Chapter 1191 Aroma Source 11
"If you are really the reincarnation of Xianmi and Kechen, then you must take these two bodies away! Afterwards, your mortal bodies will disappear!" Li Yuan said seriously.

"What? Take it away?" Ye Rumu's eyes widened, looking at the two bodies, he suddenly lost all words.

"Yes, take it away." Li Yuan nodded affirmatively, that is, take it away!
Ye Rumu was silent for a while, and finally nodded, it's for the sake of clearing it up!

"Okay, I can take it away." Ye Rumu said, and under Li Yuan's guidance, he brought the bodies of Xianmi and Kechen into the ring space.

As soon as it was put in, Cheng Qizhu ran out with a dark face, "What do you think my ring space is? Why did you throw everything away?"

Throwing some flowers and plants is fine, but now I have to make an inch... put... put the corpse...

Ye Rumu blinked, and finally had to talk to Cheng Qizhu in order to ask Cheng Qizhu's consent.

"Oh, okay, anyway, my ring has a lot of space, so I agree with you to find a place to put it away!" Cheng Qizhu waved his hand, and then disappeared.

Even if this matter is solved like this.

"Should I tell Cang Yuan what happened here?" Ye Rumu asked.

Baili Yao shook his head, "It's better not to tell Cang Yuan yet, Qing Jue, what do you think? The decision is in your hands. We won't talk nonsense about this matter."

Ye Rumu nodded approvingly, "From the moment Cang Yuan appeared, I knew you were different, as expected..."

Ye Rumu couldn't explain how this feeling came about, anyway, it was just like this feeling...

Qing Jue nodded, "Don't tell Cang Yuan about this, I'm worried..."

"Well, okay, then do it according to your wishes." Ye Rumu nodded in agreement.

"It's time for us to leave, don't let the dean wait too long." Baili Yao reminded.

"Well, it's time to leave, and the secret realm will be closed soon, let's go, meet the dean and the others." Ye Rumu said, and walked ahead.

It can be said that this trip to the secret realm has been a good harvest, but the spiritual power has not improved a bit, because although the spiritual energy in the secret realm is much richer than that outside, but... I have been busy running around during this period, and I have not practiced well. How can spiritual power be improved?

"Although the aura is high in the secret realm, under the temptation of various treasures, the aura becomes worthless." Baili Yao took a deep breath of the rich spiritual energy, but felt that it was not as comfortable as imagined.

"Yeah, everyone is looking for their own opportunities. Spiritual energy is everywhere, so why would they stop to practice? In fact, I think the greatest opportunity is to be able to practice here?" Ye Rumu She sighed, but unfortunately, she realized it too late.

"Mu'er, although I think so as a husband, but if we just practice in a proper manner as soon as we come in, how can we encounter Liyuan and Limei? We won't find out the secret about Qingjue." Baili Yao held Ye Rumu's hand, they already knew a little about Qing Jue and Cang Yuan's previous life, so what about him and Mu'er's previous life?What kind of feeling would it be?So strong that we will be together for life and life!
"You are right,

(End of this chapter)

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