Elf Skill Master

Chapter 175 The Choice of Fate

Chapter 175 The Choice of Fate
"Too tao tao..."

Chiba heard the sound of the helicopter's propeller turning, and all he could see were two staff members sent by the alliance, sitting in front of him solemnly.

Chiba, who wanted to strike up a conversation and ask about the trial situation, looked at the two serious and silent expressions on the opposite side, thought about it and forgot it, probably wouldn't say anything if asked.

But looking back, there was only a circle of pure black curtains, which tightly blocked the outside world. If Miss Joy hadn't personally sent him to the helicopter, he might have escaped at this moment.

Then I just felt that the plane started to descend, and there was no movement after landing, but after a while, two female trainers came up.

When Qianye saw it, she suddenly felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it.

"Master Chiba, champion of Fang Yuan!"

But when the other party saw Qianye, he yelled suddenly, covered his mouth with excitement, ran over with small steps, and then suddenly realized that this was not ladylike enough, so he stopped.

"Well, you must be Fang Yuan champion Qianye Dashen, do you remember me? I am the top 32 this time, and I am Liao Qing!"


"Sure enough, I barely made it to the top 32 and was eliminated. How could you remember me..." Liao Qing said with a frustrated face, and then quickly came to Qianye.

"However, I never imagined that you, the champion of Fang Yuan, would come to participate in the elite trial in person, and could participate with you..."

"So, I can still use a substitute?" Qianye groaned silently in her heart, listening to Liao Qing chattering beside her, she didn't know how to interrupt her, as if she only said one word from the beginning to the end.

"So, you are all the top 32 of the Caiyou Conference?" Chiba saw the needle and interrupted Liao Qing's endless chatter.

"No, no, Xiaomei is the runner-up of the Sinnoh Alliance Suzuran Conference this time, but she is only a friend of ours, so let's go with us, Xiaomei is very strong!"

On the side, the trainer named Xiaomei has calmly found an empty seat and sat down, which happens to be diagonally opposite Chiba, and he can see it with just a turn of the eye.

Xiaomei, people are indeed quite beautiful, Qianye thought in her heart, but she just nodded slightly to signal, after all, the two are not familiar with each other.

Liao Qing looked at the seat next to Qianye, then at Xiaomei who had already sat down, hesitated for a while, and ran to sit next to Xiaomei opposite.

Seeing this, Qianye also felt relieved, mainly because this girl is too good at talking, if she keeps chattering like this along the way, Qianye will be bored to death.

Just like that, the helicopter went up and down, and after a while, more than a dozen trainers came up, and there were a few of them that Chiba was familiar with. Thinking about it, it should be Caiyou's top 32.

After seeing Qianye, these people couldn't help being amazed. Some came forward to say hello like Liao Qing, and some introverted would nod their heads in a friendly way. None of them seemed to be conflicted on the surface.

They are all normal people, Qianye thought in his heart, the kind of people who stretch out their faces and beat them are rare after all.

And other people also more or less heard about Chiba's brilliant record from others, and when everyone was seated, Chiba found that there were actually two vacant seats beside her!
The master is lonely!
This time, the helicopter hadn't landed for a long time. Chiba guessed that it was really flying towards the trial site. After counting it carefully, there were a total of 19 people on board this helicopter. If there were no accidents, It should be all the contestants in the Yoshien area.

There are less than 20 people, Qianye is a little surprised, is it the same in other regions?
With doubts, Qianye began to close his eyes and rest his mind. After the excitement at the beginning, the others also became bored. Many people followed suit and closed their eyes to rest.

Three hours later, the helicopter shook slightly, and Chiba immediately opened his eyes, the destination has arrived!
Everyone got up quickly and waited for the start of this trial with anticipation. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the door of the helicopter opened slowly.

Chiba followed the crowd and walked down. When she turned her head, she saw six identical helicopters lined up in a row, and many trainers also kept coming out of the helicopters.

Take a closer look, there are quite a lot of people!

"Hello, young trainers!"

A broadcast came from nowhere, but it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Chiba immediately released Hopping Pig and Zhi Chongxiong as soon as he got off the helicopter.

Under the reminder of Tiaotiaozhu, Chiba quickly found the speaker, the king of fire in the Sinnoh area, Daye!

"Here, hello everyone, I'm Daye from the Sinnoh region, the person in charge of this elite trial!" Daye said as he walked towards the crowd.

"Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings!" Someone screamed, but everyone was immediately surprised. Unexpectedly, the person in charge of this elite trial turned out to be a heavenly king!

"Okay, everyone knows who I am now. I don't like twists and turns, so the trial will start immediately. The first level is the choice of fate!"

"Now, there are many boxes buried in the sand under your feet, each box contains many different things, it may be a compressed biscuit, it may be a bottle of mineral water, or it may be the key to open the treasure"

Daye looked at the restless crowd underground, and some people even unconsciously kicked away the nearby sand with their feet, and couldn't help but secretly complacent, how could it be so simple.

"When you feel that you have dug up enough supplies, you can start on your own. I will wait for you in the forest"

After finishing speaking, Daye sat directly on a flaming horse, and ran away without a trace, leaving only the bewildered crowd.

Suddenly, a male trainer released a Chuanshan King and began to direct it to start digging crazily.

The others soon came to their senses, and they sent out Pokémon that could dig holes in their teams one after another, and started the treasure-digging journey.

Qianye felt that something was wrong, so he walked silently to a place where there were few people, and released the Huayan monster.

"Huayan monster, sneak into the ground to find out what's going on below."

"Jie Jie!"

The Huayan monster sank quickly, leaving Qianye alone to stand in place and think carefully, and there were quite a few people present who found something was wrong, at least [-]% of the people did not act rashly, but walked back and forth to observe the surroundings.

"First of all, Tianwang Daye didn't tell us where the destination is, but only vaguely mentioned the forest"

"Secondly, there is no requirement for when to leave, and there is no mention of when you will arrive."

"The choice of fate..."

Qianye carefully thought about the meaning of these five words, looking for the key to a breakthrough.

"Jie Jie Jie~"

Suddenly, a creepy and horrifying laugh came from behind Qianye, and he said directly without changing his face, "Huayan monster, have you found it?"

"Jie Jie Jie~"

It didn't care if it didn't scare Chiba, but it quickly informed the underground situation through the translation of Tiaotiaozhu.

"You mean, there are at least a thousand boxes in the ground, and each box is exactly the same, and there is no way to dig out all the thousands of boxes!" Chiba said with a frown.

"found it!"

At this time, Liao Qing suddenly held a black box and said excitedly, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

...to be continued...

 Finish the work and wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat zongzi!

(End of this chapter)

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