Elf Skill Master

Chapter 172 Chapter Family

Chapter 172
Chiba sat on the broad back of the desert dragonfly, her hair was blown wildly by the oncoming wind, recalling the scene of the evolution of the bay leaf, Chiba was filled with emotion.

In fact, as early as when Qianye entrusted the chrysanthemum leaf to Grandma Roland, it could already evolve. The growth of the grass type is generally faster, but the chrysanthemum leaf has no sign of evolution at all. Puzzled.

And when Qianye saw Jucaoye again, he found that it still hadn't evolved, and he couldn't help but wonder, wouldn't Jucaoye evolve?
No, it will, it has even been able to control the timing of its own evolution!The reason why Jucaoye didn't evolve was simply because he was afraid that Qianye would not recognize it, so he kept suppressing it.

And just now, when bidding farewell to Grandma Roland who is like a relative, Ju Caoye also had the same worry, "If I evolve in the future, will Grandma Roland forget me?"

After systematic study, Jucaoye has a clearer understanding of the important role a team doctor plays in the team, and it has been working hard with this goal.

So it knows that as a Chrysanthemum leaf that can evolve normally, if it does not evolve, it will be irresponsible to Chiba and its partners, so it chooses to actively evolve in the presence of two "relatives".

"What a gentle and delicate child" Qianye sighed softly, a little distressed, but also a little proud, Jucaoye finally grew up.

It took two days for Chiba to ride a desert dragonfly and finally returned to Shuizing City, but there was a huge surprise waiting for him here.

When Chiba slowly landed in the backyard of his home, he found that the usually bustling home was eerily quiet!

Chiba took out the house key that hadn't been used for a long time, opened the door lightly, probed in, only to find... there was really no one there!

Zhi Chongxiong is very familiar with the family, so he leisurely ran to the sofa in the living room, stretched his body, and lay comfortably on his exclusive seat, feeling relieved for a while.


Hopping Pig hasn't been to Chiba's house yet, so he bounces around looking at this, smelling that, acting like a curious baby.

Qianye shook her head and looked at the excited Hopping Pig, then at the comfortable Zhi Chongxiong, turned around and went to the backyard again.

"Come out, everyone!"

A burst of red light flashed, and the desert dragonfly, wind speed dog, flower rock monster, and bay leaf appeared in the courtyard.

"Everyone, let's take a rest here now. Those who want to sleep in the house can go in by themselves. I'll go out for a while."

All the elves responded, and didn't bother Qianye, they ran away, looking for something they were interested in.

Chiba locked the house and was going to go out to find out where grandpa was, but it was just at the house of some old friends of grandpa. Well, that's what Chiba thought at the beginning.


Zhi Chongxiong jumped out of the house, and ran quietly to Chiba's feet, obviously wanting to follow Chiba.

"Let's go!" Qianye patted Zhi Chongxiong's head, not surprised by its behavior, and then walked away.

"This is Little Leaf, our skill master is back!"

"Uncle Fujiwara, it's been a long time no see. It's better not to call the skill master or something. Grandpa should talk about you again when he heard it."

On the way, before walking a few steps, Qianye met an uncle neighbor who had watched him grow up, and chatted with him very acquaintedly.

"Let me tell you, Little Yezi, this time it's your grandfather who asked us to call you that." A trace of fear flashed in Uncle Fujiwara's eyes, but then he raised his eyebrows and said jokingly.

"Uncle Fujiwara, you are so funny, stop talking nonsense with you, have you seen my grandpa?"

"Hahaha, this is what your grandfather said himself. If you don't believe me, go to the main street ahead and look for him, he must be there!"

"Zhengda Street? Why did Grandpa go there? Has the place where you play chess changed?"

"Hahaha, let me tell you...uh, I think you should go and see for yourself, there must be a huge surprise waiting for you!" Uncle Fujiwara was excited at first, and was about to say something, but he seemed to think of something more. Interesting things, let's not talk about them!

This made Chiba even more confused, and then said goodbye to Uncle Fujiwara, and walked quickly to the Main Street in his memory.


"Come on, put these things over there, hey, yes, the ground over there is hard, just right for these big iron lumps"

From a distance, Qianye heard Grandpa's angry voice, and couldn't help but feel even more puzzled, big iron lump?

"Here, here, this plaque is the most important thing for me. If it's Little Leaf..."

After approaching, Chiba saw Grandpa Jinbe standing at the entrance of an antique courtyard, directing the on-site personnel solemnly. There were people coming and going in and out of the entire courtyard entrance, which seemed very busy.

Chiba walked in, but Grandpa Jinbe's words became smaller and smaller, and even muttered to himself at the back, Chiba didn't hear clearly, and didn't care, and slapped him on the shoulder with a hand.

"Little Ye Zi! You are finally back!"

Grandpa Jinbe turned his head impatiently, only to find that it was his "dear" grandson who disturbed his daydream!

"Hehe...well, grandpa, what are you doing?" Chiba reflexively avoided his grandpa's warm hug. Although grandpa took care of Chiba since childhood, the two of them seemed to have never had any intimate behavior. .

"Hahaha, little leaf, this is a gift I prepared for you, how about it!"

"What gift?" Qianye looked at the extremely happy grandfather Jinbei in a daze, and suddenly had an unbelievable guess in his heart.

"Dangdang, the skill teaching hall! As the person who inherits my mantle, how can I not have a domineering skill teaching hall!"

Jinbe excitedly lifted the plaque that hadn't been hung yet, and behind the red cloth, the five big characters that were vigorous and powerful came into Chiba's eyes.

"Skills Teaching Hall!"

Simple, direct, domineering!
Qianye stared blankly at the five words on the plaque. Before coming back, Qianye had already thought about how to solve the venue problem. The best way is to use a wasteland around the field as a base. Although it is simple, But Qianye even thought of an excuse.

"Feeling the power of nature is very helpful for Pokmon to master skills." Look, what a good excuse, you can officially "open" without spending too much energy.

This is also the fundamental reason why he can say that it will be established in three months!
Then, you rashly got me a venue in the center of Shuijing City?

"Stay still, go in and have a look!" Jinbe was very satisfied with his grandson's performance, and could not help but drag him into the almost completed skill teaching hall.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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