Elf Skill Master

Chapter 248 Newcomer Trainer

Chapter 248 Newcomer Trainer (Please recommend!)
Chiba, who was eating and drinking at the Yamanashi Research Institute, spent five days in full swing, and it was a rewarding experience for Chiba.

But for Zhi Chong Xiong, especially the line ball who has just joined the team, it is not so friendly. In addition to the regular training every day, Chiba's carrying, including the evil vassal Ku Bao, suffers a period of time without elf rights .

Because of the strange way of recognizing the strange power of fighting subjects, Qianye decided to give it up for the time being. He has no experience in such things as falling in love!
Then it was exchanged with the rather haughty Kubao, but the elf subjects were all very proud, so Kubao's small personality seemed a little normal in Chiba's eyes.

As for what they suffered, that is, they ate a little too much, and they ate a little too much. In the past five days, every meal was the time when the elves struggled the most. Swallow the rhythm of the tongue.

But most of the time, it was the illusion of eating poop, and all kinds of wonderful and dreamy tastes continued to erupt in the mouths of the elves.

The elves who had adapted well in the new area were artificially created by Chiba to be dissatisfied, and they still dissatisfied intermittently and irregularly and unorganized!

Bogaman, who was in Chiba and among the elves, also didn't know what he had experienced in the past few days, but when the serious Dr. Yamanashi brought it to meet the newcomer trainer, Bogaman didn't resist at all, and even A little excited.

Chiba raised her eyebrows proudly and looked at Dr. Yamanashi, but all she got was a calm turn around and the back of the white coat. In a trance, Chiba seemed to see the word "justice" written on the back, and she must be dissatisfied!
But in fact, Bogaman, who has undergone repeated baptisms in spirit and body, feels that whether it is the serious and indifferent Dr. Yamanashi or the crazy Chiba who often wants to poison elves are extremely terrifying existences.

Now, accepting the choice of a rookie trainer might be its only way out. The dramatist Bogaman is completely immersed in his fantasy, refusing to admit the little expectation in his heart!
Out of curiosity, Chiba followed Dr. Yamanashi. As Chiba, who has been traveling for a year, it seems that the time for a new trainer has not passed.

But strictly speaking, Qianye is not a newcomer in the true sense. After all, many things will be different if you start off after being five years older.

It was still the familiar experimental platform. At this time, the three ordinary newcomers with no special features lined up in a row, and then looked excitedly, nervously, and curiously at the three elves on the experimental platform. ball.

Dr. Yamanashi's serious face was very intimidating, so none of the three dared to speak first. Fortunately, the almighty assistant appeared again at this time.

The assistant of the researcher earnestly taught the three new trainers the precautions for traveling, and gave examples of various dangers in the wild, and then slightly suppressed the fire in the eyes of the three, and then slowly released the Sinnoh Yusanjia.

Tortoise, Little Fire Monkey and Bogaman!

Under the tacit and harmonious choice of the three, no disputes occurred, and the perfect match of one person and one favorite was formed!
Then I saw one of the little stunned greens taking the poke ball and illustrated book tremblingly in the hands of Dr. Yamanashi, and summoned up the courage to speak loudly to Chiba.

"Please accept my challenge, uncle!"


The pupils of Chiba's eyes shrank, and the temperature around his body dropped by ten degrees instantly, and the ball of thread chewing on snacks suddenly felt a chill blow over him.

After thinking about it for a while, the thread ball quietly hid the half-eaten snacks, always feeling that something big is about to happen, so protect the snacks first!

"Okay, little brother!" Qianye said with a smile. For some reason, the little boy opposite felt even colder. Is the temperature of the air conditioner in the research institute so low?

"The Pokémon I use is this, go to my favorite little fire monkey!"


In the arena, the little fire monkey nimbly turned somersaults, and then squealed excitedly, but when it turned around and saw the indifferent and serious Dr. Yamanashi, it suddenly fell silent.

"Ball of Strings!"


I'm used to playing the line ball. As long as it's not a high-end round, Chiba will let him play, and he can only let him play, otherwise it will be too bullying, even though the stunned young man on the opposite side calls him uncle!
"Facing fire elves, you actually send insect elves, uncle, are you really a trainer? Little Fire Monkey uses sparks!"

Qianye, who wanted to keep his hand and teach the opponent a little bit, suddenly chuckled, thinking that having an elf would make him invincible?Time to perform real techniques!

"Ball of thread, poisonous needle! Approach quickly!"


The line ball, which can be regarded as experienced in many battles, is not afraid of a little spark, and the dense poisonous needles are shot quickly, directly blocking the sparks, and even can spare the energy to rush forward and quickly approach the little fire monkey !

"Little Fire Monkey, attack with claw!"

Qianye shook her head speechlessly, she had such a strong desire for close combat, there must be something to rely on, and you foolishly moved over.

"Ball of string, spinning!"


The white spider silk quickly entangled the little fire monkey tightly, leaving only a small burning buttocks, which looked weird no matter how you looked at it.

"Get rid of it, Cross Poison Blade!"


The purple cross-shaped attack directly flew the little fire monkey, without the slightest fighting skills, which made Chiba feel dull, but seeing Lengtouqing's sluggish face, Chiba suddenly felt refreshed!
Children who are impolite should be taught a lesson. Chiba rewarded the thread ball with a few snacks in a good mood, so happy that his eyes almost disappeared from laughter!
"As a trainer, the first thing to do is not to aim too high..."

At this time, Dr. Yamanashi came out with a timely sermon. With a cold face and a warm heart, he couldn't bear to be hit by Chiba before Leng Touqing took the first step of his journey and lost confidence.

The other two newcomer trainers who witnessed all this whole process nodded earnestly from time to time while listening to Dr. Yamanashi's lecture, and looked at Chiba with eyes full of envy.

"My name is Mizuno Qing, please tell me your name, one day in the future, I will definitely defeat you!"


Lengtouqing, no, it was Shui Yeqing who hugged the recovered little fire monkey and said loudly, it seemed that this would make him more courageous!

Qianye complained that the other party really had something to do with "Qing", and on the other hand carefully looked at the one person and one pet who had begun to have a tacit understanding.

Chiba grinned, "Suijing City, Fangyuan District, skill teacher, Chiba! Looking forward to your challenge, by the way, I am 16 years old, not an uncle!"

"Uh, okay, Chiba...Brother?"

"Well, it's a good title, come on young man, the future belongs to you!"


...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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