Chapter 1069
"Oh." Que Yu sneered, "Your Twilight Academy is not like this now? Can you only send a little girl?"

"Hmph, it's enough for me to deal with you all alone!" Lingzhi dared to look down on her when she saw Queyu!What a fight!

"What a big tone! Your Twilight Academy is really rampant! A little girl dares to speak nonsense!" Although Que Yu didn't take the Ganoderma lucidum seriously, he was cautious after all, so he tested the spiritual power of the Ganoderma lucidum. Que Yu became even more disdainful after discovering that Ganoderma lucidum had no spiritual power fluctuations!

He doesn't even have spiritual power, is this looking down on him?

"You Twilight Academy are really more arrogant than each other! A little thing without spiritual power dares to come out!" Que Yu sneered and said bitterly.

"No spiritual power?" Lingzhi blinked, was it her?
"Tch, it's because your spiritual power is too low, you can't see my spiritual power!" Lingzhi said disdainfully, obviously she couldn't see her spiritual power, but she was still looking down on others!
"Haha? Can't see your spiritual power? I am a master of intermediate spiritual power now, the best of the younger generation, and you actually said that my spiritual power is low?" Que Yu laughed back angrily, coldly Staring at Ganoderma lucidum.

Originally, I thought that the little girl was still young and didn't want to do anything to her, but now this contemptuous tone is really annoying!
"I'm just telling the truth, why are you so angry!" Lingzhi frowned, could it be that the juniors today can't understand human speech?

Oh, she is a beast.

OK, that's easy to understand!

"Your current juniors are really difficult to serve, you won't be allowed to tell the truth! Sigh!" Lingzhi shook his head and sighed.

"Junior?" Que Yu's face was a little weird. Think about it, how weird is it for a person who is only seven or eight years old to say "you juniors" to a person in his 20s?
The people from the Canghai Academy behind Queyu couldn't stand it anymore, and said directly: "Senior Brother Queyu, why do you need to talk so much nonsense to her, just throw it out, let's continue to smash the door!"

"That's right, this little girl, we can deal with it with one finger, why do we need to talk so much nonsense?"

"That's right, but I haven't heard that there was such a little girl in the Twilight Academy? Could it be that some force sent her to study in the Twilight Academy?"

"Senior Brother Queyu, this little girl's tone is so loud, maybe she has some identity, why don't you ask who it belongs to first?" Someone suggested, you know, not everyone can afford to mess with Canghai Academy!

Que Yu thinks about it, and thinks it is true. Generally, only those powerful young masters and young ladies in the family will look above the top. If this person is hurt, I don't know what the consequences will be!

"Whose family do you belong to?" Que Yu asked, thinking.

"Whose family I belong to is none of your business! Do you still want to fight!" Lingzhi waved his hand impatiently, why not ask who it belongs to?She is from Mimeng Immortal's family, will she scare these people to death?

Que Yu's expression changed, thinking about how he spoke in such a good manner, no one had ever disobeyed him like this!
"Hmph, don't ask, you can't find anything if you ask! Come on, catch this damn girl!" Que Yu gave an order, and everyone rushed up immediately.

Seeing the crowd rushing up, Lingzhi snorted coldly, without any look of fear in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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