded as laying the groundwork for the protagonist's next plan. Rest assured, there will be travel, conquest, and everything.

  In addition, I also want to write something special, the world of skills has just begun, please support me a lot!thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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