Chapter 1047 Another Puzzle 3
At such a young age, I don't know how many "future wives" he introduced to me. The emperor's harem is not as rich as his. "

Ye Wuqing: "I can't see it! I can't see it! You're so good, pervert!"

Ye Wuqing was already shocked, how big is this?

"Ahem, I used to be like that, but I've changed my ways!" Ye Xiaoye said solemnly.

"That's because we all left the mainland, you can't find girls to hook up with." Ye Rumu said coolly.

"I heard that when children are young, they are a copy of their parents when they were young. Ye Xiaoye looks like this..." Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao.

Ye Xiaoye and Ye Wuqing also looked at Baili Yao.

Immediately, the three pairs of eyes looked straight at Baili Yao.

Bai Liyao frowned, shook his head and denied: "Lady, I was not as skinny as Xiao Ye when I was a child. I spent every day studying and practicing martial arts. This kid can tell at a glance that he is not like me."

"You're making excuses!" Ye Xiaoye said immediately after seeing what Baili Yao said.

Ye Xiaoye successfully met Baili Yao's sharp eyes.

Ye Xiaoye was frightened by Baili Yao's eyes, but she was no longer afraid at once, what are you afraid of!Daddy dare not do anything to him!And there are Aunt Wuqing and Niangqin here!
Thinking about it, Ye Xiaoye's confidence is even stronger!
Seeing Ye Xiaoye so snarky, Baili Yao was angry and funny.

There is no way, now he is the weakest person!
"Okay, there is no need to investigate the matter of biological parents, then we will stay in modern times for a while, go where we want to go, and do what we want to do, so let's go back to the world of cultivating immortals! "Ye Rumu thought of the Ganoderma lucidum that had been staying in her ring space, and patted his forehead. After putting the Ganoderma lucidum in before, he kept forgetting to let her out...

And Ganoderma lucidum... can't come out by itself.

After thinking about the Ganoderma lucidum, Ye Rumu didn't care so much, so he released the Ganoderma lucidum directly.

Ganoderma lucidum transformed into a little girl, staring at Ye Rumu sadly, which made people feel guilty.

"Uh... Well, Lingzhi, I was busy with some things before, so I temporarily forgot about you, but didn't I bring you out as soon as I thought of you? Lingzhi, don't be angry!" Ye Rumu cautiously Said.

But I can't stand it anymore, Ganoderma lucidum is very angry now!
"Woooooo... You actually forgot about him in that ghostly place, and you have nothing! You actually forgot about me! Woohoo, I'm not happy, I want to go home!" Lingzhi flattened her mouth aggrieved, To accuse Ye Rumu of forgetting him,

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, and he reminded weakly: "There is something to eat in it. I just looked at it, and it's all gone. It can't be, did it disappear by itself?"

Lingzhi blushed, and said with a cold snort: "I'm so boring, I can only pass the time by eating, you unscrupulous woman, just forget about me, you still don't want to give me something to eat ?"

Ye Rumu had no choice but to become an unscrupulous woman.

"Grandma, I was wrong, how do you want me to make it up to you?" Ye Rumu asked.

"I'll punish you for preparing a lot of delicious food for me!" Lingzhi said proudly.

Ye Rumu looked at Ye Wuqing, pleading in his eyes.

Ye Wuqing smiled unkindly for a long time, when Ye Rumu couldn't bear to stare at her,
(End of this chapter)

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