Elf Skill Master

Chapter 176 Disputes are rising

Chapter 176 Disputes are rising
When everyone's eyes turned to Liao Qing, she didn't notice it and opened the box on her own.

Liao Qing excitedly took out the contents of the box, and everyone saw that it was a small travel backpack with nothing in it, which was just right for holding things.

"Compressed biscuits, water, travel backpack..." Chiba probably guessed what everyone needs to do in the first level, and it is very likely that everyone will be tested on their survival skills in the wild!
At this moment, Liao Qing took out another thing, an electronic watch!

"Click!" With a crisp locking sound, the electronic watch held by Liao Qing was automatically buckled to Liao Qing's wrist. At the same time, a timer suddenly appeared on the watch, and the time began to beat!
"All trainers participating in the trial, please pay attention. The first task list has been determined, and the countdown is four hours. Trainers who have not obtained the task list within the specified time will be eliminated!"

"Please everyone..." The same broadcast sounded again, and all the trainers on the beach took action, all kinds of skills began to fly, just to find the task list.

"Flower Rock Monster!"

"Jie Jie!"

The Huayan monster also knew the seriousness of the matter, quickly sank into the ground, and soon ran out with a box in its arms!
"A flashlight, no task list!" Chiba quickly opened the box, but the contents inside made him frown.

"Isn't there a task list for every box?" Chiba immediately confirmed in her heart, and then turned her head to signal Huayan Monster.

"Jie Jie!"

Qianye watched the Huayan monster sink again, turned his head and touched Tiaozhu's small ears, and then a dark green photoelectric light quickly lit up on his body.

Lucky Forbidden Power!


At the same time, Hopping Pig's eyes lit up with blue-pink light, and an invisible spatial fluctuation surrounded Qianye, causing the space to distort!

Shuttle·Forbidden Power!

In the eyes of other trainers, Chiba is just standing there and waiting silently, there is nothing special about it, at most it is relatively calm.

"Jie Jie Jie~"

Under the ground, feeling the activation of the power of luck on his body, Huayan Monster shook his body excitedly, and then he was destined to hold a box and float up quickly.

"Jie Jie!"

"This is...a big bag of elf food?" Chiba opened the box, and there was no task list!

Seeing this, Huayan was very surprised. The power of luck was to let him take this box, why not!

Immediately, without needing to say anything to Chiba, it dived down again, and then searched for the box of the task list that it might have.

"Not yet, but the travel backpack should be quite useful..." Chiba opened the third box and said in a relaxed tone, but Huayan Monster seemed very frustrated, how could it be possible!

"Come on, Huayan Monster, I will find it" Qianye could only encourage it in this way, after all, luck is something that is uncertain.

And from Chiba's point of view, it took four hours in total, no matter how bad your luck is, you won't be able to find it all the time. It is likely to leave time for everyone to find other equipment.

"Attention all trainers, the tenth task list has been determined, and the time has been reduced. Trainers who have not obtained the task list within three hours will be eliminated!"

"Please everyone..."

"What!" Qianye was startled, unexpectedly, ten people got the task list so soon, and the task time was actually reduced!
"Huayan monster, hurry up! Go straight to the bear, desert dragonfly, and giant marsh monster, all of you use digging!"

Not only Chiba, but other trainers who hadn't been found went crazy. At first, they used a Pokmon leisurely, but now they all joined the ranks of digging holes!

Chiba has the advantage here, Huayan Monster can directly obtain the box regardless of the terrain, and the other three Pokémon can use digging, and the advantage is immediately apparent.

The beach at Chiba's feet was trembling all the time, and there were four Pokémon digging holes underneath at the same time, and they were all very fast.

After only a few seconds, Huayan Monster rushed out again holding boxes one after another. When it comes to finding things underground, the ghost-type Pokmon has a great advantage!

"No, a set of nylon rope!"

"Jie Jie!"

The Huayan Monster sank immediately, and there was no time for complaints and frustration. As soon as it sank, the desert dragonfly rushed out, holding a box with both hands.

"No, a box of drinking water..." Qianye silently put it into the backpack, and the desert dragonfly dived again against the clock.

However, the travel backpack turned out to be a top-level space backpack with a huge capacity, and it didn't increase the weight at all when a box was put in.

"No, it's a box of berries!"

"No, the first aid kit..."

"Compressed cans..."



"Attention all trainers, the No. 20 task list has been determined, and the time is reduced. Trainers who have not obtained the task list within two hours will be eliminated!"*2
"Don't panic, let's go steadily, this first level is definitely not as simple as finding the task list!" Chiba quickly stabilized the four anxious Pokémon.

But others are not so relaxed. Seeing that the time is reduced again, and it will obviously continue to shorten the time with the appearance of the task list, then the trainer and its Pokmon are not calm.

"My Mountain King discovered this first!"

"Hmph, I only saw that it was brought out by my rumbling rock"

"Your Longlongyan wounded the Chuanshan King, you snatched it!"

"Hmph!" Long Longyan's trainer looked disdainful, and opened the box on his own, and a task list appeared in front of everyone!
"Crossing Mountain King, Spinning Ball!"

"Long Longyan, block it!"

The battle is imminent!
As if some switch was touched, the trainers on the beach suddenly started to compete with each other, and even those trainers who had found the task list and watched from afar were involved!
"Attention all trainers, the No. 30 task list has been determined, and the time is reduced. Trainers who have not obtained the task list within one hour will be eliminated!"*2
The broadcast suddenly remembered that as more and more boxes were dug out, the frequency of the task list also increased significantly, and this broadcast was more like a catalyst, and the dispute escalated again!

Since Chiba ran away from the center of the crowd at the beginning, and he never dug into the task list, he didn't fall into this chaotic battle for a while.

However, while opening the box brought by the giant marsh monster, Chiba devoted all his energy to observing the surrounding environment.

"King Nido, destroy the death light!"

"No, Lizard King, run away!"

But at this moment, Liao Qing, who was the first to obtain the task list, was suddenly attacked by a silent male trainer. Seeing that his lizard king was about to be defeated, a very powerful burst of characters suddenly intercepted the destructive death light!
"Xiaomei, thank you!" Liao Qing retracted the injured Lizard King in a bit of embarrassment, and ran behind Xiaomei.

"You..." The trainer on the opposite side obviously knew Xiaomei, gave them a vicious look, and finally chose to give up.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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