Chapter 1056 Disagreement
It will only make people look down on me more. I seldom persuade people. You are the first one. Think about it yourself. "Qing Jue said lightly.

I just hope Lingling can understand and don't bother Ye Rumu again.

For the peace of Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, it is worthwhile for Qing Jue to say so many things, but whether he can listen to it or not depends on Ling Ling!
After hearing Qingjue's words, Lingling also asked herself in her heart, does she like Baili Yao?What do you like about Baili Yao?
However, the result made her panic!Because she was confused...

Lingling fell silent, no longer said anything about meeting Baili Yao, turned around and left without saying anything.

After Lingling left, Ye Wuqing walked over from not far behind Qingjue, looked at Qingjue with raised eyebrows, and said, "Listen to them, you are the one who talks the least, but they don't know you well enough. Bar?"

Qing Jue glanced at Ye Wuqing lightly, but did not speak.

"Oh, it's really cold." Regarding Qing Jue's indifferent attitude, Ye Wuqing shrugged indifferently.

"What's the matter?" Qing Jue asked lightly.

He is usually the only one who comes here, and everyone in the Twilight Academy basically knows about it, so Qingjue feels that this may be for him.

Ye Wuqing hesitated for a moment and said, "I heard that you are the person who has been with Rumu the longest?"

Ye Wuqing refers to the person who stayed by Ye Rumu's side for the longest time after Ye Rumu just crossed over, otherwise, she should be the longest one!
Qing Jue raised his eyebrows. He heard that this person was the sister of the former master, and he never talked to Qing Jue from strangers before, so he took the initiative to speak.


"Oh?" Ye Wuqing raised her eyebrows, didn't she?

"Qingxue and Qingxin are the ones who have been with the Lord for the longest time, and I only met the Lord later." Qing Jue explained.

"So that's the case, but then you should have been by Rumu's side for a long time. Rumu these is it going?"

Every time Ye Wuqing asked Ye Rumu how his life was, Ye Rumu would always smile and say it was good, but Ye Wuqing didn't believe it, but so what if he believed it or not?Ye Rumu refused to say, so she could only ask the people around her.

"How are you doing? It's been such a long time. Is there any point in saying how you're doing?" Qing Jue asked indifferently.

Hearing what Qing Jue said, coupled with his attitude, Ye Wuqing suddenly got a little angry!
"I just want to know if Rumu's past is good or not, do you need any meaning?" Ye Wuqing frowned and asked.

"Then what answer do you want to know? The lord has probably told you that she is doing well, so do you have to hear that she is not doing well to be satisfied??" Qing Jue frowned and asked.

Ye Wuqing shook her head and said helplessly: "Of course not, but no matter what happens, Rumu will say it's okay, I just care about her!"

Qing never wanted to argue any more, turned around and left.

Only Ye Wuqing with a bewildered expression was left behind.

Shaking her head, the past is the past after all, she shouldn't have asked!

But... about Ye Rumu, she really cares too much!

This may be caused by being abandoned since childhood, and relying on Ye Rumu since childhood!

Ye Wuqing shook her head, in the future, it is better to ask less or not to ask such questions!

(End of this chapter)

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