Elf Skill Master

Chapter 188 City Defense Battle

Chapter 188 City Defense Battle

"not simple!"

Qianye walked from the crowd to Daye, still holding the fragments of the map that had not been distributed yet.

"If I directly return the map fragments to everyone through Tiaotiaozhu, then Mr. Daye will not appear, and the second level will only be extended indefinitely."

Qianye was silent for a while, then continued, "Then there are likely to be two situations. First, everyone will follow what I said, assigning people until you find other fragments in a haystack, and put them all in the hands of a certain person inadvertently. It's all about luck"

"Second, cause a fight. As long as one person thinks there is a ghost in it, it will be easy to disperse people's hearts. When the situation is chaotic, some people will be forced out until someone completes the task by himself, but the struggle in it..."

People with quick brains immediately turned pale. The real purpose of the second level is to eliminate most of the people by competing with each other, instead of sitting down to solve the map together calmly like now!

"Look at you, as the top trainers in each region, you actually listen to one person, aren't you afraid that he will deceive you all?" Daye pointed at all the people present with hatred.

"..." The faces of the people were strange, and everyone felt a little ashamed to be scolded by Tian Wang Daye pointing at their noses, but if they didn't obey what they said, most of them would be eliminated, right?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help looking at Qianye. In this elite trial, there was such a Qianye whose strength surpassed everyone from the very beginning, who accidentally disrupted the alliance's plan. Know whether to admire or envy.

"Although the way you pass the level is suspected of being tricky, the alliance will not deny the established facts. I will announce the third level mission, the city defense battle!"

"Every year, cities in almost every region are attacked by wild Pokémon, such as the once-sensational super-large stinging jellyfish siege in the Kanto region, and the attack of melting beasts some time ago, all of which tell us the threat of wild Pokémon !"

After Daye finished speaking, he looked at the crowd with different expressions in front of him and shook his head secretly. Perhaps only on the day when he or his family members became victims would they realize that the world of elves is not harmonious!
Even their proud elf partners may turn against each other in the face of such a siege!

Therefore, if you are not a mature trainer or a trainer who has not established a deep bond with your Pokmon, the alliance strictly prohibits them from going to the battlefield, otherwise it will be a disservice.

"City defense battle, as you who are about to become elite trainers, you need to accept the training of real wars. The desert island trial is over. Now everyone come with me!"

Daye waved his hand, turned around and walked back, and everyone followed without hesitation when they saw this.

"Too tao tao..."

Three helicopters slowly landed in front of everyone, a cold and rigid middle-aged man in military uniform jumped off the plane, and saluted Heavenly King Daye straight!
"Let's count the number of people." Daye put away his idle look and nodded seriously.


After all the announcements were over, everyone found that the gap between each region was actually not that big, but there were still 15 people in the Yoshien region, and only 11 people in the Sinnoh region, and there were only 78 people left in total!

Daye couldn't help being depressed after hearing the acquaintance. This time it fell to him to preside over this year's elite trial, but the results in his own region turned out to be the worst!Thinking of this, Daye couldn't help but glance at Qianye again.

"Huh?" Qianye glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and Daye looked at him with a panoramic view, sure enough!

Qianye secretly affirmed in his heart that 100% of the eight people who were "tortured" by him before were taken over by the alliance, so Daye naturally knew what he had done.

However, Qianye looked calm and didn't care, anyway, he didn't make a foul, even the king of heaven has no reason to take people for no reason.

Moreover, it is rumored that Daye is straightforward and unrestrained, which is very in line with his characteristics of using fire-type Pokémon, so Qianye feels that he should not target himself specifically because of such a trivial matter.

Well, trifle!Chiba nodded affirmatively.

After boarding the helicopter, everyone gradually relaxed. Many people had already begun to sleep on their stomachs unscrupulously. Thinking back to the trials of the past few days, Chiba also felt sleepy.

"Go straight to the bear, please~"


Qianye gave an order, then fell asleep hugging Hopping Pig, who was also extremely tired, and went straight to the bear to sit beside Qianye, tilting his head and looking at the sky outside, but his ears were turning from time to time, obviously Guarding Chiba.

For a while, the sound of distant and long breathing filled the three helicopters, and the alliance staff did not bother seeing this.



Feeling that his side face seemed to be gently licked by something moist, Chiba opened his slightly confused eyes, and the surroundings were quiet. Chiba turned around and found that everyone was still sleeping, but The plane had indeed come to a stop.

"Are you there?" Qianye leaned on the seat and calmed down. Obviously, the alliance didn't wake them up immediately, just wanted them to have a good rest.

"It's quite humane," Chiba muttered, and gently placed the sleeping Tiaotiaozhu on the seat next to him. He got up and wanted to go outside to have a look, but he was awake anyway, so it's better to understand the situation first.

At the door of "Please show your task list", the staff stopped Chiba solemnly.

"This thing?" Chiba raised her left hand, and the task list obtained in the first level was quietly worn on her wrist.

"Please wait a moment!" Seeing this, the staff member suddenly took out something like a detector in his hand, and scanned Chiba's task list.


The task table, which originally only had time display, suddenly lit up, and then a few lines of words quickly appeared on it.

Name: Chiba
Address: Suijing City, Fangyuan District

The choice of fate in the first level, the collection of 289 materials, ranked first.

In the second level of survival in the wilderness, 266 pieces of map fragments were collected, ranking first.

In the third city defense battle, 0 elves were collected, ranking first.

"Well, the third level is about conquering Pokémon?" Qianye was taken aback. How could the city defense battle be related to conquering Pokémon, and he even ranked first with zero capture?

"Because you are the first trainer to open the quest list, you will be ranked number one for the time being. When you get out of the helicopter, you can turn right to the temporary Elf Center and learn about the details of the trial there."

"OK, thanks!"

Chiba smiled and nodded in thanks, then strode out of the helicopter, to subdue the Pokémon?
Looking forward to it!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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