Chapter 1007 Ye Xiaoye Lost 5
I don't know how long it took before Ye Xiaoye mustered up his courage again, got up, and continued to move forward.

All of a sudden, the temperament of the whole person feels like a different person!
All of a sudden, Ye Xiaoye no longer paid attention to any bad things on the road, but focused on moving forward based on feeling.

Ye Xiaoye's face was full of determination.

It seems that in a short period of time, it has grown a lot!
Ye Xiaoye carefully recalled how he was separated from his father and mother just now.

At that moment, he just felt that he couldn't see what was in front of him suddenly, and his head was dizzy, and when he realized it again, he had already appeared here!
So, was he brought here on purpose?Or, did he touch some mechanism to be locked up here?

Ye Xiaoye walked forward while thinking.

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Xiaoye couldn't move anymore, so he could only stop and lean against the wall to pay attention.

Thirsty, hungry and thirsty, but now there is no feeling of grievance in my heart.

Because he wants to be a man, and a man can't feel wronged by such a small thing.

He knew that if his father and mother found out that he was missing, they must be very worried about him, so he had to wait for his mother and father to come to him.

Worried about going further and further away, Ye Xiaoye simply stopped and sat there to watch.

This is much better than looking blindly.

However, just when Ye Xiaoye wanted to pay attention in place, a pair of dark green eyes suddenly appeared not far away!
When Ye Xiaoye saw it, he was almost scared to death!
What is that!

Ye Xiaoye was scared because he felt those eyes slowly walking towards him, Ye Xiaoye got up with trembling legs, seeing those eyes getting closer and closer to him, he quickly found a random direction and ran!

In fact, there are many roads here, but because it was too dark, Ye Xiaoye never found it, and he thought he was running back now, but it was not, he was running in another direction.

Although thinking that there are things like skeletons in front of him, Ye Xiaoye can't control that much anymore!

The skeletons are all dead and cannot move, but those chasing after him can make people feel frightened!

And Ye Xiaoye guessed that it is very likely something unique to the world of cultivating immortals, spirit beasts!

After knowing that it was a spirit beast, Ye Xiaoye ran even faster, using up all his strength!

After all, spirit beasts can eat people!And the spirit beast is still chasing him!
It is estimated that the bones he touched just now were all eaten by this spirit beast!

And this spirit beast doesn't know how long it has been starving, Ye Xiaoye has an intuition that this spirit beast will not let him go!

Thinking about it, he ran faster.

But the spirit beast walked slowly behind Ye Xiaoye, as if mocking Ye Xiaoye, no matter how long or fast he ran, he was its prey!

What's more, in the eyes of the spirit beast, this human child is the hardest he has ever seen to run!

"Hey~ Can you run faster?" The spirit beast followed behind Ye Xiaoye bored!

Because it has cultivated to a certain level, it does not need to eat anything, but occasionally some appetizers can still make the beast feel happy!
When Ye Xiaoye heard the spirit beast speak, he almost tripped over him!

Who was talking just now?
Ye Xiaoye looked back and felt that the person who spoke just now didn't look like a human?


Could it be that the spirit beast spoke?

Immediately, Ye Xiaoye felt even more frightened, so she ran even faster!

In the end, Ye Xiaoye couldn't move anymore. He felt the spirit beast following him slowly, as if he was looking at a clown jumping on a beam, and he became angry immediately!

Ye Xiaoye stopped flatly at last, waited for the spirit beast to come up, and said angrily: "Are you playing with me? If you want to kill or eat, just listen!"

The spirit beast stopped, and said aggrievedly: "I didn't intend to eat you, you ran away as soon as you saw me, then I will definitely catch up with you! It's too boring for me to be a beast here Already!"

"You really don't intend to eat me?" Ye Xiaoye asked half-believingly, not at ease about what the spirit beast said!

"Then why so many people died here? Do you dare to say that you didn't do it?" Ye Xiaoye frowned. He felt that what he touched were all human bones!
The spirit beast shook its head, but thought that Ye Xiaoye couldn't see its movements in the dark, so he said: "You really wronged me, these people are all intruders, because I am too bored, I just want I asked them to play with me, but many of them were scared to death when they saw me, and some of them starved to death when I found out! I only eat their meat when they are dead, otherwise I will stay Isn’t it a pity that it is rotten here? It will also pollute the air, don’t you think?”

The spirit beasts felt that what they said was very reasonable.

Ye Xiaoye frowned, and asked suspiciously: "So, is it because of you that this place is so dark? Can you light it up so that I can see you?"

"No, no, if you are scared to death by me, it won't be fun!" The spirit beast refused.

Ye Xiaoye quickly shook his head and said: "I won't be scared to death by you, you brighten up the surroundings, let me see you, if I stay in the dark for a long time, I will be scared to death by myself!"

Seeing Ye Xiaoye's seriousness, the spirit beast hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Okay, but I let you see the surrounding environment, don't be scared to death! You have to stay with me!"

It doesn't know how many days and nights it has been here as a single beast, and the thing it fears the most now is being alone!
Nothing else matters to him.

"Don't worry, if I was scared to death so easily, I would have been scared to death long ago, how could I still be alive?" Ye Xiaoye said.

It is obvious that you can't see the things around you, you will be afraid, this is the most real fear from the human heart!
"Okay." The spirit beast nodded, and then used its spiritual power to light up all the night pearls that he had previously covered up, and suddenly, the surroundings became brighter!

But it was because Ye Rumu felt...his legs were weak after it became brighter!

Because it's not the spirit beast that he's afraid of, but the spirit beast's appearance is not scary at all, and it's a little cute!
But... this is full of bones!Everyone will be scared to death, okay?
Seeing the spirit beast standing there innocently, one would think that it was the spirit beast that killed and ate them. How could this make people not afraid!
"It's really scary here..." Looking at the bones all over the floor, Ye Xiaoye said with emotion, not knowing,
(End of this chapter)

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