Elf Skill Master

Chapter 223 Chapter 223 Fairy Holy Land

Chapter 223 Chapter 223 Fairy Holy Land
"Pikasi? You can fly?"


Pi Kexi tilted her head, as if she felt that Chiba asked a superfluous question, and she could fly, but then thought of something, Pi Kexi pointed at the bright full moon.

"You mean, you can only fly where there is moonlight?"


Pixie nodded obediently, then came lightly to Chiba's side, imitated Chiba and sat down, watching the beautiful moonlight quietly.

"Hey, Picosi, what do you think life and death are?"


"Forget it, let me just ask." Qianye smiled, how could he ask such a strange question, it seems that the departure of the old Zhi Chongxiong really caused him a lot of trouble.

"Picco Pico~"

Suddenly, Pixie flew up, and then, like an elf in a fairy tale, began to crazily sprinkle sparkling powder on Chiba and Zhi Chongxiong.

"Hey, why do I feel that my body is a little light?" Chiba's hands unconsciously slid twice, and then found that the roof that was within reach, somehow couldn't be touched!


Zhi Chong Xiong let out a cry of excitement, Qianye turned his head, only to see Zhi Chong Xiong, like Picosi, swimming freely in the air...!
Chiba calmed down and tried to straighten her body first. With this thought in her mind, her body slowly stood upright, then floated up, sank, left, and right...

Qianye looked at himself swimming freely in the air in astonishment, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Pixie, what a mysterious elf!

"Pico Pico!"

Pixie beckoned to Chiba, who was used to flying, and then flew towards a direction with the straight bear. Seeing this, Chiba immediately followed.

It's not that Chiba has no experience of being suspended in the air. Hopping Pig's superpower can easily do this, but the feeling of making Chiba fly through superpowers is like controlling objects with thoughts. uncomfortable.

But the sparkling powder released by Pixie can really make Chiba feel that he can fly!He can even easily make himself perform various acrobatic movements.

Flying over many mountains and lakes, Qianye followed in Pixie's footsteps, admiring the quiet beauty under the moonlight all the way, unspeakably relaxing, and soon they came to a small lake.

The northwest of Shuijing City is densely forested, and small lakes like this one can be seen everywhere, but there is an island in the middle of the lake that hides a mystery at first glance.


Pi Kexi led the way, and everyone slowly flew to the island in the middle of the lake. Just as they crossed the water, there seemed to be a voice in their hearts telling Qianye that it was time to land.

At this time, Qianye, who was calm, quickly landed on the ground, and Pi Kexi and Zhi Chongxiong were no exception.


A pink chubby came bouncing in front of Qianye, tilted his head cutely and looked at Qianye, as if wondering why Qianye came here.

Looking at the soft and cute Pang Ding, Qianye couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it, but it seemed that it was frightened by it, and Pang Ding quickly ran away and hid in the tall grass.

"Cough~" Qianye retracted her half-stretched right hand in embarrassment, and followed Pi Kexi as if nothing had happened.

Along the way, from time to time, cute Pokémon popped up, curiously massaging Chiba and the others.

"Pippi, Fat Ding, Big Mouth Baby, Bobbi, Lalulas, Manini..." Chiba found that almost all the Pokémon here are precious elves that are rare to see, and they have a common characteristic .

You must know that until now, the alliance is still doing the final research on the fairy-type elves. You can imagine how big a sensation the introduction of a new attribute will cause!

Before that, the Elf Alliance must at least detect all known fairy-type elves, research the attribute restraint of the fairy-type, and rename the existing fairy-type skills.

And in the case of obtaining enough benefits, such important information will be made public!
So people who don't pay attention naturally don't notice it, but people with bugs like Qianye obviously find that all the fairies they know are rarer than before.

Such as Fat Ding, such as Pippi!
But now, the goblin-type elves can be seen everywhere like green caterpillars on the island in the middle of the lake, and Qianye was obviously shocked.

However, Qianye, who had experienced a lot of wind and waves, quickly calmed down. Fairy-type Pokémon are rare, but there are only a few that can make Chiba want to tame them, and they must have enough talent.

Therefore, Qianye quickly withdrew her eyes that had never seen the world, and quickly followed Pi Kexi.

And in front, Pi Kexi, whose mouth corners had been slightly raised, seemed to have a slightly wider smile, and always felt a lot more sincere.

In cities, the most prosperous place is always the city center, while in the wild, especially on small islands, most of the good things are distributed in the center of the island.

The island in the middle of the lake is not big, just a few minutes' walk away. Through the forest, you can see an open grassland. In the middle of the grassland, a huge boulder emitting pale pink light is quietly placed there.

Around, hundreds of fairy-type Pokémon sat around, staggering and absorbing the soft energy emanating from the boulder, with a look of enjoyment.


Suddenly, a Xanadu moved in front of Chiba in an instant, looking nervously at the uninvited guest in front of him. At this time, Pixie didn't seem to want to make a rescue, but his eyes signaled Chiba, don't be impatient?

Shanaido's warning suddenly made the originally peaceful and peaceful scene flustered. Most of the little elves who knew nothing about the world hid curiously, poking their heads out one by one to watch the situation here.


Behind Xanadu, a rarer elf slowly came out, with a pure white body, pink limbs, and bright blue pupilless eyes, shining with strange beauty.

The most special thing is the four long silk ribbons, which are said to be magical ribbons that can feel human emotions.

The eighth undiscovered Eevee evolution type, Fairy Ibrahimovic, just like its name, has immortal energy!

Fairy Ibrahimovic stood beside Xanadu, a long silk ribbon stretched out towards Chiba, Chiba understood, and gently covered it with his right hand, and in an instant, each person and pet's body slowly exuded a soft pale pink color shine.

After a while, the light disappeared, and the fairy Ibrahimovic gently retracted the ribbon, and then nodded slightly towards Xanadu.

Xanadu seemed to trust the fairy Ibrahimovic very much, so she nodded slightly to Chiba, and even bent slightly to make an invitation. It was inviting Chiba to their party!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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