Chapter 1062
The newcomers to the Twilight Academy all looked at each other, and ran towards the door tacitly without even discussing it!
Immediately, Muyan's teeth itched even more with anger!
"You! You! If you leave, don't come back!"

It's a pity that no one pays attention to Muyan, and Muyan is so angry that she wants to go forward to arrest him!

Qing Jue pulled Muyan back, and said calmly: "Those who should go, can't be kept. Besides, do you need to keep such a person?"

Muyan thought about it too, clenched her fists and didn't catch up. Once these people waver, they will be unreliable!Even if they don't succeed today, she won't let them stay in the Twilight Academy any longer!

Seeing that almost all the new disciples were gone, leaving only a few more honest and loyal people, everyone felt a sense of desolation in their hearts.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to freeze, Yuanfa quickly came out to break the ice: "Don't worry, I won't leave even if everyone is gone!"

"I won't go either."

"I'm not leaving either."

"Me too!"

Yuan Fa said that the other disciples who chose to stay also spoke out.

Mu Daoyu looked movedly at the people left behind, as well as Ye Rumu and her friends, they didn't leave, that's great!
"We still have to watch the Twilight Academy go to glory, so naturally we won't leave." Ye Rumu knew what Mu Daoyu and the others were worried about, so he said with a smile, reassuring them.

"Okay! As long as you are here, I won't be afraid of anything, old man!" Mu Daoyu gritted his teeth.

Ye Rumu nodded.

Seeing so many people leaving, Zhang Ping was so happy in his heart!

Now, as long as the Twilight Academy is taken down again, they will be able to do business when they go back!
It's really kind of brothers to entrust him with this job!When I go back, I have to thank my seniors!

Zhang Ping thought happily.

"Hahaha, are there still people in your Twilight Academy? Let me count, one, two, three... Hahaha, there are only so many people in such a big academy, do you have the nerve to occupy such a big place? We Canghai College has already prepared a residence for you in the barren land. I advise you to agree as soon as possible and let Twilight College and Twilight Mountain come out! Hahaha, it’s better than us to do it yourself, isn’t it? Otherwise, when the time comes, Whoever gets hurt and dies is none of our business, it's all your fault!" Zhang Ping laughed wantonly.

What I said was how much I owed and how much I owed!

The faces of the Twilight Academy are not very good.

Badlands?No grass grows in that place!It is not suitable for human life at all!
But now, Canghai College actually wants to drive them to a barren land!
"Desolate land, where are people living!" Yuan Fa frowned and said, seeing that no one else spoke, Yuan Fa was a little puzzled.

"Hahaha, we didn't plan to live with anyone!" Zhang Ping laughed out loud when he heard that. How could there be such a stupid person?
The disciples of the Canghai Academy behind him also laughed wildly!
Everyone's expressions changed. Is this calling them human in disguise?
Muyan gritted her teeth, and whispered: "One day, I will humiliate Canghai Academy like this!"

When Ye Rumu heard it, he shook Muyan's fist, shook his head, and said with a chuckle, "No, Muyan, what's the difference between this and a villain? When the time comes, we should directly flatten Canghai Academy!"

Muyan was taken aback, and looked up at Ye Rumu's face, as if,

(End of this chapter)

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