Chapter 1008 Ye Xiaoye Lost 6
How many people died here to become what it is now...

"Ahem, anyway, I think I'm pretty cute. My master praised me for being cute before, but why were they scared to death when they saw me? So I had to cover up the night pearl here! Think I want to make the owner's residence full of bones, I still feel very guilty when I think about it, but I can't help it. People come in! Only in the recent times have few people come." The spirit beast was also very distressed about this.

Ye Xiaoye looked at this spirit beast. It has a round face and a pair of very big eyes. It blinks and blinks, and it can transform people's hearts. It is about the same height as Ye Xiaoye, and its hair is light yellow. Looking at it very non-aggressive...

But everyone in the world of cultivating immortals knows that some spirit beasts look cute, but they are the most powerful!
And some, the ugly ones have no attack power, which means that the good-looking ones are dangerous things!
Ye Xiaoye thought, since it had an owner before, it must have a name, so he asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Ganoderma lucidum." Lingzhi blinked, looked at Ye Xiaoye in front of him, felt that Ye Xiaoye was really good-looking, and asked, "And you, what's your name?"

This is the first time Ganoderma lucidum sees a child after the owner leaves.

"My name is Ye Xiaoye." Ye Xiaoye looked at Ganoderma lucidum as if it had no offensive power, moved closer to Lingzhi, and touched the head of Lingzhi. Hearing the voice of Lingzhi before, he thought it might be a male beast, but now he saw Lingzhi's body After her appearance and her name, Ye Xiaoye felt that it might be a female beast.

With Ganoderma lucidum by his side, Ye Xiaoye temporarily forgot about the scary things around him, and asked Lingzhi, "Ganoderma lucidum, why are you staying here alone?"

Lingzhi blinked, looked at Ye Xiaoye, and smiled, "Because the master said that she can't take me away now, and wants me to stay here and wait for someone to come. When she comes, she will be mine. The new master, and then take me to find the master."

Ye Xiaoye blinked and asked, "Who are you waiting for, do you know?"

Lingzhi shook her head, "I don't know who it is, but I will wait forever so that I can see the owner..."

"Haven't you ever thought about leaving? You must have been here alone for a long time, right?" Ye Xiaoye simply sat down and asked.

Ganoderma lucidum also sat down, one person and one beast looked at each other.

"Well... I didn't think about leaving, because the master wants me to stay here, and I still have to return to the master in the future. I haven't stayed here for a long time. It's only 2000 years! How long is it? It's time, I have forgotten!" Ling Zhi tilted his head and said after thinking.


Ye Xiaoye's stomach groaned at an inopportune time, but there was nothing he could do about it, he hadn't eaten for a long, long time...

"Are you hungry?" Ganoderma lucidum didn't react for a while, why is the stomach so loud?But suddenly remembered, oh~ I'm hungry!

Because it has been thousands of years without knowing what it feels like to be hungry, so Ye Xiaoye's feeling now, Ganoderma lucidum has no way to experience it!

"Well, I haven't eaten for a long time, can you give me anything to eat?" Ye Xiaoye asked.

Ganoderma lucidum tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "There is nothing inside this house, but there is a back door here. I remember that the owner planted a lot of delicious food in the backyard before. Shall we go and have a look?"

Ye Xiaoye's face suddenly became bitter. What was planted thousands of years ago, is it possible that it will still be there now?
"What's the matter with you? Are you frowning?" Lingzhi asked suspiciously.

Ye Xiaoye shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's go and have a look!"

It's better than no hope at all!

Ye Xiaoye followed Lingzhi who was leading the way, and suddenly thought, how did Lingzhi find him?So he asked, "Ganoderma lucidum, how did you discover my existence?"

"Me, I'm bored and want to come in to see if anyone has broken in. I came to find someone to play with. I happened to meet you. How did you fall here? Most people will be on the upper floor." Lingzhi asked suspiciously.

"Upper level? What does this mean?" Ye Xiaoye frowned and asked.

"That is to say, this house is divided into two floors, the upper floor and the lower floor. If you came in from the outside, you should be on the upper floor? Why did you appear on the lower floor?" Lingzhi asked.

In fact, the skeletons in the lower layer were removed because there was no room for the upper layer.

In fact, no one has ever been to this lower level.

"I fell down out of nowhere, my parents may be on the upper floor, can you bring them?" Ye Xiaoye looked at Lingzhi pitifully.

"Huh? Is there anyone else?" Lingzhi raised her eyebrows, it feels like there are too many people coming in this time!

"That's right, Sister Lingzhi, you are such a kind and beautiful beast, you will definitely not die, right?" Ye Xiaoye asked pitifully.

"That's natural! It's just that the master also said that I can't let anyone who comes in go out unless you have the ability. So, I can save you for a while, but I can't save you for a lifetime! You probably still have to Trapped here!" Ganoderma lucidum actually didn't know how to get out, and was waiting for the new master that the master asked her to wait for to rescue her!
"It doesn't matter, my mother has a solution!" Ye Xiaoye said, looking at Lingzhi seriously.

Ganoderma lucidum was puzzled, but he didn't believe what Ye Xiaoye said. However, children's words can't be taken seriously.

"I'll take you to the backyard first, and find something to eat for you, but I didn't give you any, so you can't move, otherwise something happens, and I can't save you!" Lingzhi thought, the owner used to be there in the backyard. I also planted a lot of things that cannot be eaten, so I reminded.

Ye Xiaoye nodded solemnly, if the Ganoderma lucidum is not allowed to move, he will not move at all!

Soon, Lingzhi took Ye Xiaoye to the backyard. Looking at the lush trees, Lingzhi took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect that after so many years, the things in the backyard still haven't changed. Could it be that they are also in the backyard?" Are you waiting for the master to come back?"

Ye Xiaoye tilted her head and looked at Lingzhi. Lingzhi said she was waiting for a new owner, but did Lingzhi really want to recognize the new owner?Ye Xiaoye looked at it, but didn't think it looked like it!

"Sister Lingzhi, since you want to recognize the new master, then... where is your previous master?" Ye Xiaoye asked, master, can you have two at the same time?

(End of this chapter)

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