Chapter 1072
Because of the presence of Ganoderma lucidum, Twilight Academy is temporarily saved!
"But... I heard that there is still an old ancestor in Canghai College! That old ancestor is also a master of the Holy Spirit stage, but I heard that his life is not long, and he is working hard to break through the Holy Spirit and want to reach the gods. In the fairy world, break through reincarnation and live forever!" Mu San said.

"Isn't it the Holy Spirit? It wasn't rare at all back then, but because the world of cultivating immortals was killed a long time ago, many masters of the Holy Spirit died in that battle. Even the Twilight Academy was basically wiped out. Since that battle, there have been very few holy spirits in the world of cultivating immortals." Lingzhi said indifferently, but at that time, she was already in the realm of the holy spirit, and now she is still trapped in the holy spirit.

"Senior Ganoderma lucidum seems to be very familiar with what happened at that time. I wonder if senior can tell me what the situation was like back then? Who is the enemy that the world of cultivating immortals can join forces to deal with? And who is it? The entire army of the Optical Academy was annihilated, and the holy spirit masters in the entire world of cultivating immortals were basically wiped out?" Mu Yan asked curiously, everyone only knew about that battle, but except for those who had experienced it, they didn't even know who they were fighting with at that time!

Those who survived were unwilling to mention it again!
Ganoderma lucidum shook his head and said, "I can't say that. It was an agreement made by those who survived the battle. In fact, Dean Mu Daoyu was there at the time. After all these years, he didn't say a word, right?"

Mu Yan nodded, indeed, after asking countless times, Mu Daoyu didn't say a word.

"What's the secret in it, why can't you tell it?" Mu Yan asked persistently, but in fact, other people were equally curious.

"I think it's nothing. However, this is a matter of the survival of the world of cultivating immortals, and I dare not talk nonsense." Lingzhi shrugged helplessly and said.

"So serious?" Hearing that it was so serious, Muyan's curiosity became much less.

The curiosity of others was also put away.

"How many people survived back then? Can they really keep this secret?" Ye Rumu asked curiously, raising his eyebrows.

"Not many survived, but almost all the masters in the Holy Spirit Realm who are still alive today, because in the past few thousand years, few people have reached the Holy Spirit Realm. As for whether they have kept their promises, they should have kept it. After all, the world of cultivating immortals has been safe and sound for thousands of years, and it is probably because they are also afraid of what happened thousands of years ago!" People who have reached the realm of the Holy Spirit will trigger heaven and earth visions when they are promoted, so there have been several times. Ganoderma lucidum knows all about the visions of heaven and earth.

Hearing that no one else has been promoted once in thousands of years, Ye Rumu is a little confused, how long will it take her to be promoted to God?
This is likely to be, indefinitely!

"Ganoderma lucidum, you have been with Senior Mimeng for the longest time. Do you know how long it took Senior Mimeng to cultivate from scratch to go to the fairy world? And that senior Dongfang Lingyue." Ye Rumu thought of these two people Both came from Tianyu, and now they both went to the fairyland smoothly, so I want to know about their situation, but Ye Rumu also knows that maybe everyone's talents are different!
"Master... It took about 3000 years, but the master was looking for his sister at the time, so he spent more time inquiring about finding someone."

(End of this chapter)

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