Chapter 1189 Aroma Source 9
Li Yuan looked at Li Mei, "Okay, Mei, you can send them in!"

Li Mei nodded, "Close your eyes, let your mind go, don't think about anything, I'll send you to the dreamland of Mengbaihua."

Ye Rumu, and Baili Yao, Qing Jue, closed their eyes, and did what Li Mei asked, and suddenly felt their bodies were light and floating, as if they were suspended in the air!
Floating in the air with eyes closed, people always feel extremely insecure, and the feeling that there is only one person around, and there is no one around... makes people...

Fortunately, this process is very short, in just a few seconds, everyone can open their eyes!
After entering, the three of them stood together. However, not only the three of them, the beast unexpectedly ran in without knowing when...

"Beast?" Ye Rumu looked at the beast, can the beast come in?

"Hmph! I can enter all dreams, this little dreamy flower, and it's not the first time!" Beast said arrogantly, dare to look at him with a smile?
"So that's the case, that beast is really powerful." Ye Rumu praised with a smile.

"Of course! I'm the best!" Beast smiled, revealing a mouthful of small white teeth.

Ye Rumu rubbed his chin, does this mean that you are fat and you are panting?
The next moment, Li Yuan and Li Mei also appeared in front of the three of them.

"What to do next?" Ye Rumu asked.

"Master, just wait." Li Yuan looked at the place and felt it, and said, "There are memory fragments here, and there will be a picture later."

Sure enough, just after Li Yuan's voice fell, two people appeared in front of him. The two walked very close. Just by looking at them from a distance, one could tell that their relationship was very good!
"Xianmi, here is the secret base I prepared for you, do you like it?" Kechen looked at the sea of ​​flowers around him and asked Xianmi with a smile.

Xian Mi nodded, smiling with happiness on her face, "Of course I like it, as long as it is anything Kechen you prepare for me, I like everything!"

Kechen also smiled with happiness on his face.

"Xianmi, Kechen..." Ye Rumu read these two names, then looked at Qingjue, and found that Qingjue was staring at Xianmi and Kechen who were still walking over there without blinking, what a pity Yes, it's just some memory fragments.

"Qing Jue, are you alright?" Ye Rumu asked worriedly.

Qing Jue shook his head, "It's fine."

As soon as Qing Jue finished speaking, the screen in front of him disappeared!

When I came in just now, there was a sea of ​​flowers, but now the sea of ​​flowers has disappeared, leaving only blank space!
Then, an exquisite and gorgeous bedroom appeared. Xian Mi walked around in the bedroom, patted the door from time to time, wanted to go out, but couldn't get out...

"Father, mother, just let me out! I still have things to do."

In the end, Xian Mi might not be able to sit still anymore, so he got up and knocked on the door vigorously.

"Xian Mi, neither father nor mother want you to marry that little Shangxian Kechen, you listen to your mother and marry Shangshen Moli!"

Outside the house, the voice should be Xian Mi's mother.

After hearing this, Xian Mi sat down on the chair in frustration, closed her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking.

As soon as the screen turned, I saw Kechen walking anxiously around the sea of ​​flowers he had prepared for Xianmi,

(End of this chapter)

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