Chapter 1070
When everyone rushed up, Lingzhi waved his hands!A burst of powerful spiritual power sent everyone in Canghai Academy flying!

And everyone has not realized what happened!

The people of Canghai College fell to the ground gloriously before they knew what happened, and immediately looked at each other in dismay.

"Who is it! Who is playing tricks, get out of here!" Que Yu shouted to the surroundings as soon as she stood up.

After what Queyu said, the people from Canghai College also stood up and carefully looked around to see if there was any movement.

Lingzhi frowned, what are these people talking about?

"Who is pretending to be a ghost?" Lingzhi was puzzled.

Que Yu and the others ignored her, Que Yu sneered and said, "Send a six or seven-year-old girl out as a cover, and hide behind her back to attack people. Seeing how strong her spiritual power is, it should be you, right? Twilight Dean of the academy, Mu Daoyu?"

Ganoderma lucidum: "..."

People from Twilight Academy: "..."

Because there is only one door, the people inside can hear what the people outside said. After hearing what Que Yu said, the people inside all looked a little strange.

"This magpie feather, is it too much inner drama?" Ye Wuqing pulled her lips and asked.

Ye Rumu shook his head, and said, "No, Que Yu can't admit it, he can't even beat a little girl!"

"Ahem, Ganoderma lucidum... is it really a little girl?" The corners of Ye Wuqing's lips twitched. She has lived for countless centuries!
Ye Rumu smiled without saying a word, everyone knows if she is a little girl or not!

Que Yu and the people from Canghai College looked around warily and shouted for a long time, but no one came out.

Que Yu frowned, "I didn't expect the dean of Twilight Academy to be a coward! Anyway, if you don't come out today, I will kill this little girl!"

Magpie Feather threatened.

However, no one paid any attention to him.

Muyan didn't know about Ganoderma lucidum's deep concern and asked: "Sister Rumu, is there anything wrong with it? What if that magpie feather is against Lingzhi..."

"It's okay, Que Yu doesn't have this ability yet, even if his master comes, there's nothing he can do with Ganoderma lucidum." Ye Rumu said.

In fact, it is normal to doubt the ability of Ganoderma lucidum. After all, Lingzhi seems too harmless. The people who came to Canghai Academy looked down on Lingzhi last time. They didn’t want to bully them.

"So powerful! Is it true or not?" Muyan was still a little worried.

Ye Rumu smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you guys? Ganoderma lucidum is a spirit beast that transforms into a human form. It can transform into a human form. It is basically invincible among juniors. What's more, Ganoderma lucidum has lived for such a long time." .”

Muyan had no choice but to nod, in fact, it's not her fault for being suspicious, because Ganoderma lucidum looks so harmless!
Anyone who reads it will feel that she is just a little girl with no strength to restrain her chicken!
Outside the gate, Queyu Zhang Ping and the people from Canghai College were still observing the surroundings vigilantly. Then, Queyu and others had already regarded the non-existing Mu Daoyu as a shrinking turtle!
"What a shrinking tortoise, what Dean Mu Daoyu, the dean is not here now!" Lingzhi couldn't stand it anymore, a group of big men are so long-winded?
"Not here? Who are you lying to? With the profound spiritual power just now, it must be Mu Daoyu! Among the younger generation, how can anyone use such unfathomable spiritual power?" Zhang Ping retorted.

Unfathomable, yes!unfathomable,
(End of this chapter)

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