Chapter 1120 The Secret Realm Opens 32
Of course, what I said is that if you meet someone who is really not good, just give up!If you give up when you meet an opponent who you think you can fight, I will look down on you! "

"Sister Rumu, we know your painstaking efforts!" Muyan said again.

"My lord, don't worry, I will definitely do my best!" Qing Ran showed a sweet smile, the once immature boy has now grown into a gentle and jade-like boy.

"Yeah." Ye Rumu smiled and nodded.

After the conversation was over, the crowd dispersed.

"It hasn't even started yet, so I'm trying to persuade them to give up when they encounter a strong enemy. Wouldn't that be bad?"

Ye Rumu leaned comfortably in Baili Yao's arms, slightly doubting whether what she did was wrong?

"You are doing it for their own good, but you will inevitably get injured in a fight, so don't worry too much. Besides, if you are not injured, how can you grow up?" Baili Yao was a little jealous as he said this. other people!Why don't you think about him more!

After all, they were old couples, and Ye Rumu could not help laughing when he heard the dissatisfaction in Baili Yao's tone.

Old husband and wife... Thinking of this metaphor, they blushed slightly.

Baili Yao took a breath in her ear, "What are you thinking?"

Ye Rumu shook her head, she was determined not to say what she was thinking just now!

"I didn't think of anything."

"Really?" Baili Yao narrowed his eyes, his eyes deepened, he hugged the person in his arms, turned around, and pecked her punishingly, "Can you say it?"

Ye Rumu blushed and her heart beat immediately, she knew that Baili Yao would not let her go no matter whether she said it or not, so naturally she didn't say anything.

She knows Baili Yao too well!

However, what happened later made Ye Rumu groan and feel that she still didn't understand Baili Yao enough!

Baili Yao's big hand was free on her body, rubbing against her somewhere, but he was hesitant to make the next move.

Ye Rumu's whole body became hot, and the pain in his face rushed straight into his mind.

However, Ye Rumu didn't beg for mercy, but looked at Baili Yao with a successful smile.

She knew that Baili Yao would not be able to bear it.

Because as soon as Baili Yao touched her, he would lose his patience!

In the past, Baili Yao had never been so bad, but this time... it opened Ye Rumu's eyes!
However, she can't help but wait for Baili Yao!
"Mu'er, don't embarrass yourself." Baili Yao pecked her on the face, his tone tinged with some kind of lust.

"It's you making things difficult for me." Ye Rumu blinked, complaining a little bit aggrieved.

Looking at Ye Rumu's shining eyes, Baili Yao almost couldn't help it!
"Mu'er, you are really a tormenting fairy." Baili Yao leaned into her ear and said softly.

"Really? But I are the one?" Ye Rumu was in a good mood, it didn't matter if she was naked or not, but she didn't believe that Baili Yao would be able to bear it!
Sure enough, Baili Yao couldn't bear it anymore!Bumped/slammed into it hard!

"Hmm..." Ye Rumu was unprepared for a while, and couldn't help humming.

"Mu'er, this is your... Heat mine..." Baili Yao leaned against her ear and said softly.

Ye Rumu immediately complained, but what should she say, that she was thinking about the fact that they are already an old couple?
But next, even if there is something to say, Baili Yao won't give her this chance!

Three days passed quickly, and this day happened to be the day of the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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