Elf Skill Master

Chapter 225 Fort Electric Dragon

Chapter 225 Fort Electric Dragon
In the True Meteor Waterfall near the peak, countless elite-level Pokémon looked up at the thunder in the shining sky. As expected, the True Meteor Waterfall, which has not been visited for a long time, may soon become lively.

Qianye stroked the electric dragon who was running over from Pidiandian, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Ever since the electric dragon obtained the power of thunder and taboo, the power of thunder and lightning has continued to increase. I didn't expect it to be so powerful now.

It is even more terrifying than the thunder and lightning attack of the quasi-king level!
The Overlord Iron Claw Lobster recovered quickly, and when it came to its senses, it no longer dared to underestimate the petite Electric Dragon. It stopped the excited Iron Claw Lobsters, and then made way for Chiba and the others to pass.

"Hey sip!"

The Overlord Iron Claw Lobster nodded earnestly to Chiba, and then led the group into the water without a trace.

"Okay, the next step is the real challenge!" Qianye murmured to himself, and took the lead to enter the True Meteor Waterfall with Zhi Chong Xiong, Jumping Pig and Dian Long. Hiding in Chiba's shadow.

No matter how many times you look at it, the gorgeous waterfall like a galaxy is still so charming, but Qianye did not relax his vigilance, and soon a thin and small Mengge Naia appeared in front of Qianye and the others.

Elite class!
Chiba's pupils shrank, and after careful observation, he found that although the Mengge Naia in front of him didn't even have the average height of its kind, his plant-like body showed tiny muscles!

"Dianlong, prepare to fight!"


Dianlong quickly ran two steps forward, it knew that it needed to fight to break through the shackles, so it was very active!
"Brother Meng!"

The mouth of Naia in the desert grinned like a scarecrow, and there was a trace of horror that could not be expressed, and the next moment it had disappeared in place!
"Cotton Defense!"


The fluffy cotton instantly enveloped the electric dragon, and just as the cotton defense expanded, Mengge Naia's body suddenly appeared, obviously being ejected by the cotton!
"Switch! Cotton spores!"


The cotton defenses did not disperse, but crawled onto Mengge Naia's body like a swarm of insects. If it weren't for the white and round cotton, such a scene would be very scary!


Cotton spores covered Mengge Naia's body, Mengge Naia whose speed was instantly slowed down could only watch the violent electric current hit her body!
"Brother Meng!"

A circle of red light quickly appeared in Mengge Naia's eyes, and the red light quickly hit the electric dragon that was still using thunder!
Skills, same fate!

"Flower Rock Monster!"

"Jie Jie~"

Qianye's shadow suddenly elongated, directly reaching behind Mengge Naia, and then a dark claw suddenly grabbed at its weak waist.


Mengge Naia let out a scream, stared at her eyes, and the skill of the same life dissipated in the air in an instant, and then a very fast charging beam took away the last trace of its physical strength.

"Really dangerous!"

Qianye wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead. Unexpectedly, the first Mengge Naia almost capsized the electric dragon in the gutter. Naturally, there are only two ways for Mengge Naia to learn the same life skills.

After heredity and high level, she will naturally comprehend it. The elite Mengge Naia is naturally not high level, but any one she encounters will learn the same life skills. I have to say that Chiba's luck is really good!
However, it is already unfair for the Huayan monster to fight twice, but if the electric dragon loses its fighting ability now, it will be a very troublesome thing, after all, the electric dragon has an important mission here!

"Go ahead!"

After Qianye put two blue tangerine fruits beside Mengge Naia, he continued to move forward, and a pair of scarlet eyes not far away had already stared at them!

"Electric dragon, electromagnetic waves!"


After the thrilling battle last time, Dianlong's vigilance instantly increased a lot. Facing Chiba's orders, he executed them without hesitation. The electromagnetic waves spread outward, and soon the owner of the scarlet eyes came out of the grass angrily. .


It is a rice spoon snake, I saw it slid towards one side, and a layer of black rubber quickly slid off its body, with the characteristic of shedding its skin!
By shedding the skin on your body, heal abnormal conditions!
Chiba's eyes froze, and the effect of the electromagnetic wave was fully revealed. Although it had no attack power, the 100% paralysis effect made Chiba quite fond of this skill.

And I can also check from the side, what is the characteristic of this rice spoon snake, it really is the most common moulting characteristic, but since the rice spoon snake that lives alone can survive here, it is naturally...

Elite class!

The rice spoon snake is shedding its skin while gliding at a speed that is not slow at all. It is obvious that it has long adapted to this fighting style, and it is also proficient in using its characteristics!
"Electric dragon, one hundred thousand volts!"


One hundred thousand volts erupted, and the speed of the rice spoon snake was not fast, so it was undoubtedly hit perfectly. The lightning of the electric dragon is different from the general electric Pokémon. It has acquired the power of thunder and taboo, and its destructive power is Extremely scary!

With just one blow, the Rice Spoon Snake was seriously injured, and Dianlong's turret tactics were finally revealed gradually!

Attack from a distance, suppress the opponent with a strong attack, so that the opponent has no counterattack!
In melee combat, cotton defense is combined with cotton spores to enhance the defense while limiting the speed of the opponent, and then continue to suppress firepower!

The powerful [-] volts made the rice spoon snake make an instant decision to run away. It deliberately ran forward a few steps, and then slammed down, digging a hole!
Chiba, who waited quietly for a minute, suddenly came to his senses, the rice spoon snake must have escaped!

Afterwards, whenever encountering a wild Pokmon, Chiba immediately dispatched the electric dragon, and the tactics were fort tactics, and the powerful fire suppression made most opponents lose their resistance!

And after more and more battles, Qianye could clearly feel that Dianlong's aura was rapidly increasing, just like when he was advancing straight to Xiong, the more he fought, the more courageous he was!

Who would have thought that Dianlong, who didn't like fighting at the beginning, would choose such a way to break through the elite, Qianye felt emotional, but still didn't stop looking for the next opponent for Dianlong!
After passing a small waterfall again, Chiba stared at the surroundings tightly. In such a comfortable environment, there must be a powerful Pokémon. If possible, Chiba hopes that Dianlong can make a breakthrough here!

Suddenly, a large ivory white snake sprang out of the water, its pink fins were soft and smooth, and its voice was also full of charming charm!
The most beautiful Pokémon, Menus!

"Quasi-Heavenly King!" Chiba Yixi, if Dianlong can defeat the Meenas in front of him, then breaking through the Quasi-Heavenly King will be a good thing!

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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