Elf Skill Master

Chapter 181 Continue the Treasure Hunt

Chapter 181 Continue the Treasure Hunt
Seeing Tie Xiu lying on the ground hypnotized by the Huayan monster, Qianye quickly stepped forward, found the Dream Demon's elf ball from him, and took it back for him.Then he held the green fragment of the region and looked at it carefully for a while.

"It should be true, we have a lot of work tonight, go straight to the bear"

"Magu~" Zhi Chongxiong shook his head indifferently, he was still a little eager to try after eating and drinking!
"Flower Rock Monster and Hopping Pig are in a group, Straight Bear and Desert Dragonfly are in a group, the two of you are responsible for finding map fragments, or materials hidden in the forest, giant marsh monster and bay leaf, and the three of us are responsible for passing on the news go out!"

"Magu..." Zhi Chongxiong hesitated to speak, it still wanted to protect Qianye personally.

"Don't worry, you have to trust the giant marsh monsters, and we are not far away, now we have to take advantage of new discoveries to ensure our leading position!"

Chiba didn't make alarmist remarks. Everyone had supplies on the first day, so naturally they didn't think of looking for supplies, and they mainly focused on exploring the way.

But there must be people who lack supplies in the future who will deliberately look for them, so news of the map fragments will definitely spread quickly!
"Crack!" The giant swamp monster patted his chest, as if to say that everything belongs to me!
"Go, big guy!"

All the elves nodded one after another, and then began to radiate around the river.

"Let's go, luckily I have enough tung palm leaves, it should be barely enough!" Qianye tightened the backpack behind her, and ran towards the river with the giant marsh monster and bay leaves!

"The new news is as follows... In addition, if you meet a companion again, try to go together as much as possible, with the first task of finding map fragments, and keep it strictly confidential!"

Chiba quickly wrote down the meaning that needed to be expressed, placed it on the grass, and let the bay leaves cover it.

"Giant marsh monster, go to the next place!"



On the other side, the Hopping Pig and the Huayan Monster, relying on their weird and mysterious actions, ran directly to hidden tree holes, underground holes and underwater from time to time.

The search speed is so fast!After a while, I found a supply of supplies. There was only one piece of elf food in the black box, and there was no trace of map fragments or anything.


"Jie Jie~"

The two Pokmon got together and muttered for a while, then put the elf food in the backpack that Chiba gave them, and continued the treasure hunt.

The straight bear and the desert dragonfly conduct a carpet search of the forest entirely by virtue of their excellent sense of smell and vision.

At this time, the map fragments were on Zhi Chong Xiong's body. Its nose twitched, trying to analyze the thousands of smells around it. Although the speed was not as fast as that of Huayan and the others, it was better than Huayan blamed them, but it was better than missing anything.

The eyes of the desert dragonfly have extremely high vision even at night, and it mainly focuses its energy on the dark places where the branches cross and some tree holes, and the speed is not slow!

In this way, Qianye's soldiers were divided into three groups, and they worked hard for themselves and the Fangyuan area!

Early the next morning, Chiba and all the elves climbed to a very tall tree, looked at the rising sun, ate breakfast with big dark circles under their eyes, somehow unexpectedly harmonious!
"Come on, let's sum it up, Huayan Monster and Hopping Pig found a total of 7 map fragments!"


"Jie Jie Jie~"

The two Pokmon nodded together, as if I am great and want to praise!
"Don't worry, go straight to the bear and the desert dragonfly. A total of 10 map fragments have been found!"



Zhi Chong Xiong was very calm, but the tail wagging from time to time revealed its good mood at this time, and the desert dragonfly was much more direct, flying into the air and circling around, really happy to circle around!
Why did Zhi Chong Xiong and the others find more of them? In fact, it is normal. With the map fragments in hand, Zhi Chong Xiong has a strong purpose. Almost as long as it smells it, there are 100% map fragments in the box.

But Huayan Monster and the others mostly found the material box first, and then checked for map fragments, so they found a lot of materials, and the backpack almost couldn't fit it!

"It's not over yet. With the help of bay leaves and giant marsh monsters, we buried 34 tung palm leaves in total, covering five different rivers!"

"Gah!" The giant swamp monster scratched its head embarrassingly. As time went by, the giant swamp monster became more and more mature, and the previous mischievousness disappeared instead.

Bay leaf rubbed against Chiba affectionately, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, very happy!
"Next, our goal is to find map fragments, but this time we must pay attention to gathering the trainers in the Fangyuan area. There are many people and great strength. Now that we have a clear direction, it is time for everyone to unite!"

Then, Chiba took action again. He clearly knew that once the map fragments were known to trainers in other regions, there would definitely be conflicts at that time.

The trainer named "Rust" should be waking up soon. Since he wants to take revenge on the Chengdu area, the news must not be hidden for long.

The so-called leading by one step, leading step by step, what Chiba wants is the time difference in leading, that's enough!
As the sun rose, the trainers who were resting in the forest started to leave one after another, and most of the Fangyuan trainers were centered on the river, so many people found the news left by Chiba early in the morning!
"Boss is too good! Let's see how you can beat us in the Kanto region this time!" Junyi, one of the lucky ones, ordered his bamboo hat mushroom to bury the palm leaves intact again, and said excitedly .

"This Chiba, isn't it nonsense?" Another Fangyuan trainer just got a material box in the forest, but there were no map fragments in it.

For a while, some people believed it, some people doubted it, but no matter what, the Fangyuan region was one step ahead of other regions, and gradually found the key to the second level!



"found it?"

"Magu Magu~" Zhi Chongxiong shook his head, turned his head and looked to Chiba's right, ready for battle!
"Is anyone there?" Qianye's desert dragonfly's elf ball has grown bigger, quietly waiting for the other party's arrival.

"Shasha... Shasha..."

"Well, Chiba in the Hoenn region?"

"... Gu Pei from the Chengdu area?"

The comer, the champion of the Chengdu District Silver Conference, Gu Pei!And beside him is a petite but extremely powerful Pokémon, Moon Eevee!


"Boss, why don't you wait for me... Hey, Fangyuan's Qianye!" Three people appeared behind Gu Pei one after another. leaf.

"Is there any new news, why don't we share it?"

"Oh, what news do you have?" Qianye faced the four of them alone, but still asked without fear.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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