Elf Skill Master

Chapter 187 Too Simple?

Chapter 187 Too Simple?
"People from the Sinnoh region are here!" Liao Qing reminded Qianye in a low voice.

"Jinhua, are you here?" Qianye smiled and greeted very familiarly.

"I didn't expect Mr. Qianye to be so generous that he would announce the news of customs clearance to the public." Jin Hua smiled wryly. She thought that her side would become the area with the most harvest after Fangyuan, but it was clear that Qianye had already had her own plan.

"At least, the Sinnoh area has gained a bit of an opportunity after all, and there are so many of you, so the harvest should not be too small." Qianye said with a smile, although he just abused a group of Sinnoh's scum.

Hearing what Qianye said, Jinhua smiled confidently, apparently satisfied with what she had gained.But I didn't say much, because people from other regions gradually rushed over.

Seeing this, Qianye didn't ask any further questions, but sat down at the foot of a big tree, slowly closed her eyes, and rested her mind first, there will be a big battle to be fought, whether it is physical or mental!

An hour later, when Qianye opened his eyes and slowly got up, the surroundings were divided into several factions.

Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh... the six regions were divided into six groups. Even those who acted alone at the beginning walked to a place relatively close to the camp in their own region and quietly observed the surrounding situation.

The six factions that were originally relatively noisy stopped talking at the same moment when Qianye stood up. At some point, Qianye had gradually surpassed everyone!
"Not much nonsense, I believe everyone should know the reason why I gathered everyone together," Qianye said loudly, and then simply took out the map fragments collected in the Fangyuan area.

"Everyone has more or less map fragments similar to mine, but there are too many fragments, and it is difficult to collect them all by one person, so I shared the news"

Among the people present, there were many people who had seen Qianye's figure before. When they heard what Qianye said, some of them were a little bit clear, and at the same time they admired Qianye's decisiveness.

"So now, I hope that everyone can stop the war temporarily and try their best to piece together the map. After everyone knows the destination, it will not be too late to show their talents.

After Chiba finished speaking, everyone fell into silence. Seeing this, he couldn't help laughing softly, and then gestured to Tiaozhu.


Tiaotiaozhu's eyes flashed with blue light, and then the box in Chiba's hand opened automatically, and 76 map fragments slowly floated in the air, and Tiaotiaozhu waved his little hand from time to time, and a very broken map was displayed in everyone's eyes .

Seeing that a jumping pig that has not even completed the final evolution can perform such a complicated operation, the onlookers were surprised, envious, greedy, and all kinds of expressions were mottled and complicated.

"Our Sinnoh's fragments are here." Jinhua, who had an intelligence transaction, broke the silence first, and raised her hand, and more than 30 scattered map fragments were thrown into the air.

Tiaotiaozhu waved his little hand as well, as if some kind of relay had been completed, the map fragments floated safely in the air, and then the new fragments began to fill in quickly, one step closer to the complete map!
"We're coming too!" The people in the Carlos area were also not to be outdone, and more than 30 map fragments were thrown out.

"We have it here too!"

"Although I am alone, I have also collected a lot!" A silent male trainer waved his hand, and a dozen map fragments appeared in the air, causing a lot of sideways glances!
Seeing this, Qianye also frowned. It is very likely that this silent trainer is the first person to know the hidden materials. branded.

Of course, this is just Chiba's wishful thinking. Maybe she was really lucky. Chiba dispelled the more malicious thoughts in her heart. Recently, she has been fighting more wits and courage, and no one looks like a good person.

Soon, the map in the air became more and more complete with the continuous addition of fragments, and the frenzied red line was quickly completed, but there were still seven or eight holes occasionally in the middle, which made everyone frown.

Qianye looked around and looked at the people who were starting to feel a little anxious, because the current map only has seven or eight loopholes, but the others are red and green, and there is no mark similar to the end point.

"Who still has map fragments in their hands, don't hide them at this time," someone in the crowd couldn't help complaining.

"That's right, who still has map fragments?"

"Take it out, everyone is waiting!"

"Don't worry, no one will blame you, only thank you..."

At this time, Qianye was also frowning, because he didn't think that the alliance would come up with such an extremely error-prone question to test everyone.

If you really need to find all the fragments to get the destination, then if someone accidentally destroys one halfway, wouldn't everyone fail the trial?
There must be something he hadn't considered, or the timing wasn't up?

After a while of commotion, seeing that no one took out another piece, everyone couldn't help falling into silence again. Now that they are asked to find the remaining pieces alone, no one is willing.

Trying to find the few remaining pieces is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and who knows what will happen after I leave!
"I counted, and there are about seven or eight fragments that have not been found. Each of our regions sent some people to go out to look for them. Before that, each region kept a part of the map?"

After finishing speaking, Qianye didn't care about everyone's reaction, and ordered Tiaotiaozhu to take all the maps back into his hands first, and was about to distribute them to the temporary leaders who came forward to ask for the fragments, when a familiar yet unfamiliar broadcast came in suddenly In the ears of everyone present.

"Attention all trainers, someone has already collected more than 80.00% of the map fragments. The second trial is now over. Anyone who remains will be considered a pass!"

"Every trainer..."

After the two broadcasts were broadcast, no one reacted. They just cleared the level. Who can tell them what happened!
"Ahem!" Daye slowly walked out of the forest, and looked at Qianye in the middle of the field with a depressed face, because his second level did not have the elimination effect it should have at all!

"Mr. Huo Tianwang Daye, may I ask if we have really cleared the customs?" Jin Hua seemed to know Daye, so she took the initiative to ask.

"Yes, everyone present has passed the second level!" Although Daye was answering Jin Hua's words, he stared at Qianye without turning his eyes!
"This customs clearance requirement, as long as any trainer obtains more than 80.00% of the map fragments, the rest will automatically be considered as a clearance!"

"So simple?" Jin Hua said without thinking.

"Simple? Yes, it's so simple!" Daye said depressedly, but he didn't know how to refute it.

"not simple!"

...to be continued...

 Recommend a few good-looking novels of the same type, "Detective Pikachu", "Adventure in the World of Elves", and "The Strongest Player of Elves" are all novels that I put on the bookshelf and follow up every day. Of course, just give me tickets or something Well, thank you for your support! !


(End of this chapter)

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