Elf Skill Master

249 Hunter J

249 Hunter J
After watching the three rookie trainers set off in high spirits, Qianye was curious, how far can these three seemingly ordinary children go?
But in the next second, Qianye turned around and continued to try various magical formulas. Compared with caring about others, Qianye prefers to feel the process of her own growth and improvement, that kind of spiritual joy.

Not staying for too long, Chiba bid farewell to the busy Dr. Yamanashi the next day, leaving behind some energy cubes that had been successfully produced and had special effects. Shi Shiran filled the bag with various supplies, and he was not polite at all!
Walking out of the Yamanashi Research Institute, there is nothing worth seeing in Zhensha Town. All the way north, Chiba set off for Yuanzhi Town with one person and three pets.

Yuanzhi Town, known as the city covered with flowers, is one of the most suitable small towns in the Sinnoh region for the elderly, and what attracts Chiba is the famous three bees honey!
A trainer who can't cook is not a good skill teacher. Adhering to the belief of cultivating a home, Chiba embarked on the road of no return as a gourmet.

As for which one is his real identity, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that Qianye Lafeng's pendant attracted the coveting of those who are interested in it in less than a moment!
"Alydos, spin the silk! Violent salamander, destroy the death light!" A cold, emotionless female voice came from behind Chiba!


The strongest Zhi Chongxiong was the first to react, and the shadow activated for Fei Suo, instantly stopping all the spider threads and destructive death rays that were close to him!


The wind speed dog appeared on the stage, and the bursting flames had already gathered momentum in the elf ball, and a group of red and blue fireballs hit the dumbfounded Alidos so quickly!


A huge impact sounded, and the elite-level Alidos was directly hit by the wind speed dog into the crack of the rock, killing him with one blow!

"Dragon King Scorpion, Cross Poison Blade!"

"Straight to the bear, super fast!"

"Storm Salamander, Tailwind!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, you also use super speed to interrupt the storm salamander!"

Seeing the silver-haired woman sitting firmly on the back of the storm salamander, Chiba kept an eye on the situation of the battle, and at the same time, he was sure that the opponent definitely installed a fixing device on the storm salamander's back!

The powerful preemptive skills directly interrupted the skills of Dragon King Scorpion and Storm Salamander, and suffered moderate damage!
Until this time, the two sides of the battle stopped slightly, and then slowly separated to stand on one side!
This is the outskirts of Zhensha Town. I had just left Zhensha Town for less than half an hour, and the other party attacked me involuntarily. There is only one possibility.

Got caught!

Distant memories slowly emerged, Chiba squinted and looked at the indifferent silver-haired woman opposite, the most wanted criminal of the Elven Alliance, Hunter J!

The sense of technology is full, the sunglasses for which I don't know what they are used for, the black tight-fitting combat uniform, and the violent salamander under the crotch, all of which show that the opponent has extremely strong strength!
Elite Alidos, Quasi-Uranus Junior Dragon King Scorpion, Quasi-Uranus High-level Storm Salamander!Among the three exposed Pokémon, two are real quasi-kings!
But these are not what Chiba fears the most, the laser instrument in Hunter J's left hand is the real threat!

While Chiba was sizing up each other, Hunter J was also sizing him up. Chiba's information was extremely exciting, the strongest contest champion in history, Fang Yuan's new generation of skill teaching masters, elite trainers with quasi-king strength!
But so what, relying on the natural advantages of the violent salamander and the powerful strength of the quasi-king level, Hunter J tried to snatch the elf of the king-level trainer, although he failed, he escaped smoothly.

So far, fight to fame!
Therefore, in her existing thinking, reckless fighting may be difficult to deal with, but as long as the plan is perfect, the task can be easily completed.

But at this time, a huge flying machine quietly appeared above the heads of the two of them. Qianye looked up, and then looked at the towering peaks on both sides. Unexpectedly, the other party wanted to catch a turtle in a jar!

Bah, you are the turtle!

At this time, an extremely fat man who was also wearing a combat uniform ran to Hunter J's side panting, reporting something in a low voice.

"Originally, we only needed to capture Tiaotiaozhu, but I didn't expect the other party to be interested in string balls! Ask the other party to pay more!"

The fat man muttered a few more words, and then Hunter J smiled, obviously the offer was in line with her psychological expectations.

"Storm salamander, Dragon God dive! Dragon King Scorpion, Cross Poison Blade!"

Qianye looked at the other party silently, just talking about the value of his partners in front of him, the anger in his heart couldn't be suppressed, he didn't want to say a word, he just wanted to hammer the other party to the ground!

"Super impact, flash charge!"

With two big moves, the straight bear and the wind speed dog turned into two large spheres of strong energy, and they slammed into each other so hard!
"Boom! Boom!"

Two more shocking explosions sounded than before, and the violent salamander and the straight bear retreated at the same time. The quasi-god's attack was not so easy to receive, but fortunately the straight bear had a way to deal with it!

Half-step belly drum, developed from the belly drum skill, the attack has been increased by six levels and reduced to three, but the side effect of halving the stamina has been changed to continue to consume a small amount of stamina!
The attack power has been increased by three levels, and against the quasi-king's high-level storm salamander, it even has a big advantage in going straight to the bear!
On the other side, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Dragon King Scorpion, who are both quasi-king juniors, collided. In terms of talent, attack power, speed, and explosive power, Wind Speed ​​Dog completely beat each other!
What's more, before it evolved, the Dragon King Scorpion had the worm attribute, and had a natural fear of fire!

Under the counterattack, the wind speed dog directly repelled the opponent with a complete victory!Today's wind speed dog has two bravery!

The first confrontation started with Chiba's victory, and he vented his depression!

Hunter J frowned, obviously he didn't expect that he would lose, especially the astonishing outburst of going straight to the bear, which made her look sideways!
Then, Qianye saw the red lips of the other party rise to a seductive curve, and the strong and indifferent voice came again.

"Although Zhi Chong Xiong is a little ordinary, it is not easy to grow to such a big size. It should be able to sell for a good price. Wind Speed ​​Dog is also good, let's catch them all!"

This crazy woman thinks about making money all the time, the angrier Qianye is, the more he has to force himself to calm down, because Hunter J didn't raise his left hand from the beginning to the end.

Qianye always felt that he had seen that terrifying aura before, but he couldn't remember it!
"Go straight to the bear, repay the favor! Wind speed dog, spray flames!"

The battle continued, but at least half of his mind was on Hunter J. At this moment, how much he missed the flower rock monster who could hide his figure!
...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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