Chapter 1073 Promise to help 1
"As for Dongfang Lingyue... this, according to the time she came from Tianyu, it took a total of more than 5000 years before she left. However, Dongfang Lingyue is waiting for someone, so she has been suppressing her cultivation, so she can't tell When did it reach the gods?" Lingzhi shook his head and said.

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched. It would take thousands of years for this to happen. Would it be so scary...

Ye Wuqing was completely frightened!

Thousands of years!

The consciousness that human beings can only live to a maximum of one hundred years has not been replaced in Ye Wuqing's mind. Hearing this, isn't it scary!
"Thousands of years... can we live for such a long time?" Ye Wuqing asked curiously.

"How long you can live is linked to the realm you have cultivated. Therefore, the higher the realm, the longer you can live. Otherwise, there would not be so many people who would start to retreat and practice as soon as they reached the limit, in order to be able to live. Longer time!" Mu Yan explained.

"So it's like this... That is to say, as long as I keep practicing, I can live forever?" Ye Wuqing said half understanding.

"It's not like that." Mu Yan shook her head, if she could live as long as she practiced, then no one would die!

"How is that calculated?" Ye Wuqing asked as if asking for advice.

"For example, the lifespan of high-level spiritual power is 3000 years. When it reaches 3000 years, you are still high-level spiritual power. If you have no way to advance to the ultimate spiritual power, then... it is the limit." Muyan thought for a while and explained road.

Ye Wuqing suddenly realized that it turned out to be like this!
"Then I have to seize the time to practice!" Ye Wuqing looked at everyone, only her spiritual power is the lowest at present, she must work hard!
"Don't worry, we still have a long, long time to cultivate, don't be impatient, or you may go crazy!" Muyan said seriously, the current Muyan, on the contrary, looks like a mentor !

Ye Rumu also smiled and comforted: "That's right, Wuqing, don't worry, you will catch up with us soon."

Knowing Ye Wuqing, Ye Rumu knew that the current Ye Wuqing must be because her spiritual power was too low, so she wanted to catch up with them without delay.

After hearing what the two said, Ye Wuqing nodded seriously, "Okay!"

"Well... the spiritual power in the world of cultivating immortals also became thinner after that disaster, so it may be more difficult to cultivate later! I haven't been out of Baihua Valley for a long time. When I came out, I felt that there was really no spiritual power outside. It’s as thick as before.” Lingzhi sighed, in the past, the spiritual power was thicker and thicker, but now... Ganoderma lucidum feels that it can only feel the existence of spiritual power!

Hearing the disaster thousands of years ago mentioned many times, Ye Rumu was not curious at first, but now he is curious, what happened that time?
What happened again?Can make everyone silent!
But Ye Rumu knew that Ganoderma lucidum couldn't tell, and Mu Daoyu couldn't tell either, so he didn't ask, maybe, he would know later!
"I don't know what's going on with Master." Muyan said sadly, and I don't know if the college management committee is reliable or not!
"Don't worry, the dean's current state can't be bullied by anyone who wants to bully." Ye Rumu comforted.

However, Lingzhi pouted,
(End of this chapter)

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