Elf Skill Master

Chapter 224 Planning Dream Meteor Waterfall

Chapter 224 Planning Dream Meteor Waterfall
"is it okay?"


Fairy Eevee nodded, the long silk ribbon was fluttering in the wind, the moonlight was so beautiful that people couldn't move their eyes.

Qianye stepped forward and stood quietly beside the fairy Eevee, watching countless fairy elves dancing happily around the luminous boulder.

Pixie, the goblin servant, also joined the dancing camp. There were a lot of Pipi and Pipibao gathered around it, and it seemed to regard it as the leader, gently rotating around Pixie.

I don't know if it's because the dance of Pixie and the others is too beautiful, or the tranquility of the fairy Ibrahimovic around him has infected him, Qianye only feels that his heart has never been more peaceful.

Early the next morning, Qianye was lying on his bed in Heyi without even taking off his shoes. Around seven o'clock, Qianye slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar decorations, Chiba suddenly heard what happened last night.

Is it a hallucination?

Qianye muttered to herself, but suddenly found something seemed to be pinched in the palm of her hand. When she opened it, a pale pink fluorite lay quietly in her palm.

The goblin vassal, Picosi, recognized Chiba! "

Qianye floated a smile, although she didn't know why Pixie would give this thing to herself, but at least the result was gratifying, goblin vassal, get!

For the next period of time, Qianye was free again, and the elf servants did the skill teaching tasks, and the daily affairs were all managed by the elite men.

Apart from training Absolu and the others, and accompanying the old man, they can only find a way to get the approval of the elves' subjects, but this thing pays attention to fate, and the ghost knows what the way to get approval is.

"Get out for a trip, don't just hang around in front of me for a day!" After Chiba once again defeated Grandpa Jinbe on the chessboard, he was finally thrown out.

But Grandpa Jinbe's unintentional words made Chiba's heart fluctuate, do you want to go on a trip again?

Chiba hesitated, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that it was time to go!
Calculating carefully, Qianye has been at home for almost half a year, and Xiaozhi's supernatural Pikachu defeated Regiece and completed the dominance of the frontier!
In the near future, Xiaozhi will set off again, and the area of ​​this trip is Sinnoh!
In addition to the Yoshien area, the place Chiba most wants to visit is the Sinnoh area. What is the place favored by the legendary Creator God?

In addition, Chiba has never forgotten the mysterious Zhengying that the Sinnoh regional champion Sirona once mentioned to him!

Although she didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, Qianye still decided not to affect her plan just because of one or two words he didn't know the truth of.

In the afternoon of the next day, Chiba still put forward his idea to Grandpa Jinbe, and he hoped to travel again.

"Go, I'm satisfied to be able to devote so long to the skill teaching hall. Grandpa, I'm still in good health, so don't worry."

"Hmm!" Qianye looked at his grandfather's expression of not being surprised at all, and was full of emotions in his heart. Perhaps his grandfather knew that a skill teaching hall could not stop his progress.

However, Qianye still has a lot of things to do before leaving, and the approval of elf subjects cannot be interrupted, so in future travels, Qianye decided to bring one or two subjects who have not yet been approved at any time.

And taking this opportunity, I hope to complete all the approvals as soon as possible. Qianye has a hunch that when all the elf subjects have recognized Qianye, there are more important things waiting for him.

In addition, it is about the issue of elves carrying slots. Unless you are the champion of the king, you cannot carry more than six elves, but people can often find loopholes.

Mount Elf and Mount Elf!
All trainers who have reached the elite level or are physically handicapped can apply to the alliance. As long as they have elves that can ride, they can be separated into six elves to carry slots.

Of course, under normal circumstances, mount elves and mount elves cannot participate in some more formal competitions.But even the Elf Alliance thinks this is unlikely. After all, in the wild, who cares whether you use a mount or not.

And Qianye's mount elf is naturally the majestic wind speed dog, and the mount elf is the loyal desert dragonfly, plus the indispensable straight bear and jumping pig, as well as the team doctor Yue Guiye, Qianye finds that he has not yet Five elves that need to be carried have been determined before departure.

Fortunately, there are still three vacancies among the eight elf seats, leaving one for the elf vassals, and two more. After much deliberation, Qianye finally decided...

talk later!
Before leaving, Qianye took Desert Dragonfly to the Lake of Dreams and saw its mother whom it hadn’t seen for a long time. !

However, since the desert dragonfly has received the inheritance of the storm salamander, it would be inappropriate to let it learn from its mother.

So three days later, Chiba rode a desert dragonfly back to Shuijing City, and the coordinates of the Dream Lake had been set by Jumping Pig, which made it much easier to come here in the future.

After resting again, Chiba rode a desert dragonfly to the Meteor Falls. This time he wanted to pass the True Meteor Falls to verify his strength!
Climbing to the top, a group of familiar iron-clawed lobsters appeared in front of Chiba, and the overlord Iron-clawed lobster even beckoned to Qianye.

"Give it in?" Chiba raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The three-meter-high overlord Pokémon, the iron-clawed lobster, wields its huge pincers, as if laughing at Chiba's overreach. Will there be any difference after a few months?

"Hey sip!"

The overlord iron-clawed lobster retreated its companions. Every time the two pairs of steel-like iron-clawed claws closed, there would be a metal-like rubbing sound, which made one's scalp tingle.

"Then, let me show you our progress, Dianlong!"


In the past half a year, the electric dragon has undergone the biggest change. First, the electric dragon has changed from an ordinary elf to a rare flashing elf. Secondly, the electric dragon has mastered the power of thunder and taboo. The destructive power of thunder and lightning is terrifyingly powerful!
Finally, Dianlong's aura has been very unstable recently, and Chiba knows that Dianlong only needs one opportunity to break through the quasi-king!
This is also one of the reasons why Qianye came to True Meteor Falls, there is no better way to stimulate than fighting!
"Hey sip!"

The thoughts in his heart disappeared in a flash, and the iron claw lobster had already rushed over aggressively. The momentum brought by its huge body was really terrifying.

"Dianlong~" Qianye called softly, then grinned, "Thunder!"


With a light wave of his right hand, a thunderbolt resembling a lightning bird hit the overlord Iron Claw Lobster fiercely. White smoke rose in an instant, and he even smelled the meaty aroma of the lobster.

With just one blow, the Overlord Iron Claw Lobster lost control of its body, and slid upright in front of the electric dragon with inertia!

One hit kill!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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