Chapter 182
"Geographical information, this is a primitive island with almost no traces of man-made. It occupies a huge area. If only a hundred of us search randomly, we may not be able to search for more than half a month."

"Boss, why did you just say that..." Aside, Gu Pei's companion said anxiously, this is the news that they used almost all the flying Pokmon in the city area to find out!
"Don't worry, the other party is the champion of the Fang Yuan Cai You Conference. Surely we won't suffer, right?" Gu Pei smiled confidently, feeling that he was playing a tricky trick.

"It's really good news, let me tell you one too." Qianye smiled, and then said in a super sure tone, "There is another mystery in this level, and it will definitely not let everyone foolishly explore for half a month! "

"... Finished?"

"It's over~" Chiba spread her hands and shrugged, as if what I said was all.

"You!" Gu Pei was stunned. How could there be such a brazen person and trust between people?
"Ah~~" Qianye yawned lazily, turned around and said indifferently, "Thank you for the news, see you again if you are destined~"

"Moon Eevee, shadow ball!"


Zhi Chongxiong, who was always vigilant, stepped forward immediately, and caught the shadow ball without blinking his eyes. The ghost system is invalid against the normal system!
"What, want to fight?"

Chiba turned around and came back, holding a Poké Ball in each hand, ready to go into battle at any time, while staring at the opponent closely, serious and powerful!

"I have long wanted to experience the champion of Caiyou, who is called 'the strongest of the year' by everyone. How about it? Are you interested in coming?"

"Not interested in!"

"...Hey!" Gu Pei pointed at Qianye angrily, feeling that his energy-raising skills were completely useless in front of Qianye.

"However, homework skills teacher, I am interested in teaching you! Giant marsh monster, arm hammer!"


The Moon Eevee's feet were suddenly destroyed, and the giant swamp monster quickly rushed out, its strong arms covered with orange energy!

Moon Ibrahimovic dug a hole and attacked, and was firmly pushed on the stomach, and facing the double-restrained arm hammer, it was even more frightened and turned pale!



At the critical moment, Moon Ibrahimovic obeyed Gu Pei's instructions reflexively and blocked the fatal blow. Otherwise, even if it is good at defense, its small body will not be able to withstand beatings!

"You sneak attack!"

"Oh, marsh monster, Armhammer again!"

"Moon Eevee, substitute!"

"This kind of match won't be..." Seeing this, Chiba raised her eyebrows and watched the next scene with interest.

"Very poisonous!"

"Sure enough, giant marsh monster iron tail defense!"

Chiba's eyes are shining, he actually has many very interesting tactics in his mind, among which the "drug defense" tactic is what Chiba has always wanted to try.

It's a pity that if you want to get a Pokémon that can learn three transformation skills at the same time, it's not as easy as getting a quasi-god!
The short and thick tail of the giant bog monster shone with a metallic luster, and then twisted its body!
Iron Tail beat back the highly poisonous poison sprayed over, not even a drop of it touched his body!

"Giant marsh monster, split tiles continuously!"

"Moon Eevee, dodge! If you can't dodge, use a substitute!"

The Giant Swamp Monster was imposing like a rainbow, his hands splitting tiles were practiced round and smooth, and he slashed fiercely at the slow-moving Moon Eevee.

Moon Ibrahimovic dodged in embarrassment. At this time, his small size gave him a lot of advantages.

"That's it, with the arm hammer!"

"Moon Eevee, quickly use a substitute!"

"This time it's real, Hammer Arm!"


The raised right hand of the giant swamp monster suddenly stopped in the air, and at this moment, Moon Eevee just used his substitute, the old power was gone, the new power was not born, and the arm hammer was stuck!
"Bite it, and it will be very poisonous!" Gu Pei said fiercely, even wanting to exchange his life for his life!

A puff of smoke stirred up, showing the strength of the giant marsh monster, and Qianye clearly saw that Moon Eevee turned his head desperately, biting the dark black teeth fiercely on the belly of the giant marsh monster!

A drop of purple venom flowed slowly along the moon elf's hair to the giant marsh monster, and the poison hit!

Chiba shook his head, Pokémon that rely on intimacy to evolve are good at this, 100% execute the trainer's orders, and sometimes even sacrifice themselves for the trainer's victory!


The smoke and dust cleared away, the face of the giant swamp monster turned a little strange purple, and Moon Eevee crawled out of the pit panting."

He didn't even lose his ability to fight!Qianye was very surprised, this Moon Ibrahimovic was probably following the "interference negative flow", and focused on training the defense!

"Grandpa once said that the reason why Moon Eevee has such a strong defense is because its black fur can absorb and decompose physical attacks, while its yellow fur has a strong ablation effect on special attacks."

Thinking in Qianye's mind, while carefully observing Moon Eevee's state, upon closer inspection, Qianye could actually find that the black fur was like a neon light, with streamers turning, but it was very inconspicuous in broad daylight.

"It's amazing!"

"What magic?"

Gu Pei frowned tightly. Moon Eevee was severely injured by the giant marsh monster in a few hits, which he had never expected, but at this moment, a word whispered by his companion made his face even uglier.

"Your giant marsh monster is not your main force?"

"The main force? I only have a few Pokémon, what is the difference between the main force and not the main force, and it is very dangerous to underestimate the giant marsh monster!" Chiba said leisurely with her arms folded.


Sure enough, the giant marsh monster was enraged. As the first batch of Pokmon to be subdued by Chiba, he was one of the few who had not broken through to the quasi-king.

Although relying on its strong physical fitness and rich combat experience, it also brought Chiba victory after victory.

However, it is not enough!

There was a hint of blood in the eyes of the giant marsh monster, and he looked at Moon Eevee and Gu Pei, as if a hungry beast had seen delicious food!

The giant swamp monster roared, and the soft grass began to move like waves, and then the waves pushed on. In the blink of an eye, a nearly two-meter-high dirt wave formed in front of Moon Eevee!
Turbidity current + surfing!Combo skills, mud rocks and waves!
"Moon Eevee, quickly use protection, substitute! Be sure to block it!"

"Carol..." Moon Ibrahimovic was a little dazed looking at the mud, rocks and waves in front of him. Can such an attack be blocked?

"Wow~ boom boom!"

The huge mud, rocks and sea waves directly beat the petite Moon Eevee out of sight with the gesture of covering up everything. be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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