Chapter 1190 Aroma Source 10
He should be waiting for Xianmi!

However, Kechen didn't wait for Xianmi, but a man!
Because people in the fairy world don't age or die, Kechen didn't recognize that this was Xian Mi's father, and the others didn't recognize him either.

As for Xianmi's father, as soon as he walked in front of Kechen, he looked him up and down, and finally shook his head. Obviously, he was not satisfied with Kechen!

"Are you Kechen the Immortal?" Xianmi's father looked down on Kechen from the bottom of his heart, even the onlookers could see the disgust of Xianmi's father, let alone Kechen in the picture!
But Kechen didn't get angry, but nodded with a good temper, "It's me, please ask this God, but what's the matter?"

"Ben Shangshen is the father of Xian Mi, so let's put it this way, Ben Shang Shen is very opposed to the matter between you and Xian Mi, I hope you can stay away from Xian Mi!"

Kechen frowned, opened his mouth, sighed softly, and said softly: "God, junior can ask, why? Why don't you agree with junior and Xianmi?"

"You are nothing more than an upper immortal! You are not even an inferior god! A fairy like my Xianmi is more than enough to marry an upper god!" Xianmi's father said coldly and ironically.

Kechen choked for breath, "Shangshen... this junior and Xian Mi really love each other!"

"True love? What's the use of true love? Can you give Xianmi all the best things? You can't, can you? You can't give Xianmi all the best, why do you want to occupy Xianmy? Boy, Ben Shangshen told you that Xianmi has been promised to God Mo Li, you should disappear from Xianmi's sight as soon as possible! Hmph!" After finishing speaking with a cold snort, Xianmi's father left directly.

Only Kechen, who was devastated, was left, and he had already given Lian Li a god?

After the screen arrives here, it disappears.

"Shangshen Moli? It turned out that it was said that Molishangshen was going to get married, so it was a mystery of marrying an immortal?" Beast suddenly said.

The picture in front of them had disappeared, and everyone's attention immediately returned to Beast, "Beast, do you even know about this?"

"Hmph, what is this? Of course I know! No, this matter is known to everyone, and it's not surprising that I know it?"

"Then what happened afterwards?" Qing Jue's cold voice interrupted.

"What happened later?" Beast looked at Qing Jue confusedly.

"Later, did Xianmi marry Mo Li Shangshen?" Qing had no idea how he felt in his heart, it seemed to be hope that Xian Mi did not marry Li Li in the end!

"Of course not! Then Xianmi disappeared, and I don't know what happened after that!" Beast scratched his head. He also wanted to know what happened later!

"Why are there so few memory fragments? I don't even know what happened later?" Li Yuan murmured.

"I've checked the surroundings, and there are no more memory fragments." Li Mei said.

"Then we're going out?" Ye Rumu frowned. Although he didn't quite understand, he knew from Li Yuan's words that something was wrong.

"Well, I'll take you out." Li Mei said, and sent Ye Rumu and the others out.

After leaving the dream, the three of them opened their eyes and returned to the original place.

"What... what to do?" Ye Rumu looked at the two people lying in the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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