Chapter 1057 Back to Hundred Flowers Valley 1
Ye Rumu and Ganoderma lucidum returned to Baihua Valley. When Ganoderma lucidum arrived in Baihuagu, she jumped up and down and ran around. This is her home. She has lived here for such a long time, and she misses her so much after she left.

Seeing Lingzhi's lively appearance, Ye Rumu smiled helplessly.

Because I have been here once, I am familiar with this place, so Ye Rumu went to the backyard by himself, looked at the snow girl fruit on the tree, jumped up and picked one.

After getting the snow girl fruit, Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, thinking about looking for the ganoderma lucidum, the ganoderma lucidum appeared in the backyard by itself.

Ye Rumu looked at Ganoderma lucidum and thought of the bones piled up in the house, so he asked, "Ganoderma lucidum, why are there so many bones piled up here?"

When it comes to this, Lingzhi frowned and explained: "These are people who broke in these years, and I can't get out after breaking in, and I can't do anything about it, so I can only watch helplessly. They died here, but I remember that there were not so many people coming in, but the number of bones is increasing day by day, it’s too evil, I don’t even know what’s going on!”

After all, the enchantment left by her master is not so easy to solve, how could so many people come in?
"Okay, but have you thought about how to deal with it?" So many people are sleeping here, it's creepy to think about it!
Lingzhi shook his head and said: "Not yet, I don't know what to do? Or, wait until the master comes back?"

Ye Rumu didn't want to say that her master would not come back, so they had to go to her and nodded.

After getting the snow girl fruit, Ye Rumu asked Ganoderma lucidum if there was anything else he needed to take. After Lingzhi looked around, he took some things that had accompanied him for many years, and left the rest in Baihuagu.

The snow girl fruit is very fast, so soon the two of them are going to leave Baihua Valley and go back.

But Ganoderma lucidum didn't know what happened, and suddenly ran in one direction!
Ye Rumu frowned, but still chased after Ganoderma lucidum!

The speed of Ganoderma lucidum is very fast, which makes Ye Rumu very depressed. Sure enough, people with high cultivation base can run faster than her, whether it is a human or a beast!

But when he ran to a place, Ye Rumu found that the Ganoderma lucidum was gone!
Ye Rumu looked around in surprise, he obviously saw Ganoderma lucidum running this way, how could it disappear?
Ye Rumu thought, is there any formation or enchantment here?

So, Ye Rumu walked straight ahead, stretched out his hand, and immediately passed through!
Ye Rumu was surprised, and soon she walked in. It turned out that the stone wall in front of her was just a blindfold!

After Ye Rumu walked in, he found that it was a cave, and Ganoderma lucidum was already standing inside waiting.

Ye Rumu stepped forward, looked at Lingzhi and asked, "Lingzhi, what is this place?"

" the place where the master used to come to practice. I didn't know what happened just now, but I suddenly felt the breath of the master and ran over. But why, after running here, I couldn't find the master anymore?" Lingzhi said depressedly.

"Maybe it's just that your master used to come here often, so there are more breaths about your master here. If you really miss your master, how about we stay here for one night tonight?" Ye Rumu asked .

(End of this chapter)

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