Chapter 1119 The Secret Realm Opens 31
"Indeed, I didn't say you can't wear a rope. I don't think Twilight Academy did anything wrong. What do you think?" Ximen Lin, who hadn't spoken since she sat down, suddenly spoke, with a playful tone in her tone.

This woman is very interesting, but it's a pity that she is already someone else's wife!
Ye Rumu didn't expect that Ximenlin would help them again, so he immediately looked up at Ximenlin, his eyes met for a moment!

But soon, Ye Rumu looked away and stopped looking at the man.

The man didn't mind either, he played with a jade pendant in his hand with a light smile.

Neither Shang Zhen nor Cang Ming made a sound this time, they just wanted to see how Ye Rumu would deal with it?The judges immediately discussed in whispers, and finally decided unanimously that the Twilight Academy did not violate the rules, because there was no such thing in the rules, and the secret realm of Senior Dongfang Lingyue was a resource left by Senior Dongfang for future generations. You can't set any more rules to restrain the younger generation. These rules were set by the Dongfang Lingyue senior before he left!

Shangguan Mu gritted his teeth, he really saw a ghost!For so many years, everyone has been fighting with bare hands, without wearing anything on their bodies. Fortunately, Ye Rumu is the first person to break the rules, and he is still fine!
However, more people are thinking that with the precedent set by Ye Rumu, the competition before the opening of the secret realm in the future will not be easy!

Of course, this is only limited to the secret realm of Senior Dongfang Lingyue.

Ye Rumu hooked his lips, watching the last bit of incense burnt out.

They successfully stayed ten people!
Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao with a smile, and Baili Yao turned around and gave Ye Rumu a more evil smile.

Anyway, this time, they stayed!
After the melee is over, you can rest for three days. This is also the time for everyone to find out their opponents, so the competition looks more interesting!
After the melee where you can't bring weapons, when it comes to individual competitions, you have to bring weapons!

Moreover, the opponents are all determined by lottery!

I just hope that the chances of bumping into someone from the Twilight Academy will decrease!
Otherwise, if two people from the Twilight Academy fight against each other, one of them must be discarded!

That night, everyone gathered together. At this time, everyone seemed to regard Ye Rumu as the leader, and were waiting for Ye Rumu's instructions and reminders.

"No matter who is drawn next, don't panic! This time, you can bring a weapon. If you really can't do it, you should admit defeat early to avoid serious injuries! Remember, don't overestimate yourself, otherwise, you will lose. It doesn't matter, but you still have to scar yourself, this is asking for trouble!"

What Ye Rumu said made sense. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they gave up when they couldn't beat them. Wasn't it because they were afraid that others would look down on them?

"I know you are not convinced in your heart, but let me bluntly say that you are much better than you. On the test stage, there is no mercy, the sword has no eyes, and winning or losing becomes less important. Don't be brave. There is, everything depends on luck." Ye Rumu squinted his eyes, whether he can succeed or not is also related to the result of the lottery, which is luck!

"Sister Rumu, I'll listen to you!" Muyan knew that Ye Rumu was afraid that they would get hurt, so she said this.

Ye Rumu curled his lips, "I didn't mean to ask you to listen to me.

(End of this chapter)

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