Chapter 1046 Another Puzzle 2
Ye Rumu knew what the result would be.

Ye Wuqing is the best in human flesh search. No one in the organization can match her. In the past, Ye Wuqing was responsible for all tasks and finding people. She had never made a mistake, but now there is a mistake. It means that there is no such person!

"There is no one with the surname Mi, even if someone uses this code name, if they are people in the circle, they will not be missed." Ye Wuqing said.

With a bitter face, he had doubts about his skills for the first time!
Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and said, "That means Mimeng hasn't lived in modern times?"

"You mean, you know her?" Ye Wuqing looked up at Ye Rumu and asked.

Ye Rumu thought about how to speak, and then said: "Actually, I know her, and I have seen her vision. I have been chasing her footsteps, from the original mainland to Tianyu, and then in the world of cultivating immortals. Now, she said that she is in the fairy world, and we still have to rely on our own cultivation to be able to go to the fairy world. Thinking about it, all the paths I walked were predicted by Senior Mimeng!"

"You say that, I think it's a bit scary!" Ye Wuqing frowned, is there someone manipulating Rumu?
So, Rumu's time travel is not accidental, but inevitable?

"I feel, maybe she knows me, or she wants to use me to achieve something." Ye Rumu raised her eyebrows and said, but no matter what the other party wants to do, she must go!

Because she wants to know everything!
"Then, do you still want to go to the fairyland to find her?" Ye Wuqing frowned and asked.

Qingqian thought for a while and said, "Go ahead, I have many things and many doubts that I need to be answered by her."

"No matter where you go, my lady, I will follow you." Baili Yao said seriously.

Ye Rumu nodded with a smile. No matter how many times Baili Yao said this, every time, Ye Rumu firmly believed it and was extremely moved.

"Hey, dog food." Ye Wuqing rolled his eyes at the two of them.

"Hahaha." Ye Xiaoye burst out laughing unceremoniously, finally someone eats dog food with him!
"Dog food? What's that?" Baili Yao frowned, and asked with the potential of asking curious babies when they don't understand.

"It means...not to tell you!" Ye Wuqing snorted arrogantly and said.

Baili Yao pursed his lips, looked at Ye Rumu, curious about the baby's appearance, "Lady, what is dog food?"

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao's serious look, and smiled unkindly, "It's nothing, nothing."

"Pfft..." Ye Wuqing couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Baili Yao frowned and looked at the two people who were laughing and needing to be beaten, feeling a little helpless.

"Aunt Wuqing, what is dog food?" Ye Xiaoye asked curiously about the baby.

"Ahem, this is not something your child can know, but if you think about it and listen to me, I will tell you!" Ye Wuqing said with a serious face.

"Okay! I will listen to you from now on!" Ye Xiaoye agreed without thinking.

This surprised Ye Wuqing, and asked in surprise: So refreshing?

Ye Xiaoye nodded, "Hey, you have to be straightforward. Who made Aunt Wuqing a great beauty! Mother, tell me!"

Ye Rumu shook his head and said to Ye Wuqing: "Wuqing, I forgot to tell you, this kid,
(End of this chapter)

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