Chapter 1061
Ye Rumu was not in a hurry, and let Ye Xiaoye rest.

In the world of cultivating immortals, storage rings are very common, so everyone basically has one. Ye Rumu took out a water bag from her storage ring, opened it and let Ye Xiaoye drink a few sips.

"Mother, Auntie Wuqing! People from Canghai College, people from Canghai College said they liked Twilight Mountain in our college and wanted us to move away..." Ye Xiaoye said hastily.

"What?" Ye Rumu frowned, Canghai College?

If I remember correctly, it is one of the five great colleges!

"Is there any enmity between our academy and Canghai?" Ye Wuqing asked just now, not knowing if anything happened.

Ye Rumu nodded, and said: "During the college competition before, our Twilight Academy squeezed out Canghai, probably because of this incident. They have held the second place all year round, and now they are suddenly eliminated by us alone. The long-time college has passed, and I must be upset in my heart! Finding faults... is actually expected."

Not all academies are so magnanimous, especially those academies that have held high positions for a long time, the most unbearable thing is to lose face.

"Let's not talk about it, let's go and see first, Ye'er, where are the people from Canghai College?" Ye Rumu asked Ye Xiaoye.

"At the gate of the academy, they said they wanted us to move out of the Twilight Academy as soon as they came, and they have taken a fancy to this place." Ye Xiaoye replied.

"Go." Ye Rumu frowned and walked towards the door.

No college can occupy the territory of other colleges, this is the rule!

That's why the Twilight Academy has been able to survive until now, but now this Canghai Academy... did it want to break the rules?
Do not!If Cang Hai forced Twilight to voluntarily offer to give up the academy's territory, then it would be a legitimate thing for Cang Hai to occupy it!

However, although Twilight was able to win the competition, there was no chance of winning against Cang Hai with a large number of people and average strength!

Before Ye Rumu and the others reached the door, they heard the sound of fighting coming from the door!

When Ye Rumu caught up, he saw Muyan fighting with a person wearing the clothes of Canghai Academy. The two were evenly matched, but after a long time, Muyan's physical strength gradually couldn't keep up!

When Ye Rumu was about to go up to help, Qing Jue came. Qing Jue looked at Ye Rumu, shook his head at Ye Rumu, and rushed up by himself!
The opponent is not Qing Jue's opponent, he will be defeated soon!
"What do you mean by Twilight Academy?" Zhang Ping from Canghai Academy asked because he was defeated by Qing Jue, staring at the Twilight Academy viciously.

"We should be the ones asking you about this, right? What do you mean?" Muyan's teeth were chattering. These people are really deceiving people!

And many newcomers to the Twilight Academy are regretting, if they knew why Twilight Academy was added like this!

This Twilight Academy has offended Cang Hai, and I don't know how sad the days will be in the future!
Yuanfa is not afraid of this!

"Our Canghai College has taken a fancy to your feng shui treasure in Twilight College, and wants to discuss with you to change the place for you. Why, I don't understand this? And these are new students, right? Give you a chance, Leave Twilight Academy now, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!" Zhang Ping said bluntly.

The students of Canghai College behind him also booed with disdain for Twilight College.

(End of this chapter)

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